Best Lady Spirit Build (Abilities and Leveling Guide)

Best Lady Spirit Build (Abilities and Leveling Guide)

Lady Spirit is a powerful attacker in Deadlock. She hits extremely hard and has low cooldowns, but spends her own life to parry the attacks. It is possible to put yourself in danger when facing enemies who are also capable of dealing high damage. This can make you extremely vulnerable in the early-game stages. Still, Lady Ghost is one of the best options in a one-on-one duel or a team fight where she remains untargeted.

It is important to do that Deadlock is still in an invite-only test phase. Even with 40,000 players, Valve is likely to make changes before fully releasing the game. Expect there to be major balance patches, new characters, and adjustments to both abilities and skills. It is possible that Lady Geist may become a different role or playstyle in the futuredepending on player feedback and trends.

Lady spirit abilities

Hit hard now but don't be too greedy

Deadlock is a semi-successor to Valve's previous MOBA title, Dota 2. It has more focus on actions rather than just buying certain things early. With this in mind, a character like Lady Ghost needs to carefully aim her attacks. If you miss, not only has the enemy survived unscathed, but you will also waste a portion of your hitpoints. Lady Geist has four abilities, all of which can be upgraded Ability Points (AP).



App upgrades

Essence bomb

Take 30 unblockable spirit damage to launch a bomb that deals 100 spirit damage

Increased radius, increased damage, leaves a puddle on the ground that deals damage for six seconds

Live dry

Deal 35 damage for two seconds to a target and heal by the same amount

Increased damage, four seconds duration, Adds silence


Take 32 damage and launch shards of malice, stackable up to five times. Enemies hit with this take 15% more damage and are Slowed down 20% per stock

Lower cooldown, health to damage, launch six shards

Soul Exchange

Exchange hitpoints with an enemy. Both must be at a minimum of 30% health.

Lower cooldown, enemy can be 20% health, increased fire rate and spirit resist

YouTuber 1st slide Took Lady Spirit all the way to the late game and did very high damage. Key skills like Berserker, Headshot Booster and Souls Shredder Bullet can really stack to improve their attacks. Still, you should be careful not to get against yourself and retreat accordingly.

Lady Spirit Skill Item Priorities

Build for both damage and survivability

Lady Geist meets Dynamo in deadlock

As you gain levels, you may improve your base stats, abilities, or other situational reactions. Some of them should be used by all Lady Geist players, while others depend on preference. Some things depend on your own teammates or the specific opponents you are fighting. With the likelihood that the game will be Valve's next big hit, it's important to work with other players. Try to communicate with your team and come up with a solid game plan for each game Deadlock.


Early match build

When the match first begins, you will not have much currency to spend. Aim for cheap ways to improve Lady Geist's damage and health recovery. Headshot booster is a must if you plan on mostly fighting one-on-one.

Skill Item


Headshot booster


Mystic reach


High Velocity Mag


Extra stamina


Extra health


Extra Regen


Mid match build

Around 10 to 15 minutes into the game, you will be able to pick up better skills than your level. This is when you can increase the damage further with Berserker And Mystic shot. Still, get a few defensive skills to defend yourself or hide the enemy.

Skill Item




Mystic shot


Improved cooldown


Slow bullets




Kinetic Dash


Spirit life steal


Bullet Armor


Late match build

Finally, after 25-35 minutes, you will have enough levels and currency to bring the most important features of Lady Geist. Move like Improved crack And Higher cooldown Can allow abilities to go off more often. This will make Lady Spirit a true threat in any game Deadlock.

Skill Item


Improved crack


Higher cooldown






Slowing hex


Warp stone


Video source: 1stGlitch/YouTube


Online multiplayer


Source 2