Best Gray Talon Builds (Abilities, Items and Leveling Guide)

Best Gray Talon Builds (Abilities, Items and Leveling Guide)

Gray Talon is an excellent DPS-focused hero choice Deadlock players, and his best build reflects his combat skills. While many of the game's characters perform well with a balance between support and solo abilities, fans of the hero will instead need to juggle spirit power and weapon damage. Equipped to work with each, your chosen items for Gray Talon will play a key role in its build.

Seven could be deadlock s Most popular DPS hero in early playtesting, but Gray Talon deserves credit where it's due. As players continue to experiment with more complex mechanics and character abilities, the bow-wielder's Guided Owl and Rain of Arrows stand out among those with the highest potential. However, mastering the gameplay of Gray Taon can be tricky with player preferences in mind, as many can reach their weapons over Spirit Power. Gray Talon shines with a spirit buildExecuting long-range attacks with a strategy.

The best abilities and items to build Gray Talon in Deadlock

Leveling for each game phase

Gray Talon's uses his charged shot abilities in deadlock

Dealing substantial weapon damage is no doubt one of Gray Talon's greatest strengths, even with Haze in Deadlock. However, the hero is just as well equipped to prioritize spirit power. We'll be leaning towards a spirit build here, with Gray Talon's ultimate ability, Guided Owl, as its foundation. Proper items will increase upgrade bonuses for maximum dps and support. We've broken down ideal ability leveling and the best items to work with by game phase.

Best Ability Leveling for Gray Talon in Deadlock

Gray Talon has access to Charged Shot, Rain of Arrows, Immobilizing Trap and Guided Owl in DeadlockEach of which is shown by YouTuber Venenu. With Ability Points (AP), you can upgrade all four abilities to secure additional effects and bonuses 1 AP, 2 AP and 5 AP. Here's a closer look at leveling details:


Description & Leveling

ordered shot

Charges a powerful shot that pierces enemies. Stop [1] Or left mouse button to stop the shot.

  • 1 app: +1 fee
  • 2 app: +65 damage
  • 5 AP: Improved damage scaling and -3 second charge delay

Rain of arrows

Launches her high into the air, allowing her to glide slowly. When you are airborne, you gain weapon damage and multishot on your weapon. Press Space to cancel the slide.

  • 1 app: -14 second cooldown
  • 2 app: In the air, +5 weapon damage and weapon damage apply 40% slow movement for 1.5 seconds
  • 5 AP: In the air, +50% bullet lifesteal and +50% spirit lifestyle

Immobilizing trap

Throw out a trap that starts to arm itself. Once armed, the trap will trigger when an enemy enters its radius, immobilizing them.

  • 1 app: -19 second cooldown
  • 2 app: +2 second slow duration
  • 5 AP: Gray Talon deals +30% more bullet damage to enemies hit by immobilizing trap for 10 seconds

Guided Owl

After 1.5 seconds of cast time, launch a Spirit Owl that you control, which explodes on impact, damaging and stunning enemies. Gain permanent spirit power for each enemy killed with Guided Owl.

  • 1 app: +100 damage
  • 2 app: -47 second cooldown
  • 5 AP: After hitting, kills enemies that are below 22% health

Gray Talon is not one of the strongest characters in Deadlock When you're just starting out, so you'll want to Unlock his Charged Shot ability For easy and accurate weapon damage in the early game. from there, Work on unlocking immobilizing trap, rain of arrows and then guided owl. With all four abilities ready to go, you can start on individual leveling.

For maximum damage output early, you should Set your app to the charged shot. It's a good idea to grab at least the first two upgrades here Pick up Guided Owl's first upgrade for a significant increase in damage. Then you can work on Immobilizing Trap or Rain of Arrows, both of which offer cooldown reductions as the first upgrade.

If you're looking for an easier route to dealing damage, you should get the first Rain of Arrows upgrade here. Immobilizing Trap is an excellent alternative to establish a line of defense against other players, but it can be difficult to use, as you will need to practice with precision for the most significant effect.

Ends up with the Charged Shot upgrades Likes your app in Leveling Guided Owl to stack spirit power Boosts with every kill. Grab the ultimate bonuses for Rain of Arrows and Immobilizing Trap based on the obstacles you typically encounter during matches. The former will likely prove more useful than Deadlock Progressions, but both ability upgrades have their uses.

Best items for Gray Talon in Deadlock

Gray Talon uses his Guided Owl ability in Deadlock

You'll have more than enough item options whether you're building Gray Talon for Weapon damage or spirit power. Since we are focusing on the latter, we have opted for items to boost the stat and those that help with Scope and mobilityBecause he tends to lean on the hard side with characters like deadlock s Spirit-powered packet. Here is an overview of working items based on game phases:

Game phase

Suggested items

Early game

  • Hollow Point Ward

  • Mystic burst

  • Sprint shoes

  • Enduring spirit

  • Extra spirit

  • Extra Regen

  • Extra stamina

Mid game

  • Mystic shot

  • Enchanter's Barrier

  • Combat barrier

  • Improved crack

  • Improved spirit

  • Duration Extender

  • Higher cooldown

Late game

  • Spiritual overflow

  • Boundless spirit

  • Surge of power

  • Mystic Reverb

  • Sharpshooter

  • Higher duration

  • Silencer

In the early game or laning phase, Hollow Point Ward and Mystic Burst Will give Gray Talon huge increases to spirit shield health, with additional boosts to spirit power and weapon damage, respectively. The scope of the items here, including sustain spirit, extra spirit, extra regen, and extra stamina, All will help to sustain and increase your spirit power a little more. Finally, Sprint Boots help with movement speed on top of health regeneration and weapon damage.

Mystic Shot should be your first item For Gray Talon moving in the mid game, increasing both weapon damage and spirit power. Similarly, Combat Barrier and Enchanter's Barrier will buff Bullet Shield health and Spirit Shield health immediately, giving you more support. Improved Burst and Improved Spirit build on this, adding more scope and spirit power to the mix. Go for the Duration Extender and Superior Cooldown to get the most out of Immobilizing Trap and Guided Owl.

Rounding out your Gray Talon build in deadlock s late game, Spiritual overflow, and boundless spirit are must-haves To maximize your spirit power. Surge of Power and Sharpshooter will help complete the charged shot and rain of arrows here, with Mystic Reverb working to add slowing effects to your shots. Higher duration optimizes immobilizing trap, while Silencer will allow you to use Guided Owl without falling prey to other players on cast.

Video Credit: Where/YouTube