Black clover is one of the most remarkable anime series produced by Pierrot Studio, along with other significant anime such as bleach And Boruto. However, the most notable work of the studio is none other than NarutoA universally loved anime series that served as an entry point into the anime world for a lot of newcomers. Despite being a popular anime series, Naruto And Naruto: Shippuden They’re not perfect, with flaws that make them increasingly difficult for new viewers to dive into, let alone select as an entry point into anime.
The most glaring issue lies in the sheer number of episodes. With more than 700 episodes combined, both new and returning viewers may hesitate before committing to such a massive undertaking. When starting a new series often brings excitement, Naruto Contains around 40% filler episodes, which can lead many to quit the show halfway through.
Black clover saved itself from potential destruction by avoiding the same path as Naruto
Choosing not to continue with filler episodes and taking a hiatus was a smart decision
The probable cause of which series vi Naruto, bleachAnd Boruto Having so much filler stems from Studio Pierrot’s strategy to keep the series on air even after they picked up the manga. By adding filler content, the studio could maintain a continuous release schedule. Thankfully, Studio Pierrot did not make this similar mistake with Black cloverAnd consider how it does not have the same impact as NarutoIt was smart to stop the anime before it got bogged down by filler.
Black clover Enjoyed a successful run from 2017 to 2021, delivering a total of 170 episodes. With the anime adapting about a chapter and a half per episode, it eventually caught up to the manga, sparking concerns among fans that Studio Pierrot could repeat the same mistake with them. Naruto By extending the series with filler or anime-original episodes. Despite this though, Pierrot stopped and fans are still waiting for Black clover Season 5. While Naruto Beloved, it is often criticized for filler content. If Black clover Has followed suit, its popularity may have taken a significant hit.
If Black clover If continued weekly with an influx of filler content, it likely would have suffered much more from audience fatigue.
Despite his success, Black clover is often criticized as one of the most “unoriginal” shonen series, with detractors claiming that it follows the trends set by more iconic works such as Naruto. But, because Naruto Has such a deep cultural impact, many fans are willing to overlook its flaws, including the large number of filler episodes. In contrast, if Black clover Had you continued weekly with an influx of filler content, it likely would have suffered much more from audience fatigue.
The pressure to keep the show on air may have driven even its most dedicated fans to abandon it, as unimportant fillers would detract from the core story. Additionally, the overall quality of the anime may have dropped, as was the case with Studio Pierrot Boruto. These reasons emphasize how smart it was for the studio to stop Black clovers serialization once it caught the manga, rather than dragging it with unnecessary content. therefore, Black clovers The imminent return will have an even greater impact and the anticipation will undoubtedly generate buzz, drawing in both old fans and new viewers, welcoming the series in all its glory.