Black Ops 6 Zombies, Ranked

Black Ops 6 Zombies, Ranked

A limited number of perks can be obtained from Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies to give passive bonuses to use during rounds against enemy hordes. In exchange for Essence, the currency obtained from killing zombies, you can accumulate different buffs on your Operator. As the rounds become more dangerous with stronger undead, it's good to know which perks are best to get.

There is a total of eight advantages you can receive as boosts during a match in Zombies mode. These are obtained by spending Essence at Perk-A-Cola in CoD: Black Ops 6which are small consumables that you can drink to get its effects. By conducting research on these items, you can unlock major and minor augmentation upgrades for them, providing additional benefits to their effects.


Elementary Pop

Gain random chunks of extra damage

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Elemental Pop Perk



Elementary Pop

Each bullet you fire has a small chance of applying a random Ammo Mod effect.

Type of increase

Increase 1

Increase 2

Increase 3

Minor Increases

Chilled berry - Chill Berry - Reduces all Mod Ammo cooldowns.

Pineapple Explosion - Chance to activate random Ammo Mod when using equipment.

Vulnear Beans - Increases enemy elemental weakness damage.

Big Increases

Citrus Focus - Elemental Pop only triggers an existing ammo Mod.

Electric Cherry - Creates an electrical discharge that damages and stuns enemies with extra damage for an empty magazine.

Peach in danger - Triggers random Ammo Mods when an enemy hits you.

THE Elementary Pop perk gives you a random chance to deal elemental damage with your shots to zombies. While you can't predict which elements this perk will activate, taking more damage from fire or ice bullets will always be something you want to have on hand. If you use an SMG or Assault Rifle on CoD: Black Ops 6you will have a better chance of triggering this perk when firing more bullets than a sniper or sniper rifle.

Additional ammo mod boosts synergize well with this perk, even if you can't plan what elemental damage is sometimes added to your bullets. You can stack these effects, so don't be afraid to spend Essence on an Arsenal Machine to make a build that focuses on elemental effects.


Melee Macchiato

Make your attacks stronger



Melee Macchiato

Replace the gun butt with a deadly punch that sends enemies flying.

Type of increase

Increase 1

Increase 2

Increase 3

Minor Increases

Hidden impact - Refills a portion of your weapon's ammo on a melee kill.

Stay and move - Increases recoil speed after a melee attack.

strength training - One hit can kill normal enemies for longer.

Big Increases

Espresso - Increases melee attack speed.

Triple Shot - Hits multiple enemies at the same time.

Vampire Extraction - Heal HP in melee attacks.

THE Melee Macchiato The perk increases melee damage, causing you to knock zombies down instead of just stunning them for a short period of time. Typically, using a melee attack will only do minor damage to a zombie, especially the higher level variants that start to appear in later rounds. This perk makes melee combat useful again, allowing you to conserve your weapon's ammo when it runs low.

When used alone, this perk can be great for taking out smaller zombies when you run out of ammo. However, the perk effect also works great to repel Elite zombies to give you or your squad some much-needed space. When used in conjunction with a built-in strong shotgun CoD: Black Ops 6you can blast zombies up close before unleashing the Melee Macchiato punch to inflict a devastating combo on your enemies.



Scroll through maps with ease

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Stamin-Up Perk




Increase movement speed.

Type of increase

Increase 1

Increase 2

Increase 3

Minor Increases

Hard target - Reduced projectile damage while sprinting.

Hot Foot - Increased speed when your equipment kills an enemy.

Quarterback - Use equipment while TAC runs.

Big Increases

Dasher - Increases the duration of the TAC Sprint.

Free Faller - Immune to fall damage.

Stalker - Walk faster while aiming.

Mobility can mean the difference between life and death in Zombies, so Resistance It's a benefit you should take advantage of whenever you can. This benefit not only increases your movement speed, but also allows you to get where you need to go much faster. Simple and effective, this benefit is consistent enough to be used in any situation with CoD: Black Ops 6New omnidirectional motion features.

The new characteristics of the movement CoD: Black Ops 6 are extensive, so you might want to head to the Training Area at least once before a Zombies match to learn how they can be used frequently.


Quick glue

Get ready much faster

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Speed ​​Cola Perk



Quick glue

Increases reload speed and armor replacement bonus by 30%.

Type of increase

Increase 1

Increase 2

Increase 3

Minor Increases

Fast pitcher - Deploy equipment faster.

Fast Roulette - The Mystery Box works faster.

Quick change - Change weapons faster.

Big Increases

Classic Formula - Increases reload speed.

Overloaded - Field upgrades charge faster.

Phantom Recharge - Slowly refills weapon magazines over time.

Not to be confused with Stamin-Up, Quick glue is another utility benefit that affects your character's speed. This perk provides the means to reload faster and apply armor quickly during intense circumstances. One of the most challenging aspects of Zombies mode is how you sometimes run out of ammo at the worst moment and don't have enough time to reload your weapon to fend off an enemy horde.

As you prepare in CoD: Black Ops 6 Zombies for additional rounds, sometimes it takes a long time to put on armor. With this perk, you can always ensure your operator is protected before the zombies start appearing again. Reloading any weapons you have and equipping any armor at your disposal quickly frees up your preparation time to perform other tasks before fighting the undead once again.


Gunslinger Daiquiri

Make single targets fall quickly

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Deadshot Daiquiri Zombies Perk



Gunslinger Daiquiri

Aim down moves to a critical enemy location. Increases enemy critical damage.

Type of increase

Increase 1

Increase 2

Increase 3

Minor Increases

Deadly Pause - Increases damage to armor pieces.

Dead Draw - Reduces the spread of fire in the hip.

Dead set - Reduces weapon movement during movement.

Big Increases

Dead again - Chance to add bullet to magazine with each critical hit.

Dead first - Doubles critical damage to enemies with full health.

Dead Head - Increases critical damage.

THE Gunslinger Daiquiri Advantage Automatically points where you shoot when you zoom out with specific weapons. This may include certain sniper rifles and sniper rifles in the game, but some other weapons are incorporated CoD: Black Ops 6 could also use this effect. This should help you target the most vulnerable parts of zombies, even those from high-tier variants like the Amalgam or Abomination.

When looking for a specific perk, try to find the spawn point of a Perk-A-Cola machine on one of the two maps. Between Terminus and Liberty Falls, each Perk-A-Cola can be found in specific locations within each region.

When you point your weapon at the enemy's weak points, you also deal increased critical damage when this benefit is active. Try using this perk when there are high priority targets on the battlefield, such as the previously mentioned augmented zombie variants. When combined with a damaging weapon like a sniper rifle, this perk can help you eliminate the deadliest enemies in just a few shots.


Rapid revival

Put your allies back into action



Rapid revival

Reduce health regeneration delay time by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.

Type of increase

Increase 1

Increase 2

Increase 3

Minor Increases

Karmic Return - Heals you when you revive an ally.

Slow Death - Increases the last waiting time.

Fast Recovery - Increases the movement speed of you and your ally when that ally is revived.

Big Increases

EMT - Revived allies retain their perks.

Equivalent exchange - There is no quick revive, but you automatically revive when you kill an enemy while downed three times per match.

I wish to die - No quick revive, leaves you with 1 HP instead of dying.

THE Rapid revival The perk helps you stay alive longer, making it a useful perk no matter what round you are in Zombies. When playing with other people, it can sometimes be a risk to take a while to revive them when they get knocked down. With Quick Revive, bringing back a teammate is much less risky, as you can get them up faster to prevent enemies from getting close to both of your Operators.

As you can see in the video above from the YouTube creator MrRoflWafflesThe Quick Revive Perk reduces the health regeneration delay from six to three seconds. This can be a tremendous bonus in the right situations, allowing you to recover quickly while staying out of harm's way.



Boost your health to last longer




Increase maximum health by 100.

Type of increase

Increase 1

Increase 2

Increase 3

Minor Increases

Durable boards - Increased armor durability.

Hardened Plates - Increased armor protection.

Retaliation - Deal extra damage when low on HP.

Big Increases

Probiotic - Increases maximum HP.

Reactive Armor - Stuns the enemy when the armor breaks.

Turtle shell - Armor absorbs all damage from behind, but not from the front.

Another big plus for survivability is Jugger-Nogwhich simply increases your maximum health. Although very simple, this benefit is extremely valuable in every scenario you can imagine during a round of CoD: Black Ops 6 Zombies. Having more health allows you to take more damage from enemy attacks while trying to escape hordes that have grown larger than you can handle.

Any allies with higher health can also use more tools as they stay alive for a while longer. For example, using the Jugger-Nog gives you time to activate a Field Upgrade or even another Perk-A-Cola in CoD: Black Ops 6 Zombies to accumulate various effects. According to the video above from the YouTube creator Supercali8other items like Gobblegums or Real Juice are more likely to be used when Jugger-Nog is active.


Flopper PhD

Gain resistance to desperate solutions

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies PhD Flopper Perk



Flopper PhD

Immunity to all self-inflicted damage and status effects. Diving face down triggers an explosion, which increases as you fall. Immunity to fall damage while diving.

Type of increase

Increase 1

Increase 2

Increase 3

Minor Increases

Environmentalist - Immune to environmental damage when sliding.

EOD Technician - Reduces height and distance requirements for explosions.

Tribologist - Increases sliding distance and speed.

Big Increases

Dr. - Tac Sprint knocks down and damages basic zombies when hit.

MD Gravity - Creates explosion when falling.

PHD slider - Triggers explosions when sliding over enemies.

THE Flopper PhD Perk is one of the strongest buffs you can have CoD: Black Ops 6 Zombies because of how it gives you immunity to reckless choices. For example, you can throw a grenade at your feet and not get hurt with this active benefit. This gives you the chance to fight zombies in unorthodox ways, from repeatedly diving to create explosions to jumping off buildings to escape enemy waves.

This perk should be saved for difficult situations, but it can undeniably turn the tide of battle when you decide to use it. When stacked with some of the other perks you can get Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies, you can be at your best to easily win encounters against even the toughest undead legions.

Source: MrDalekJD/YouTube, MrRoflWaffles/YouTube, Supercali8/YouTube