There are two versions of Rapidash in Pokémon GO: The regular Fire-type version from the Kanto region, and the Fairy/Psychic-type regional variant from the Galar region. As well as having different elemental typings, they can both learn different attacks, so if you're looking to learn Rapidash's best moveset, it depends on which variant you've evolved.
Pokémon GOSeptember's Community Day event puts both Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta in the spotlight, with boosted shiny odds and event-exclusive research tasks to enjoy. Their evolutions, Rapidash and Galarian Rapidash, also have access to the featured move Wild Charge. This is a powerful electric-type charged attack, but how does it affect their performance?
Best moveset for Rapidash in Pokémon GO
Wild Charge is an excellent addition to his movepool
The best moveset for regular Rapidash in PvP Trainer battles is Burn as his quick attack combined with flame charge and wild charge as his charged attacks. Incinerate is the best quick attack for Rapidash because it has better power and energy generation than the other options, giving it faster access to its charged attacks. It also benefits from Same-Type Attack Boost (STAB), which always helps.
When it comes to charged attacks, Flame Charge is a great choice because it has Stab and gives Rapidash a powerful Fire-type combo to destroy Bug, Grass, Ice, and Steel-type opponents. Wild Charge is like the best secondary charged attack for Rapidash, giving it coverage against Water-type opponents who would otherwise have an easy time taking it out on the battlefield. It also has an impressive 100 power for only 45 energy.
Best Moveset for Galarian Rapidash in Pokémon GO
Stick with fairy-type attacks to get stab
The best moveset for Galarian Rapidash in PvP Trainer battles is Fairy Wind as his Quick Attack combined with Body Slam and Wild Charge as his Charged Attacks. Fairy Wind is great at generating energy, though Psycho Cut can be used if preferred. Body Slam is a cheap charged attack that can be spammed to get rid of your opponent's shields, while Wild Charge is good for extra coverage and deals out high amounts of damage.
Having said that, Galarian Rapidash is generally much better positioned to be used as an attacker in raid battles than in PvP battles. If you want it to become a fairy-type attacker, go with it Fairy wind and play rough Like its moveset. If you want it to become a psychic-type attacker, go with it Psycho Cat and Psychic Instead. Either way, this is a good backup option for your raid team.
Is regular rapidash or galarian rapidash better?
One for trainer battles, the other for raid battles
Neither version of Rapidash will ignite the battlefield Pokémon GOBut the addition of Wild Charge actually looks like a pretty good improvement over regular Rapidash. At the time of writing, it was sitting in 60th place on PvPoke's Ultra League ranking, which is based on his potential matchups in the current meta. It can perform even better in special cups where it is available to compete, so it is worth having two Rapidash that know Wild Charge, one built for the 1500 CP format and another built for the 2500 CP format.
On the other hand, Wild Charge doesn't do much to help Galarian Rapidash's poor performance in PvP Trainer Battles, so you don't need to worry too much about building one that knows this attack. Galarian Rapdiash is, however, a fairly reliable attacker for raid battles in Pokémon GOSo it's worth evolving one with good stats and teaching it a full Fairy-type moveset to use against Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-type raid bosses, or a full Psychic-type moveset to use against Fighting and Poison-type raid bosses.
Some of the top fairy-type attackers are Zacian, Xerneas, Togekiss, Gardevoir, and Sylveon. Some of the top psychic-type attackers are Mewtwo, Latios, Lunala, Alakazam, and Metagross. Galarian Rapidash can provide good support for them in raid battles, but it shouldn't be your top priority if you have any of these Pokemon in your collection already.
Finally, it's worth considering whether you want to spend your precious resources on powering up Rapidash and Galarian Rapidash in Pokémon GO. There are some Pokemon that can do what these two creatures do better. I'd recommend taking a look at the best Ultra League Pokemon for alternatives to Rapidash, and consider the Pokemon in the top box above if you're looking for raid attackers other than Galarian Rapidash.
Source: PvPoke