Best Mo and Krill Builds (Abilities, Items and Leveling Guide)

Best Mo and Krill Builds (Abilities, Items and Leveling Guide)

in DeadlockWhy play as one character when you can play as two? The characters Mo and Krill are a tag team unit controlled by a single player. One character rides on the back of the other to deal chain damage, while the bigger mobile character deals Abilities and melee damage. This dynamic duo thrives when Pushing and controlling lanes.

With limited range-damage potential, Mo and Krill are more team support heroes. They have a considerable amount of health that is upgradable, as well as a unique set of abilities that allow them to Avoid taking damage. Combined with the right items from the store, the tunnel rats are Extremely pesky for enemy players to deal with.

Mo and Krill: Abilities

Control lanes and avoid damage

As part of the Tunnel Rats, an underground community in Deadlock Lore, Mo and Krill are Cunning when it comes to combat. Where other heroes use verticality, Mo and Krill can burrow underground and maneuver into an attack position, or Escape life-or-death situationsAs demonstrated in the video from Combat deadlock Above.

MO and Krill abilities

Faculty description

Sorn (1)

Deal damage to surrounding enemies

Burrow (2)

Go underground and move around freely to perform a targeted spin attack when you come up to the surface

Sand blast (3)

Disarm an enemy for a short duration

Combo (4)

Locks enemy in place for Team Focused Strike (Ultimate ability)

The crux of Mo And Krill's abilities is using them to avoid damage. While the first ability to unlock is damage, an attack-boosting ability, the other three abilities allow Mo And Krill's team to focus on damaging exposed enemies.

Upgrading abilities in-game can be reversed if the player accidentally selects the wrong upgrade ability. But the window to change the upgrade is short.

Mo and Krill: Best things

Make this pair of heroes harder to take down with health-boosting items

Mo and Krill's build things tree in deadlock.
Source: YouTube / Combat Deadlock

Besides upgrading Mo And Krill's abilities, the use of the item store in the game is Crucial to securing victory for the team. Knowing what items to focus spending souls on to acquire will significantly increase Mo and Krill's health and defense, making them even More of a force during lane control. As one of the tanker heroes in DeadlockSimilar to the Warden, Mo and Krill need to stay alive long enough to develop their abilities.

Mo and Krill Best Items

Game stage purchase

Item description

Restorative shot

early game (1)

Bullet healing ability

Headshot booster

early game (2)

Bonus damage for headshots

Extra Regen

early game (3)

Faster health regen and health buff

Fleet foot

mid game (1)

Bonus health and increased slide distance

Enduring Speed

mid game (2)

Increased movement speed and health buff

Healing booster

mid game (3)

Increased healing

Improved reach

late game (1)

Increased range and spirit power

Echo Shard

late game (2)

Reset non-ultimate ability cooldown

Improved Spirit Armor

late game (3)

Increased spirit armor

Metal Skin


Briefly become immune to bullets and melee damage

Item purchasing depends on the flow of the game. Don't prioritize mid or late game items too quickly. Filling early-game items before moving on to mid-game and late-game items will give you More upgrades faster.

Leveling up Mo and Krill in Deadlock

Know what abilities and items to unlock during a match

Mo and Krill Abilities Selection Menu in Deadlock.
Source: YouTube / Combat Deadlock

Although Mo and Krill should prioritize health and defense to stay alive, dying is part of the game. Every death is an opportunity to Learn and strengthen MO and Krill. When spawning, unlock and upgrade abilities with ability points ASAP. Then, depending on match flow, consider purchasing items in the store. The most important thing is probably how Mo and Krill Choose to upgrade their abilities.

Scan is available first, so unlock it immediately. Depending on how the match is going, unlocking Burrow or Sand Blast may be decided by lane control. Burrow will allow Mo and Krill to maintain control for longer, while Sand Blast can help the team take back control Disarming powerful opponents. Combo is last, and it's a game-changer meant for Late-game or desperate situations.

MO and Krill Ability upgrade sequence

Ability unlock

Ability upgrade


Unlock first

Upgrade after unlocking second ability


unlock second (if winning the early game); Unlock Third (if you lose the early game)

Upgrade after unlocking third ability

Sand blast

unlock second (if you lose the early game); Unlock Third (if winning the early game)

Upgrade during late game

combo (last)

Unlock fourth (mid game)

Upgrade during late game (based on souls inventory)

Earn ability points quickly by completing in-game objectives, like destroying walkers and shrines, or by delivering urns.

Remember, Mo and Krill have Limited mobility compared to other heroes. So, spend most of the game assisting the team by controlling lanes. The heroes are at their best when avoiding damage with special abilities, like Burrow, Sand Blast and Combo. This tactic becomes essential, because enemies may begin to Focus on her quickly to take back position. Play your role and upgrade MO and Krill wisely Deadlock.

Source: YouTube / Combat Deadlock