Big Brother 26's Leah Peters should win America's Favorite Housecast

Big Brother 26's Leah Peters should win America's Favorite Housecast

On October 13, the Big Brother 26 Finale will air, and The coveted $50,000 America's Favorite Housecast prize will be awarded, and Leah Peters deserves the honor. In addition to the $750,000 grand prize and $75,000 runner-up prize, fans vote for their favorite household. The first winner of America's favorite winner was legend Janelle Pierzina in Big Brother 7. The only player to win the award twice is Jeff Schroeder big brother 11 and 13. During Big Brother 24Taylor Hale made history by being the first player ever to win both the game and America's Favorite Houseguest.

through the years, big brother Fans also voted some other incredible players as America's favorite houseguests. They include James Zinkand (season 9), Kesha Smith (season 10), Britney Haynes (season 12), Frank Eudy (season 14), Elisa Slater (season 15), Danny Thompson (season 16), James Huling (season 17) , Victor Arroyo (season 18), Cody Nixon (season 19), Taylor Crispen (season 20), Nicole Anthony (season 21), Da'Vaughn Rogers (season 22), Tiffany Mitchell (season 23), and Cameron Hardin (season ). 25). The prize is not awarded during Big Brother 8. Now Leah deserves to join this group of big brother icons For the following reasons.

Leah played a strong big brother game

Leah had an interesting strategy

Leah lasted 73 days in the Big Brother 26 House, during which she played an excellent game with an interesting strategy. She was completely under-the-radar during the first half of the gameNot winning competitions and not nominated for eviction. However, during this time, Leah was building relationships with her fellow housemates that made her social game very strong.

During Big Brother 26 Week 7, Leah won her first competition, which was the Power of Veto. Leah used it to save her ally, Angela Murray, from the chopping block, even though Head of Household (HOH) Kevin Martin didn't want her to because Angela was his target for the week. However, this was the last eviction before the jury began, and Leah wanted Angela on the jury because she knew she would be a vote for her. With this move, Leah proved that she plays her own game, and she will do what is right for her, no matter what.


Leah won her first HOH competition in week 9during which the houseguests were subjected to the current famous Big Brother 26 Junky world three. The housemates are forced to live outside in the backyard, eat only pizza and ice cream, and are forced to sing and dance constantly by the AI ​​entity, Junkie. Leah not only won HOH, but she also came in second to Angela in the Power of Veto competition, which meant she won the Jankie Veto as well.

This was very important because at this point in the game, Leah's allies, Quinn and Joseph Rodriguez were both evicted, leaving you with only Angela. Leah stood up and won when she had to defend herself. It was thrilling to see her assert herself.

Although she did not win the game that would have activated the junkie veto, Leah proved to be a great competitor During her HOH week. She deserves to be recognized for her strong gameplay, which resulted in the destruction of the seemingly unbreakable trio of T'kor Clottey, Kimo Apaka and Rubina Bernabe, when Leah named T'kor as the replacement nominee when Angela used the power of veto . To save Kimo. Takur was on the way to win the whole game, but Leah stopped it. Leah should be rewarded with the $50,000 America's Favorite Housecast prize for using her HOH wisely.

Leah was blindsided by her ally

Leah deserved better than her housemates

In one of the most stunning moves of Big Brother 26, Mackenzie Manbeck called Leah the following week on Chelsea BahamAnd she named as the replacement nominee. Chelsie convinces Mackenzie to save Kimo from the chopping block and appoint Leah in his place. It was a complete blindness that Leah did not deserve.


Leah made it to week 10 without any nominations, which was quite a feat. It was shocking to see what Mackenzie turned on her, especially since Leah would be her loyal ally. Leah played an honest game, and didn't stab anyone. She deserves to win America's Favorite Houseguest for her honesty and integrity in the game.

Leah is a good sport and made the best of a bad situation

Leah's Hoh is ruined by Jankie World

When Leah won HOH, Jankie World stripped her of all the perks of the positionIncluding the HOH bedroom with the private bathroom. She only got a bucket of things that she kept with her in the backyard. However, Leah was a good sport during Junkie World, even though she was robbed of the full HOH experience. Leah loved this even more, because she showed that she can make the best of any situation.


Unlike some of the other housemates, such as Angela, who is sometimes difficult to watch because of her drama, Leah brought a level of fun to the game. Her smile lifted Big Brother 26And she didn't let the troubles of the Yankee world break. She was the perfect person to win HOH during the challenging week. Leah wins the $50,000 for getting through the week as HOH.

Leah has a sweet and relatable personality

Everyone loves Leah so much

The name of the prize is America's Favorite Housecast. This does not necessarily mean that it should be rewarded to the most strategic player or a competition beast. Instead, it acknowledges that big brother is a TV show, and some houseguests are fan favorites for reasons that may not even have to do with the game. Although Leah played a strong game, Another reason why she deserves to win America's Favorite Houseguest is simply because she is so sweet and relatable.

In the beginning of Big Brother 26Leah admitted that she is a "Fat Chaser," Which meant that none of the boys in the house were her type. However, when Quinn developed a crush on her, she began to change her mind. Quinn was so in love with her that he said he couldn't even get mad at her when she went against his wishes and saved Angela with the power of veto when he was HOH and wanted Angela gone. Leah soon realized that she might also have a crush on QuinnWhich she admitted in an expensive confessional and later to host Julie Chen Moonves.

When Leah and Quinn reunited in the jury house, he and the other jury members were shocked to hear how Leah felt. Her feelings for Quinn are so sweet and relatable, which is another reason she's America's favorite houseguest. Leah makes looks Big Brother 26 Very entertainingAnd she deserves to be recognized for that.


Big Brother 26 Houseguest Leah should win America's Favorite Houseguest for being a strong player and just being a good person. She was a pleasure to watch in a show where the live feeds can eventually cause the houseguests to get on the nerves of the viewers. Leah was never interested in playing the villain or the mastermind, but instead was her authentic self, which is what made everyone fall in love with her. Hopefully, Leah will take home the $50,000 prize as America's Favorite Houseguest.

Sources: big brother/ youtube, big brother/ youtube, big brother/ Instagram