Best Lightest Build (W-Engine, Teams and Drive Discs)

Best Lightest Build (W-Engine, Teams and Drive Discs)

With Lighter about to join the chaotic group of playable agents in Zenless Zero ZoneKnowing how to build this flexible agent will help maximize its potential. Lighter is the latest addition to the Sons of Calydon, and while he may seem tamer than his fellow bikers, he's no less powerful. Despite a meta-shift towards Anomaly units, Stun units will likely always play a significant role ZZZ, as every Rank S stun character had some way of increasing damage.

Lighter's punch-focused kit will revolve heavily around his passives and Morale Eruption state. Essentially, Lighter will gain morale points, up to 100, as he deals damage or uses energy. At age 80, he will enter the Morale Eruption state, which will increase his overall Impact and power. Enemies hit by Lighter in this state will have their Fire and Ice Resistance reduced and at the same time the stun duration will increase.. This is important because Lighter's passive bonus will allow him to generate stacks of Uplifting, up to 20, on teammates when he hits enemies, and each stack will increase his team's Fire and Ice damage.

Best W Motor for Cigarette Lighter

A better choice among lackluster options

The Reverb Mark III W-Engine at the Zenless Zone Zero gadget store

If the initial information is accurate, Lighter's exclusive W-Engine Blazing Laurel will be your best option. At the moment, the only known information about this mechanic is that Quick or Defensive Assists will increase the users' Impact, and any basic attack hit will reward a stack, up to 20, of a buff that will increase the critical damage to any Fire. or Frost damage to users' staff. This mechanic is the obvious choice for Lighter, perfectly matching his playstyle and team composition.

The rest of the Stun W-Engines are a mix of Lighter, as their the next best option would be Lycaon's subscription, The Restrained. This option increases the Daze of Basic Attacks whenever an enemy is hit by 6% for eight seconds and stacks up to five times. This fits perfectly with what Lighter wants to do, but unfortunately it doesn't offer any other bonuses. The other glaring issue is that it is one of several S-Rank engines in the Standard Banner.

For Rank A options, Lighter is best left with Six Shooter or Precious Fossilized Core.

Six Shooter will give Lighter a huge Daze boost to his EX Special Attack once their charges are accumulated, while Precious Fossilized Core will give you bonus Daze for targets with a lot of health. Given its limited kit and options, it would be recommended to go with Lighter's exclusive W-Engine if you plan to invest in and use it properly.

Best Drive Discs for Cigarette Lighters

Shockstar Reigns Supreme

One of the Shockstar Disco Drive discs for the best Qingyi build in Zenless Zone Zero

Just like fellow Stun Unit Qingyi and its best build, Lighter will utilize the Shockstar Disco set. This set offers a 6% two-piece impact boost and increases Daze damage from basic attacks, dash attacks, and dodge counterattacks by 20%. Until a better option is added, this set is the ideal option for any stun unit. It adds all the important stats needed and still allows them to win with the extra two-piece set.

The two-piece set is a matter of preference, but Swing Jazz is often used to maximize the energy regeneration of stun units. Other options for Lighter include Hormone Punk to increase its attack or Inferno Metal to increase its fire damage. Anything else would be nearly useless to the Lighter and should only be used as a stat boost.

Disc 4

Critical Rate

Disc 5

Fire Damage

Disc 6



Critical Rate, Critical Damage, Attack %, Penetration

Being a stun unit, the only stat of great importance is Impact, which should be the priority on Disc 6. Disc 4 should prioritize critical rate, while disc 5 has bonus fire damage so that Lighter can deal some damage on his own. The substats will follow this trend, emphasizing crits, penetration, and attack percentage.

Best teams for lighters

An expert in fire and ice

Stun units are a unique factor in team composition and are either universal or niche. For example, Lycaon is best with Ice teams, while Qingyi can realistically work with anyone. Along with that, they are better with Attack units than Anomaly. In this regard, The best Lighter teams will be with Fire or Ice Attack units. This makes fans of Ellen Joe or Soldier 11 the aggressive fighter's main targets.

Combining Lighter with the best build of Ellen Joe and Soukaku makes an already strong team even better, as a properly built Lighter will beat Lycaon. About that, he's a huge boost for Soldier 11 teams, or whenever the next Fire Attack unit comes out, which were previously limited to Koleda or Caesar for stun. However, Koleda is a clunkier unit with slow stun times, and Caesar, while also a limited draw agent, is a Defender who relies heavily on counterattacking to inflict quick stuns.

Lighter can work well on any team given his quick application and Daze playstyle. However, he would feel less effective than if he were placed on a team that allowed him to capitalize on his passive buffs and those of his W-Engine. Happily, this also makes the Lighter relatively future-proof for any Fire or Ice Attack units that come along in the future.. It's also easy to pair ZZZThe game's main fire support, Lucy, giving them both easy access to her extra passive.

The lighter is another addition to the Without Zen which shows how the game is evolving. It quickly moves away from each character fitting into a small niche or playstyle and expands to characters that are flexible across multiple compositions. Even though Lighter's team may seem small currently, he has immense potential in them and in the future. This makes pulling and properly building the Lighter Zenless Zero Zone a high priority for those who fit your strengths.