Black Mass already has a fantastic companion movie thanks to Martin Sorcese's 2006 crime thriller

Black Mass already has a fantastic companion movie thanks to Martin Sorcese's 2006 crime thriller

Black mass has found another wave of success since the 2015 film was released on Netflix, and the film already has a fantastic companion movie thanks to Marin Scorsese's crime thriller from 2006. Many consider Martin Scorsese to be the filmmaker who perfected the gangster genre , with his films vi Goodfellas, Casino, The IrishAnd more are some of the most critically acclaimed movies of all time. Black mass is a rare gangster film that was successful without Scorsese's participation, but it is very similar to one of the director's 2006 movies.

Black mass is a 2015 film directed by Scott Cooper, With him chronicles the story of Jacob "Whitey" Bulgerwho is played in the film by Johnny Depp in one of his most well-received roles. Black mass is the most famous and faithful adaptation of the story of the real-life gang leader, following it throughout the decades as Bulger and the Winter Hill Gang take control of Boston. Black mass Helped popularize the story of Whitey Bulger to many who weren't around during the gangster's heyday, but it's actually not the first movie to be inspired by his story.

Martin Scorsese's The Departed was inspired by Whitey Bulger and the Winter Hill Gang

But it is not a loyal retailing

Although it doesn't share the names or many details with the actual story, Martin Scorses 2006 crime thriller The departed was heavily inspired by the story of Whitey Bulger and the Winter Hill gang. Jack Nicholson The departed Character Frank Costello is based on the real-life Whitey Bulger, with their characters have a lot in common. The departedThe use of a story involving the FBI intertwined with organized crime was also heavily inspired by Whitey Bulger's real life, with Black mass Delving into how Bulger worked alongside the authorities to increase his power.

The departed Also focuses heavily on the Irish mobMoving away from the Italian mob stories that Scorsese has focused on in past films like Goodfellas. The departed Does not claim to be an exact repeat of Whitey Bulger's story, with it going in all kinds of different directions that are not true to life. However, the inspirations can clearly be seen in The departed If viewers know about the history of Whitey Bulger, what is that The departed Is a great companion piece to Black mass.

How black mass compares to the departed

There are some big differences

When it comes to his story, Black mass And The departed Go in completely different directions. Black mass is a more faithful retelling of Whitey Bulger's story, with Johnny Depp's take on the real-life mobster being the main character. however, The departedThe premise was only inspired by Whitey Bulger's story, with Jack Nicholson's Frank Costello only a supporting character in the film. instead, The departed Focuses on Leonardo DiCaprio's Billy Costigan Jr., a cop who goes undercover and infiltrates the mob.

Film title

Release date


Box Office

Rotten Tomatoes score

The departed

October 6, 2006

$90 million

$291.5 million


Black mass

September 18, 2015

$53 million

$100 million


The departed was more successful than Black mass Critically and commercially, with The departed Making $291.5 million against a budget of $90 million while Black mass Made $100 million against a budget of $53 million. The departed It also won Best Picture at the Academy Awards, cementing it as one of the best films of its year Black mass Garnered mixed to positive reception. Both films have star-studded casts and share similar stories, but most consider The departed To be the best of the two.

Why Black Mass and The Departed are both worth watching

One is devoted to real life, the other is a lot of fun

Although Black mass And The departed Having a lot of similarities, they are both worth watching. Black mass Is worth watching because it is the more accurate of the two. Viewers can learn a lot about Whitey Bulger and his time with the Winter Hill Gang by watching this film. Although it's not entirely accurate, it hits on most of the big points, meaning that the audience will have a good idea of ​​what the true story is about. Black mass Also has some fantastic performances from actors like Johnny Depp, Jesse Plemons, Joel Edgerton, and more.

The departed May not be an accurate retelling of the Whitey Bulger story, but the film is so much fun that it doesn't matter. The cat-and-mouse game between the police and the mob is a lot of fun to watch, with it being one of the most tense movies in Scorsese's filmography. The figure of The departed is also stellar, with it featuring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, Vera Farmiga, and more. Plus, still seen Black mass, The departed Viewers will have a better idea of ​​what inspired the story of Scorsese's film.