Warning! This article contains major spoilers about Big Brother 26!The Big Brother 26 Week 9 Power of Veto competition is played, and It came with a twist, as Angela Murray won the Golden Power of Veto, and Head of Household (HOH) Leah Peters won the Junkie Power of Veto. Leah won these Big Brother 26 HOH competition, but she didn't get her HOH spot because the housemates have been living in the backyard since Thursday's live eviction episode. Ainsley left the houseguest with Jankie, another AI entity, and they have been living in Jankie World ever since.
The big brother 26 Live feeds revealed that Angela Murray won the Golden Power of Veto, while HOH Leah Peters won the Junkie Power of Veto.
The big brother 26 Live feeds revealed that Angela won the Golden Power of Veto, while HOH Leah won the Junkie Power of Veto. The Power of Veto competition players are HOH Leah, her nominees Kimo Apaka and Rubina Bernabe, and Angela, Chelsie Baham and T'kor Clottey, who were chosen by random draw. The only homers who did not play were Cam Sullivan-Brown and Mackenzie Manbeck. Leah's intention with her nominations was to break up the trio of Kimo, Rubina and T'CorAnd she'd planned to use T'kor as a replacement nominee if necessary.
Why Angela Murray and Leah Peters win the Week 9 Power of Veto competition means Big Brother 26
Leah is Ho and Angela was her ally
It is still unclear what the junkie power of veto does. however, "Junky" Means that something is of poor or unreliable quality, which is what Jankie World seems to be considering that the houseguests live outside for the week. Therefore, it is possible that Leah's veto is not as strong as Angela's. Whatever happens next, Angela has secured her safety for the week by winning the golden power of veto, which is a big change for her after being nominated five times (in weeks 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8).
Although everything is possible, It is likely that Angela will not use the golden power of veto on Kimo or Rubina, and that Leah will also keep her nominations the same. Leah's goal was to break up the trio, so there was no reason for her to get more blood on her hands by changing anything. If Angela chooses not to use the power of veto, it will be the first time this season that the veto has not been used.
Our take on the Big Brother 26 Week 9 Power of Veto competition results
Big Brother 26 is the definition of "expect the unexpected"
Big Brother 26 lived up to the motto of the show "Expect the unexpected." It's very exciting that the new Jankie Power of Veto is in play, and it will be thrilling to see exactly what it does. It's also nice to see that Angela has secured her own safety after being saved with the Power of Veto three times by other houseguestsIncluding Tucker Des Lauriers, Leah and Makensy. It's also fantastic that Leah has now won her second Power of Veto competition and is also HOH, after spending the first half of the game flying under the radar.
Big Brother 26 It's been a wild ride so far, and the twists just keep coming. In addition, Leah is set to make it very far in the game by weakening the trio of Kimo, Rubina and T'Kor, and working with the other trio of Chelsea, Cam and Mackenzie. It will be interesting to see if Kimo or Rubina is evicted and becomes the second member of the Big Brother 26 Jury. I can't wait to see if the Jankie Power of Veto will change the game.
Source: big brother/ Instagram