Black Myth: Wukong - How to beat the First Prince of the Flowing Sands

Black Myth: Wukong - How to beat the First Prince of the Flowing Sands

The First Prince of the Flowing Sands is a powerful boss in Black Myth: Wukong. You cannot challenge him directly but you need to best his father and brother. They also have royal titles of King And Second Princerespectively. However, despite being part of a family, each yaogai fights differently. This means you may need to change your pace and strategy once you meet the first Prince of the Flowing Sands.

The boss is extremely difficult, which makes it important to come in with some new crafted armor Black Myth: Wukong. Some good choices include Bronze brocade battlerobe

, Ebongold Silk Robe

Or Pilgrim's Garb

. For the most part, you want the highest base defense. However, secondary abilities can also be game changers. This can include stunning enemies, healing while running, or using extra area of ​​effect moves. However, many of these abilities are not automatic and require precision timing.


How to find and defeat the First Prince of the Flowing Sands

They only appear once their family is bested

Sun Wukong running to the left of the First Prince of the Flowing Sands in Black Myth Wukong

All the Flowing Sands royalty members are found in Sandgate Village In the valley of despair. His can be accessed during Chapter Two. As mentioned, you must first defeat these Second print of The Flowing Sands. They are found by crossing the bridge near the center shrine and then going left to leave the village. While the main threat is the Second Prince, his father, the King, will also assist by creating distractions. After defeating the Prince, the King will run away. Chase him to find the First Prince in a cave.

Battling the Prince

The First Prince of the Flowing Kingdom is massive compared to his brother and father. This results in a completely different fight that is more about aggression and direct punishment. He does not rely on cunning like his family and instead uses Charges, SlumsAnd some Jump attacks. What he chooses is mostly based on your distance, but there's also some randomness with the AI.

The first prince of the flowing kingdom is extremely heavy and in a wide berth, because of his great size. However, many of his attacks have a long wind-up, allowing you to get out of the way as long as you End your combos early. The boss also has a long recovery time, which makes him a bit slower than most other threats Black Myth: Wukong. You will want to use tactics that are similar to the fight with Tiger Vanguard.

PowerPyx Facing the first Prince and came out with relative ease, as seen in the above video. One of the most noticeable behaviors is that the Yaoguai will actively try to defeat your summoned spirits. This makes it possible to bait with a decoy and quickly destroy the host from the flank or rear.

Although the First Prince of the Flowing Sands may seem menacing at first, it is extremely easy to dodge or miss his attacks. With enough practice, you can come out of the battle with little to no damage. This makes it a relatively simple fight compared to the brutal battles in Black Myth: Wukong.

While First Prince of the Flowing Sands only drops common crafting items, it also grants these Arhat gold piece

Key number. This unlocks another secret location and boss fight, the Drunk beer man.

Source: PowerPyx/YouTube