Warning: May contain spoilers for Blade #1!
Blade Enters his new R-rated era by forging his bloodiest weapon yet. In the wake of the recently found Blood dogBlade retreated to an island to reassess his life. However, it was not long before that Blade begins to create a new weapon with which he will unleash his pent-up fury. Bloodshed is coming to the Marvel Universe, as seen in a preview for Blade #1.
Blade first appeared in Tomb of Dracula #10, created by Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan.
Blade #1 was written by Bryan Hill and drawn by CF Villa. On the island of Lupui, in Southeast Asia, Blade lives a simple life. He makes a living hunting and fishing, but deep down he is still troubled by his possession by Varnae during Blood dog. Blade travels to a nearby village, purchasing some steel. Blade begins to melt the steel, ready to forge a new weapon.
Blade subjects himself to immense physical and mental torture while creating the weapon, feeling it necessary to purge himself of the anguish he is feeling.
The last year has not been king to blade
And Blood dog Just made life worse for Blade
The preview ends there, leaving fans waiting to see Blade unleash his newest and most powerful weapon to date—the same weapon that will usher in a new era for Marvel's premiere vampire hunter. After a career of fighting the undead, Blade was possessed by Varnae, the first vampire. Under the influence of Varnae, Blade leads a vampire army against Earth, killing many people, as seen in Blood dog. While Blade's fellow heroes are able to free him and stop the invasion, there are consequences. Blade, ashamed of what he had done, began to relax.
Blade can attack with a fervor never seen before, eager to take revenge on those who own and exploit him.
like Seen in the preview for Blade #1, the daywalker finds himself drawn back into the fray, but after his experiences with Varnae in Blood dogBlade could very well ramp up his quest against the undead. Blade can attack with a fervor never seen before, eager to take revenge on those who own and exploit him. The events of Blood dog Impacted Blade's burgeoning relationship with his daughter Brielle, adding another layer to Blade's anger. Still blade could find still Blood dogIt's not that simple, as vampires can now go in the day.
Blade's new weapon could help him find himself again
Blade is about to unleash righteous fury on the Marvel Universe
While Blade sorts out his new direction, he will have a very powerful weapon to help him take revenge on the world. Although Blade's new weapon is not seen in this issue, its presence is already felt. Blade is not in a good place when the preview opens: his mental health is buckling under the guilt and shame he feels after Varnae defiled him. His new weapon, whatever it may be, will be a way for Blade to find his focus again. As seen in the preview, he is using pain and suffering to regain what he lost.
Blade's new weapon also uses a new set of comics: "red band editions." Marvel experimented with the during Blood dog. Red band issues are more violent and explicit than regular issues. This is perfect for Blade, who doesn't hesitate to use brutal force against vampires. The cover of issue one gives readers a taste of what to expect, showing Blade slicing a vampire's head in two with a sword. blade s The first movie was R-rated, and it worked beautifully—and now, 26 years later, Marvel is finally letting him loose in a new Red Band edition.
Blade #1 is on sale October 9th from Marvel Comics!