The many classes of Throne and Liberty Fulfill roles typical of an MMO, but characters of different archetypes need to consider which stats to level up early to follow the paths best. For example, a tank will not benefit from increases to a stat that does not play to its strengths. Builds are established at low levels, so you need to understand what stats matter sooner rather than later.
There are 29 total classes in the gameFrom powerful Sentinels to crafty Shadowdancers whose playstyles vary greatly based on their abilities. However, the roles of these classes can be boiled down to tank, dps or support characters. Similar to most popular MMO titles, each role is a tried and true way to define the ambiguous nature of classes in Throne and Liberty based on how they function in larger groups.
Technically, any class can fulfill the three main roles usually seen in MMOs. However, some are better suited to one than the other, so explore your options before creating a build.
Best stats to level for tanks
Allow your health to increase over time
Stat |
Priority level |
Strength |
High |
Dexterity |
medium |
wisdom |
Low |
Perception |
Low |
As you can see, Strength is the most important stat to level up early for tank rolesEspecially for classes that already start strong in this category. Leveling up strength Increases your character's max healthAllowing them to survive longer in battle. Tanks are meant to eat damage intended for squishier players in a group, so it makes sense to improve their durability as early as you can.
Improvements to your tank character's strength as well Improve their overall defenseWhich should be a no-brainer. However, a hidden quality of Strength buffs is a General improvement to your health regeneration too. All of the benefits of increasing your Strength first come together to create a build that focuses on reducing enemy damage and staying alive to draw attention away from your allies.
The second stat you might want to level up after you have a lot in Strength would be Dexterity. This stat Raises your critical hit rateThat will help you deal extra damage in fights. While this isn't the most important stat for a tank, it will help you make up for the lack of damage that the role often struggles to do at later levels.
The tank role is notoriously difficult to play solo in MMO games, so you should increase the dexterity later as you level up. Once your Strength has improved enough, this can be a great way to take on enemies alone if you find yourself without a team to support you.
Best stats to level for support
Increase the duration of the application of buffs
Stat |
Priority level |
Strength |
Low |
Dexterity |
Low |
wisdom |
High |
Perception |
medium |
The most important stat for any support player is wisdomHowever Perception Follow closely behind for any class that fulfills this role. Support classes are typically mages that rely on magic to apply buffs to teams or debuff enemies before an important battle. As such, yours Perception affects the chances of a debuff getting inflicted on a targetMaking it a powerful stat for PvP and high-level dungeons.
Any boosts to perception also increase the duration of debuffs applied to an enemy, allowing you to hinder a dangerous target for a longer period of time.
As you can see in the above video by YouTube creator Kaidgames2Wisdom is often the best stat to level up early for supports due to how it is Increases your total mana. Many Support builds will need to rely on casting magic constantly to damage enemies, heal allies, or summon any companions. Boosts to wisdom too Improves mana regenerationGive you more magic to work with in intense situations.
Some classes have abilities tied to Mana, so you need to spend a lot of Mana. Like many of the best MMORPGs, those in the Support role tend to deal extra damage with DPS players while taking the time to heal others when necessary. Leveling up wisdom and perception will give you the freedom to do everything your team needs you for, without worrying about running out of resources.
Best stats to level for DPS
Improve chances for critical damage
Stat |
Priority level |
Strength |
Low |
Dexterity |
High |
wisdom |
medium |
Perception |
Low |
Based on what you've learned about each stat, it should come as no surprise that Dexterity is the best stat to level up early for the DPS role. When you enter a battle on your morphing mount in Throne and LibertyA DPS player's main goal should be to deal as much damage as possible. As a result, the improvements from Dexterity to your critical hit chances allow you to deal much higher damage.
It does not matter whether you carry a physical weapon or magic to deal your damage in a battle with your group. Anyone trying to mold a spellcasting class into a DPS role should also consider leveling up wisdom to increase their mana reserves. Some archetypes that might need a Wisdom boost early on might include the Darkbliter or Templar, depending on your build.
Although you can increase strength later on for higher health in the DPS role as well, you'll likely have a support player or two in your party who can heal you. This makes survivability less of a priority when compared to your damage output.
It should be noted that the early level-ups in Dexterity only improve the chances of a critical hit, not your overall damage. You may need to Get weapons that also raise your crit rate To stack the benefits of improving the stat. For example, daggers are great weapons for dealing critical hits, so you may want to create a DPS build that uses this weapon type as you increase your Dex stat.
The weapons you get affect your build in the long run, but stats are the foundation. Although many classes naturally fall into different roles, the way you level up certain stats early on Throne and Liberty Ultimately affects which role you should fulfill based on what they benefit from the best.
Source: KaidGames2/YouTube