Giving Ororon the best build Genshin Impact can turn him into a super useful sub-DPS in a variety of team compositions, allowing him to deal consistent and powerful out-of-field damage to opponents while also diverting their attention away from the party's active character. Ororon is a 4-star Electro Bow user added with the action RPG's version 5.2 update alongside Chasca. Unity is one of Natlan's many characters in Genshin Impact and as such, he has a special Blessing of the Night Soul state. With it, he can glide through the air and even fire an attack while hovering.
This, however, is not his specialty. Ororon's Elemental Skill has him throw a Spirit Orb at an enemy, which then bounces between opponents and deals Electro DMG. One of the most important parts of your kit is Burst. With it, Ororon summons a Supersonic Glass, which will remain on the field for nine seconds. During this period, the Supersonic Oculus will attract enemies' attention and dish out pulses of Nightsoul-aligned Electro DMG to them. After gathering Ororon's materials in Genshin Impact and leveled it up to level 90, you should work on your build to optimize your damage potential.
Best weapons for Ororon (best bows)
There are several strong 4-star options for the character
As a damage dealer, even off the field, your first job will be to find a suitable bow for Ororon. The best bow for an off-field sub-DPS like Ororon is the 5-star Elegy for the End. This weapon offers an excellent base ATK stat (608 at level 90) and an even better Energy Recharge substat (55.1% at level 90), which helps Ororon's Burst be available more often. Its ability also increases the user's Elemental Mastery and can improve the team's Elemental Mastery and ATK once enough hits have been landed on opponents by the user's Skill and Burst.
The table below lists the best builds for Ororon in Genshin Impactincluding bow recommendations, ideal artifacts, best stats, team composition suggestions, and more:
The best Ororon build in Genshin Impact |
Arm |
Artifact |
Statistical priority |
Skill priority |
You can also use Yelan's exclusive 5-star bow, Aqua Simulacra. The weapon has a lower base ATK stat (542 at level 90) but a huge CRIT DMG substat (88.2% at level 90). Additionally, his ability grants a 20% HP buff and, when enemies are nearby, the user deals 20% more DMG, an effect that occurs even if they are outside the field. Both bows are fantastic for Ororon, but 5-star weapons can be rare and seem like a waste for a 4-star unit like Ororon. Fortunately, there are many good 4-star bows for building Ororon. Genshin Impact.
The best 4 stars for Ororon is Song of Stillness. The weapon has a normal base ATK stat (510 at level 90), but an excellent sub-ATK stat (41.3% at level 90). When the user is healed, they deal 16% more DMG for eight seconds, even if they are outside the field. This goes hand in hand with the nine seconds of Ororon Burst. Furthermore, if you increase the refinement level of Song of Stillness, you can see that the DMG bonus has increased to a whopping 32%. The only requirement is that Ororon must be healed at least once during his rotation to activate the effect.
This should be easy to achieve if he has the proper team composition, which can trigger HP drain and then healing.
Alternatively, you can use Alley Hunter, a 4-star bow that gradually increases the user's DMG every second they spend off the field. Likewise, their DMG decreases every second they are on the field. A good F2P (free-to-play) arc for Ororon is Chain Breaker. This weapon grants good ATK stats and substats and offers an ATK bonus to each Natlan character or unit of a different element in the team composition. If all characters in the team meet the requirements, the user will also receive an Elemental Mastery bonus in Genshin Impact.
In general, you want look for bows that increase Ororon's ATK and damage capabilities. Energy Recharge is also very valuable for him as his Burst is extremely important in his rotation. Elemental Mastery can also be a great substat for weapons, as it allows your attacks to do more damage by triggering reactions with the abilities of other characters on the team.
Best Artifacts and Stats for Ororon
Only one set of artifacts actually works for the 4-star Electro character
The next step in your build is to find a good set of artifacts that you can take advantage of. The best artifact set for Ororon is the Cinder City Hero Scroll. With two pieces, this set causes the user to recover 6 Elemental Energy when a party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst. The four-piece bonus allows all party members to gain a 12% Elemental DMG bonus to the elements involved in the Reaction for 15 seconds after the user triggers a Reaction related to their element in Genshin Impact.
If the user is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state when the effect is triggered, allies gain an extra 28% bonus Elemental DMG to elements in the Backlash for 20 seconds. These effects can be triggered even if the Cinder City Artifact Hero Scroll user is off the field. Although the focus is not on increasing Ororon's power specifically, allows him to buff his party members and put his main DPS in the spotlight with increased Elemental DMG.
When farming these artifacts for Ororon, you'll want to focus on increasing your energy recharge, followed by your CRIT rate and CRIT DMG. ATK is also a very important stat in Ororon's kit, as is Electro DMG through his Chalice's main stat.
Elemental Mastery and HP can come in as substats for Ororon's build, as they can improve its performance and survivability in Genshin Impact.
Best team compositions for Ororon
Ororon is a versatile sub-DPS character
Ororon is a very versatile sub-DPS character, and although he operates best when combined with other Natlan characters capable of activating Nightsoul Bursts, he can also be used in other types of team compositions. The best comparison for Ororon is next to Chasca. With Ororon, Chasca can deal Electro DMG and use it to trigger reactions with other elements, such as Hydro provided by Furina and Bennett's Pyro in Genshin Impact. Additionally, Furina can help initiate HP draining and healing, which could trigger the ability in Song of Stillness if Ororon was using it.
The table below lists some team composition suggestions for Ororon:
The best Ororon team compositions in Genshin Impact |
Multielement Electrocharged Team Comp |
Hyperbloom team compilation |
F2P Team Build |
Even if you avoid the bonuses triggered by Natlan characters, you can also insert Ororon as a reliable sub-DPS on a hyperbloom team. Ororon serves as a great sub-DPS for Neuvillette and Nahida's Bloom reactions, while Furina in Genshin Impact it could still trigger HP drain and healing for Ororon's Song of Stillness, for example. For other team compositions, you could think of Ororon as a replacement for Fischl, even if he operates a little differently than her.
Skill (Talent) Priority for Ororon
A talent can be completely ignored
When leveling up Ororon's abilities, you may need to make some difficult choices and prioritize some abilities over others. Both Ororon's ability and Burst are extremely important to his rotation, although his ability should take precedence as it is almost guaranteed to always be used whenever he switches.. Your Burst should be increased immediately after this. Ororon's priority is his Normal Attack, and depending on how fast your team's rotations are, you may be able to skip leveling this Talent entirely.
Ororon is a very solid Electro sub-DPS and extremely simple to build. You may have difficulty optimizing your stats when farming artifacts thanks to the randomness factor that revolves around these items, but in general there are several options for the 4-star character, from weapons to possible team compositions in Genshin Impact.