Black Myth: Wukong - How to Find and Beat Non-Pure (Boss Guide)

Black Myth: Wukong - How to Find and Beat Non-Pure (Boss Guide)

Inside Black Myth: Wukong's Six chapters, players will face over 100 mandatory, optional and secret bosses. The optional bosses of Chapter 3 include mini-bosses known as non-bosses. Non-Clean is one of the optional mini-bosses. A disciple of Yellowbrow, Chapter 3's final boss, Non-Pure is a formidable foe. Although optional, Not clean gives decent rewards What makes it worth it to take the boss.

Players looking to challenge non-pure should plan accordingly, as this mini-boss can easily overwhelm anyone in battle. Knowing where to find him is just step one, but players should too Understand his attack pattern To be better prepared for their fight. Whether you're challenging him to claim his rewards or for practice before taking on the more difficult Yellowbrow, this guide will help you find the right strategy.

How to find Black Myth: Wukong's non-pure boss

Unlock Mahavira Hall shrine for easy fast travel in case of defeat

The inevitable one standing in front of New Thunderclap Temple, surrounded by snowy terrain

Those near the end of chapter 3 of Black Myth: Wukong Will eventually come to The New Thunderclap Temple. This temple is home to the final boss, Yellowbrow, and his four disciples. The last disciple you will meet before you meet Yellowbrow is non-pure. As mentioned before, he is optional, but I recommend challenging non-pure for the rewards, which including the unclean spirit.

Not-pure's place is not hard to find. Go to the Mahavira Hall Keeper Shrine First to unlock it so that it will act as a fast travel later in case you lose to non-clean. Then, head down to the temple. You will meet two monks. You can either fight the monks or bypass them by heading straight to the temple and up the stairs. Inside the temple is where you will find non-pure.

How to beat the non-clean boss

Challenge the optional boss and reap great rewards

Although small and round in size, non-pure is An aggressive enemy in Black Myth: Wukong With a few good attacks. Still, he's not the hardest boss to beat. He wields an ax and is not afraid to use it. I didn't do much to prepare against Non-Rein and came out well. I watched and learned about his attacks so that I could counter them properly, but other than that, it was All about immobilizing. He has four attacks:

Overhand ax slam

Not Clean picks up his ax and swings it at you.

Punch and Ax Swing

At close range, Non-Clean punches and swings his ax at you.

Push back

Non-clean knocks her back with an energy push.

Spinning Axis Attack

Ni-Rein unleashes a spinning attack with his ax after being pressured at close range

These attacks are relatively easy to predict and dodge. Most require movement of non-pure's arms, just like that Watch his arms and dodge when you see him charging his attacks. A lot of many

Is a great spell to start with, allowing your duplicates to start the fight and cause a distraction.

Go up with Immobilize

To freeze non-clean in its tracks. once frozen, Use whatever spells you want toBut I would recommend using charged or combo attacks that deal heavy damage in quick succession. Watch for his combo, which Involves long sweeping swingsAs these are hard to dodge. You can watch the YouTube video from Esoteric Above to get a good idea of ​​Non-Pure's attack patterns.


Not-pure's gauntlet sometimes leaves him Deflect your attacks When infused with power. To tell when this is happening, his glove and tattoo will glow. Attacking him when this happens will be a waste of effort, so focus on dodging any incoming attacks and wait for the glow to subside. Refrain from attacking him during this time, because he can counter you with a stun. If you're stunned, this gives you no time to attack without you being able to dodge. Be Attacks are fast and can cause significant damage If you are not careful.

Use the destined one's transformation spells as needed. Ash sleep

is a great transformation spell for crowd control. Plus, it will also do some good damage. The good thing about using transformation spells against non-pure is that His deflection isn't great enough to stop them. So, if he is now in Deflect mode, switch to using Transformations.

The final meditation location of Chapter 3 is located in the same room as Non-Clean, so make sure to activate it before leaving the room.

Attacking with a lot of plaque, immobilize, and your transformations should be enough to easily go down non-clean. Once defeated, you can absorb his spiritunclean spirit. Don't forget to claim his other rewards:

  • 890 Will

  • Blood of the Iron Bull

  • Refined iron sand

  • Yaoguai Core

The Unclean Spirit is a good spirit to have in your arsenal. When equipped, the destined one will take Non-Pure's form and Unleash a swinging ax attack. The attack itself deals an impressive amount of damage, but the equipped effect makes it even better as it increases damage reduction after performing Rock Solid. Pairing rock solid with the non-pure spirit is a great combination Black Myth: WukongSo fighting and beating non-pure in order to get his spirit is a good move.

Video Credit: Esoteric / Youtube


August 20, 2024


Game science


Game science

How long to beat

39 hours