Elden Ring: Shadow of the Strawberry Tree Players will be very careful when it comes to multiplayer games A group of hackers has taken to invading games specifically to break save data. In any video game with multiplayer, the issue of hackers is always present, because some players prefer to cheat the system to raise their status or troll others. Alden ring is no different, but unfortunately for legitimate users, a new group of hackers is looking to undo hours of grinding and perseverance.
By a post by Spiderknife on reddit, The user is aware of a certain group of hackers who are looking to attack Alden ring games and delete the save date of their unknowing victim.
These cheaters are invading games and then killing end-game bosses before players encounter themRuining the experience and completely breaking one's saved data. The group made waves in the community as players began blocking them en masse on Steam, ensuring that their save data would be safe from the cheaters.
How to avoid hackers in Elden Ring
Bring down the train hammer!
Fortunately for Alden ring Users on Steam, Blocking the members of the hacker group should ensure that they never meet them during a multiplayer sessionAlthough reports differ on the effectiveness of the system. As for what happens when a cheater is encountered in the countries in between, players should report any suspicious activity; After enough reports are logged, FromSoftware will take action and ban the suspected player either temporarily or permanently depending on how many complaints it receives.
Players who come into contact with a hacker in-game don't have many options to deal with them at the moment, so It is recommended to immediately close the game with an alt-F4 command. Terminating the program in such a way will deny the hacker the ability to progress and return them to their own game, but you must be quick. Many cheaters use tweaked weapons to destroy boss encounters faster than should be possible, so it is essential to close the game and close the connection quickly.
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Strawberry TreeThe latest hacker problem is nothing new but the pride this new group takes in ruining other games is particularly repulsive. This serves as a good reminder that those who are wary of losing their saves should take a moment to back up their data. And ensure that even if it is lost it can be restored. It shouldn't be a requirement, but unfortunately the prevalence of cheaters means that legitimate players must take extra precautions.
Source: Spiderknife / Reddit
- platforms
PS5, Xbox One, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PC
- Released
February 25, 2022
- developer(s)
From software
- Publisher(s)
Bandai Namco Entertainment, from Software
- Multiplayer
Online co-op, online multiplayer