Warning: Spoilers for Batman #152!The feud between the Birds of prey And Wonder Woman Amazon is far from over. Anyone who has followed the Birds of Prey title series knows that their first arc from last year put them in conflict with the Amazons, albeit for a reasonable reason. However, an Amazon never forgets, as the saying goes.
As such, the Amazons make it clear that they still consider the Birds of Prey enemies of themselves and Wonder Woman, per se. Batman #152's backup story, "Emotionally Compromised" by Kelly Thompson, Mattia De Iulis and Clayton Cowles. It is clear from the beginning that The tension between the Amazons and the birds is still simmeringAnd it may take a lot for the fences to mend again.
Anyone familiar with what the Amazons can do as a connected, cohesive unit should be afraid of what they could do to the birds if things escalate between them.
The Birds of Prey vs. Amazons feud continues
Dating back to 2023's debut arc for Birds of prey
Winding the clock all the way back to Birds of prey #1 by Thompson and Leonardo Romero, the first arc of the series foretold a prophecy coming to fruition. Gotham Academy's Maps Mizoguchi visits the birds of the future as the adult meridian to warn them of An apocalyptic future where a god on the Amazon island named Megaera sought Sin Lance as his boss. If the prophecy were to come true, not only would Dinah's sisters become possessed, but the Amazonian equivalent to Ragnarök would occur, killing them all and the rest of the world.
The Birds of Prey contemplated an elaborate rescue mission to retrieve Dinah's sister from Themyscira. The mission in question required the birds to fight the Amazons head-on, including Wonder Woman in a notable skirmish with Great Barda. Although the birds' plan backfired, Sin Lance and Megaera agreed to mutually merge with each other for the sake of saving the world, creating DC's newest god-blessed hero. Yet, needless to say, There were sour grapes from the Amazon about the ambush they endured by the birds.
The Amazons refuse to forgive the birds of prey
Even if they understand the reasoning of the birds
Now, fast forward to the Birds-centric backup story for Batman. How meta-humans and superpowered people are hunted by Amanda Waller during Absolute power, The Birds of Prey are forced to take refuge on Themyscira on orders from Nightwing. The Amazons follow out of respect for Nightwing. While Zealot and Cassandra Kane spar in the distance, the leaders of the birds of prey Black Canary and the Amazons and Wonder Woman's Queen Nubia have an uncomfortable conversation.
For more on what led the birds of prey back to Themyscira, check out Absolute power #3 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora, available now from DC Comics.
As much as Nubia and her sister understand Dinah's love for her own sister and her desire to protect her, the way her team went about it is what sizzles their rivalry. Wonder Woman is probably the only Amazon who forgives the birds for their crimes against Themyscira. To an extent, even Nubia says they understand the birds' reasoning behind their actions, as she does Tells the emotional stakes about Dinah's family, which is the only thing keeping the birds alive. However, Nubia does not mince her words, making it clear that invading Themyscira is an act of treason that will not be taken lightly.
The Amazons are most dangerous when united
Even more so when they feel angry and betrayed
There is something incredibly haunting about Nubia's words here. It's not just blind rage, but an imagined bitterness that stems from the need for the birds of prey to live with their actions, or rather the consequences of those actions. It is not necessarily revenge on Nubia or the Amazons' minds, But instead of an account and a penalty in advance that needs to be reconciled. And because of the birds, this kind of debt must be compared, knowing what kind of power the Amazons have.
Readers have seen a glimpse of what happens when the Amazons are truly united in the Amazon's Attack Miniseries by Josie Campbell and Vasko Georgiev. Nubia, Yara Flor (who, in the same breath, manages to finally adopt the Wonder Girl pseudonym she once dreaded), and the rest of the Amazons—with some help from Mary Marvel—join forces to defeat Wonder Woman's anti-feminist opposite. , Asylum. An almost impossible threat to face suddenly becomes feasible to defeat when all the Amazons are on the same page. Moments like these show that when the Amazons join forces, anything is possible.
As a united front, the Amazons have the power to reshape the DC Universe and can be on par with the Justice League. They are not the kind of enemy that birds of prey want to have. Together, the Amazons are practically unstoppable, and as such, they can destroy the birds of prey without much trouble. like Wonder WomanThe Amazons can be forgiving, reasonable, and a symbol of hope for the world, but when even allies like these Birds of prey Summon their anger, there is no going back - not without bloodshed.
Batman #152 is available now from DC Comics.