Mages are a compelling class choice in Dragon Age: Inquisition, And the three optional specializations the Inquisitor can learn will allow them to deal massive damage or exercise complete control over a fight. Magi play an essential role in the history of Dragon Age: InquisitionAnd choosing the mage class for the Inquisitor can put them right in the center of the mage/templar conflict that colors the first half of the main campaign.
There are three classes to choose from Dragon Age: InquisitionEach with its own pros and cons as players seek to find the one they like the best. Fortunately, in this installment of the franchise, The classes feel more balanced and equally playable As in the others, making it a great game to try out a new class. The Mage class is a great one to pick if you want to have access to some elemental abilities And magic for their gear.
What Mage Builds Can Do
Under-classes and racial options
With all the advantages of a mage class, it is important when building your character to know what to consider. For example, not every race can take the mage class. A character of Human, Elf, or Qunari descent can take the mage classAlthough dwarves can't. At the start of the game, mages have access to four trees: Spirit, Winter, Hell, and Storm. each Corresponds to a kind of elemental magic the Mage Inquisitor can performIn addition to their abilities given by the sign on their hand.
Once the Inquisition reaches SkyholdPlayers can select a specialization for their mage. There are three: Knight-Enchanter, Rift Mage, and Necromancer. Knight-enchanters can be ranged and melee fighters, wielding a spirit blade that resembles a lightsaber. Rift mages control the battle by controlling and manipulating the fadesThe world of dreams where mages get their power. This works well with the Inquisitor's ability to seal rifts in the Fade with their mark.
Necromancers are high damage dealers who can cleanse the dead For a short time and strike fear in enemies. Each of the three mage companions has one of these specializations: Vivienne is a knight-enchanter, Solas is a rift mage, and Dorian Pavus is a necromancer. Even if the player cannot choose the mage class, They can build the characters to be an integral and deadly part of the party. Here are the three best magic pictures Dragon Age: Inquisition. If you want a closer look at the specializations, check out YouTuber AbilityPreview's video.
Best Knight-Enchanter build in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Powerful spirit blade builds
The best knight-enchanter builds rely on these Use of Spirit Blade when it has a high charge valueUsually seen above the character's skill bar. Once Spirit Blade is discharged, players will need to quickly build up the charge again by using spells or standard stick attack, so the build focuses on the abilities that will best facilitate the draw. Knight-enchanters are extremely difficult to kill Due to the continuous application of Barrier from Fade Shieldmaking them excellent all-around attackers.
The basic abilities for this build are:
Spirit |
Storm |
Hell |
Winter |
Knight Enchanter |
Optional skills to raise
While the above are the essentials you need, you can also take the optional skills if they have points to spare:
Spirit |
Storm |
Knight Enchanter |
Players can choose to take these Resurgence Focus Ability for Vivienne And allow that one to keep Mark of the Rift for pure damage if they play a Knight-Enchanter Inquisitor.
Players will want to load their scale bar with Spirit Blade, Fade Step, Fire Mine, Energy Barrage, Static Cage, Fade Cloak, and Barrier. They can initiate an action by casting Barrier on the party. Then, they will want to deal damage, especially with energy barrage Build up Spirit Blade charges to 99 Or close to that.
They can use Fade Step to get into melee range and fire Spirit Blade Once to use all the built-up charges. When the barrier bar above the character's health bar is full, Use Fire Mine to take advantage of the bonus damage From Chaotic Focus.
The Blade of Tidarion Is especially useful for a knight-enchanter, as well as the seer's staff and Razikale's staff. Players can create a blade and grab it Uses materials to improve critical chance and critical damage For best results.
Best Rift Mage Build in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Support & AOE damage
Rift mages are primarily Control and support party membersBut they can also deal a lot of AoE damage when paired with the Inferno and Winter trees. Players can combine control spells with elemental spells to Create instant combos that also do great damage. To use this build, players need the following skills:
Spirit |
Hell |
Winter |
Rift Mage |
With the skills unlocked and upgraded, you can always look in Weakening enemies for 10 seconds. You and your party will benefit from this debuff, and keeping it active will be key with the skills in battle. You can too Get bonus barrier damage from this build with Chaotic FocusAnd an increased cooldown lets you use your spells as often as possible.
Use your Rift Mage
If the Inquisitor is the Rift Mage, they should stop Mark of the Rift as their Focus Ability. If the player is using this build on Solas, they should also be sure to pick up Firestorm. In the skill bar, players should make sure to have Immolate, Fire Mine, Wither Step, Ice Mine, Stonefist, Veilstrike, Pool of the Abyss, and either Firestorm or Mark of the Rift.
To play with this image, Players should start a fight with Veilstrike To give warriors and dual-wield rogues time to take a few damaging shots. They can do the greatest amount of harm through Casting Fire Mines and then using Pull of the Abyss to drag enemies into the mines.
They can also use Pull of the Abyss to Drag enemies closer, throw Ice Mine, and then use Stonefist to melt enemies. Because this build expends a lot of mana, players should make sure to Use Fade Step to get out of melee trouble and regenerate mana quickly.
No staff tends to do for this build, but players may want to use their materials to craft gear Dragon Age: Inquisition That Specifically generates guard on hit. They will often find themselves close to enemies to use fire and ice mines, so more guards will always help. They will too Use materials and masterworks that improve critical odds and critical damage.
Keep an eye on your critical hits; The more you can do them to an enemy, the more You can use the next skill without cooldown. This is critical to certain parts of this build, including the Fire Mine, Flaming Array, and Flashpoint combo below.
The Ring of Doubt will be critical to this buildHow it can help the Inquisitor take out one enemy at the beginning of a fight. To use it, players will want to hit a target with Immolate. Then, they will need to retreat to shrink back to stealth. Once in stealth, they can Cast Fire Mine with the Flaming Array upgrade if they have Trespasser installed. The first time an enemy touches a glyph it will be an immediate critical hit. Then, Flashpoint will let the next cast, Flaming Array, a second time.
Best Necromancer Build in Dragon Age: Inquisition
High-damage output
Necromancers are these Undisputed high-damage dealers of the Mage classAlthough some in Thedas and even in the Inquisition's ranks struggle to see it as separate from the taboo blood magic. Necromancer skills Pairs well with the Inferno tree due to the interplay between panic, horror and burning effects. It's also delightfully chaotic.
To use this build, players need the following skills:
Spirit |
Hell |
Winter |
Necromancer |
Use the necromancer class
Players can choose any of the Storm tree passives to increase their damage output without using excess mana. They can too Add the rush focus abilities for Dorian or keep Mark of the Rift for their Inquisitor. Players can also choose which upgrades they prefer for Spirit Mark when they have extra skills. They can too Choose the Upgrade Energizing Step for Fade Step Once they have the heart build and restorative veil in spirit to reduce mana loss.
Players should stop Fade Step, Walking Bomb, Spirit Mark, Fire Mine, Impale, Dispel and Wall of Fire Active in their skill bar. Mark of the Rift will take the last slot if the Necromancer is their Inquisitor. If it's Dorian, Haste or horror will be the best fit.
To use this build, players should focus on using Fire Mine as their main spell. They can Throw Spirit Mark and Walking Bomb live when an enemy is close to death to take advantage of their AoE effects Against living enemies. They can use Horror and Wall of Fire together to panic enemies and make them more susceptible to damage. And, as with Rift Mage, Necromancers wearing the Ring of Doubt can use the automatic critical strike And no cooldown from casting Immalite, retreat to stealth and casting Fire Mine twice.
Players will want a Stick with high DPS for this build and Gear that increases critical chance and critical damage. It's also a good idea to include a masterwork that includes a chance to use horror or go bomb on a hit in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Video Credit: YouTube/AbilityPreview