Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 brought back many iconic features and gadgets from previous entries in the franchise, but its newest addition is one of the most popular yet. Allowing you to disguise yourself as a member of the enemy team, Sleeper Agent has the Black Ops 6 community divided because of his presence in the game. Despite its controversy, Sleeper Agent fits perfectly into the themes of betrayal and double agents prevalent throughout the campaign.
Being the most powerful field upgrade available to players in Black Ops 6Sleeper Agent is an easy-to-use option for any of your possible class and weapon combinations. Being unlocked late for a prestige rank at level 51, Sleeper Agent is one of the best items where to spend your hard earned money prestige tokens in Black Ops 6. While the Sleeper Agent Field Upgrade seems simple, you first need to understand how it fully works to take advantage of its overwhelming potential.
How Sleeper Agent Field Update Works
Taking advantage of a chaotic battlefield
If you've ever been confused by seeing a CIA redacted black bar over a player's name in the kill feed, that's the Sleeper Agent skill in action. The Sleeper Agent thrives on fast-paced gameplay, relying on players not questioning their allies as they pass by. After use, this field update in Black Ops 6 Disguises you as a member of the enemy teammaking them see you with a blue dot and badge above your head instead of a red one.
The easiest way to get detected is through the minimap, like You will not appear as an ally to enemies when disguised, and shooting without a suppressed weapon will reveal you with the default red arrow. The initial downside is that Sleeper Agent has a fairly large cooldown compared to the other options, although it has a long duration of 30 seconds when activated.
This long cooldown makes it essential that you use it when you are completely out of sight of enemies, so as not to waste it, especially due to the announcement made upon activation.
How to Effectively Use Sleeper Agent
Essential advantages and scorestreaks are keys to success
While information-based Scorestreaks aren't as flashy as the immense power of their lethal counterparts, information is the most valuable tool at your disposal in Black Ops 6. With enemies able to detect you in Sleeper Agent via the mini-amplifier, counter UAVs are a great option to accompany youeliminating the biggest giveaway to your disguise.
While it's not that easy to switch without the proper class setup, I would recommend having the Cigma 2B launcher on standby to eliminate any pesky aerial detection whenever possible.
The Ghost Perk also neutralizes the enemy's x-ray marking provided by the Recon Specialist Perk.
One of the biggest cons to the Sleeper Agent Upgrade is the surveillance perk, which allows enemies to completely see through your disguise as if you weren't wearing one. If you don't want to waste a Scorestreak slot on a Counter UAV, Ghost Perk eliminates the threat by erasing its detectable presence of low-level Intel Streaks. Another way for experienced players to detect you is by recognizing your player modelwhich can be an unfortunate downside for players with expensive and unique-looking characters, as it only replaces the appearance of the HUD above your head.
Regardless of the counterplay options available, the Sleeper Agent field upgrade is easily one of the most powerful and satisfying options in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6making it an excellent way to get upgrades for some of the best weapons while lining up headshots on enemies from behind.