Giving Chasca the best build Genshin Impact can turn her into one of the deadliest multi-element DPS units in the game. Chasca is a new 5-star character added in version 5.2, alongside Ororon. In combat, she wields a bow and has Anemo Vision, although her main focus is not dealing DMG from the Anemo itself. Chasca's gaming kit allows her to deal multiple types of damage based on the elements of her team members. If you run the Furina build Genshin Impact Along with Chasca, there's a chance she can deal Hydro DMG as well, for example.
Chasca stands out by using her elemental ability to enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state, which puts her on a flying mount. As I flew, Chasca can use Normal and Charged Attacks to fire projectiles that can have their elements converted, and in doing so, force various types of Elemental Reactions based on her team composition.. This interactivity with different elements is restricted to Hydro, Pyro, Cryo and Electro. Her complex kit may be difficult to understand, but after farming Chasca's materials Genshin Impact and Ascend Her, you can start optimizing your build, where you'll better understand how she plays.
Best weapons for Chasca (best bows)
Look for bows with great offensive stats
To start working on building Chasca, you first need to find a suitable weapon for her. The best 5-star bow for Chasca is Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumagehis signature weapon. This bow offers an average base ATK stat (608 at level 90), but an incredible CRIT DMG substat (66% at level 90). Additionally, its ability allows for 12 seconds after a whirlwind reaction is triggered, the user's ATK is increased by 24%.
The table below lists the best build for Chasca in Genshin Impactincluding suggested weapons, ideal stats, recommended artifacts, and more:
The best Chasca build in Genshin Impact |
Arm |
Artifact |
Statistical priority |
Skill priority |
Additionally, when 1/2 or more characters in the party are members other than the character equipping Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage, the DMG dealt by the user's Charged Attacks is increased by 20%/48% and the DMG of the Elemental Blast dealt is increased by 10%/24%. These extra skill bonuses directly contribute to Chasca's construction as an Anemo character who is at her best when operating in a team with characters of varying elements. If you don't have access to Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage, there are some 5-star alternatives to Chasca at Genshin Impact.
Aqua Simulacra, Yelan's signature 5-star weapon, is the second-best 5-star bow for Chasca. It offers some of the best offensive advantages in the game. Even though it has an expendable HP bonus and can work well with sub-DPS units off the field, all of its offensive properties can give Chasca the advantage in combat. Alternatively, you can also use Lyney's exclusive 5-star bow, The First Great Magic, which offers the same base ATK and CRIT DMG sub-stat as Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage and will likely trigger an increase in your Movement Speed, but no extra offensive. fans in Genshin Impact.
You can also use the 5-star Skyward Harp from the standard loot pool, which offers good offensive perks such as a 22% CRIT rate substat, a 20% CRIT DMG buff, and a chance to deal extra AoE damage to opponents . If you don't have access to any of these 5-star bows, there are some 4-star weapons that can work well with Chasca. The first of these is the Range Gauge. This 4-star bow in Genshin Impact offers a lower base ATK stat (565 at level 90) and a decent ATK substat (27.6% at level 90).
The Range Gauge ability sees that when the user is healed or provides healing, they gain the Token of Unity for 30 seconds, up to three stacks. When the user activates their Skill or Explosion, all Symbols are consumed, providing the Fight effect. For each symbol consumed, they gain 3% ATK and 7% bonus DMG from all elements, an effect that can be activated once every 15 seconds. Symbols can be acquired even if Chasca is out of bounds.
The only downside to this arc is the need to see Chasca healed, but for aggressive team compositions that do without shields, it can work well.
Another good 4-star alternative to Chasca is Scion of the Blazing Sun. The bow obtained in the Battle Pass in Genshin Impact provides a lower base ATK stat (565 at level 90) and a decent CRIT rate substat (18.4% at level 90). He also sees that when charged attacks hit enemies, they are hit an extra time and are marked by Heartsearer for 10 seconds. – This Heartsearer effect causes targets to take 28% extra DMG from charged attacks.
If you don't have any of the weapons mentioned, look for bows that offer great offensive advantages, such as bonuses to ATK, CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG. Bows that trigger extra bursts of damage and offensive buffs based on how Chasca plays are worthy of her equipping, although they are best suited for her role as main DPS in team compositions.
Best Artifacts and Stats for Chasca
Chasca is a main DPS with mostly traditional stat requirements
In addition to the weapon, you will need to equip Chasca with a suitable set of artifacts. Currently, the Obsidian Codex Artifact set in Genshin Impact is the best choice for Chasca. With two pieces, the user gains a 15% DMG bonus when in the Nightsoul's Blessing state and is on the field - which suits Chasca as a main DPS. With four pieces, the user's CRIT rate can be increased by 40% for six seconds when they consume a Nightsoul point while on the field.. This effect can be triggered once every second.
Alternatively, you can use Genshin ImpactThe Marechaussee Hunter Artifact is set in Chasca, but only if Furina is in your team composition. Normal and Charged Attack DMG is increased by 15% with two pieces, and with four pieces, When the user's HP increases or decreases, their CRIT rate increases by 12% for five seconds, up to three stacks. This set is good for Chasca when she is forced to lose HP due to Furina's abilities, but overall, Obsidian Codex provides the most consistent and easily achievable offensive bonuses.
When farming artifacts, you should look for stats that improve Chasca's damage output. This includes a healthy balance between CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG, although you can stop farming the CRIT rate at 60% as it will get an extra 40% with Obsidian Codex, thus allowing you to invest more in CRIT DMG. Farming for ATK is also recommended. If you increase Energy Recharge up to 160%, you should be able to use your Burst at the end of most of your rotations, while 110% should allow you to use your Burst every other rotation. Elemental Mastery is also a substat worth increasing.
When farming the Chalice Artifact piece for Chasca in Genshin Impactdon't use one with Anemo DMG Bonus% stat. Instead, opt for extra ATK, as Chasca should deal all types of Elemental DMG and not just Anemo DMG thanks to her kit.
Best team compositions for Chasca
You have several options for allies
In terms of team composition, you can be very creative, as Chasca works wonderfully with multiple characters. With multiple character types on your team, you'll have a better chance of seeing projectiles undergo elemental conversionmaking your photos of different elements. In turn, you will see Chasca triggering different types of reactions. The best team compositions for Chasca revolve around increasing her damage output, so buffers like Furina and Bennett in Genshin Impact work very well and sub-DPS units can increase the frequency of their reactions even further.
The table below lists some team composition suggestions for Chasca:
Chasca's best team compositions in Genshin Impact |
Multielement Electrocharged Team Comp |
Vaporize/melt Team Comp |
F2P Team Build |
While these are recommended team compositions for Chasca, you can mix and match according to your preferences and character availability. The important thing to take into consideration when building a team around Chasca is that her projectiles only interact with Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, and Electro.so the majority of your team composition needs to be made up of these elements. Opting for buffing supports over more sub-DPS units makes sense considering how strong Chasca can be while on the field.
Skill (Talent) Priority for Chasca
Start by leveling Chasca's skill
When farming Chasca materials, you may need to prioritize some talents over others. The most important Talent in Chasca's kit is her Elemental Skill, so level it first. After that, you must invest your resources into your Elemental Burst. Lastly, upgrade her Normal Attacks – as much as these are what she uses in her Blessing of Nightsoul state, it is her Skill that determines most of the damage from her regular rotation.
Chasca's build is quite fair, especially given the lower requirements she has on several of her stats – her CRIT rate can be lower than most DPS units because this is compensated by her artifacts and weapons, while she can forgo searching for a Bonus Anemo DMG Chalice because ATK is more useful. Your team composition can become a little confusing due to the sheer amount of options you have at your disposal, but overall, with the right allies, Chasca can become one of the best DPS units in Genshin Impact.