Benson and Stabler have a long relationship history Law & Order: SVU. The two were partners for the first 12 seasons of the series, and many of Stabler's best episodes Law & Order: SVU Focused on his relationship with Benson. Originally, Stabler was the more experienced cop who was supposed to help Benson learn how to work SVU cases, but their relationship evolved over the years. During the early days, their relationship was strictly platonic, although Stabler's wife was often jealous of the time her husband spent with Benson.
Christopher Meloni left the series after season 12, and when he returned 10 years later to star in his own spinoff, Benson was promoted to captain and put in charge of her unit. Stabler's wife died in one of the saddest episodes of Law & Order: SVUWhich theoretically paved the way for a romantic relationship between Benson and Stabler. However, the two had many awkward moments while trying to figure out what they meant to each other.
Benson and Stabler meet for the first time
Season 1, Episode 1
Benson was brand new to SVU in the first episode of the series, and Captain Kragen assigned her to work with Stabler on her first case, which was one of Law & Order: SVU Creepiest episodes. The case involved a cabbie whose genitals were cut off, and Benson empathized with the prime suspect. She believed the woman was fighting back against horrific abuse and refused to arrest her. Stabler came to her aid, saving the case and accepting a tongue-lash from Kragen to keep Benson out of trouble; so, This episode established Stabler's role as Benson's protector.
Stabler insists on protecting Benson from a stalker
Season 1, Episode 8
There were several times where Stabler helped save Benson's life, but the first time was special. Benson did not want Stabler's protection, but when he learned that she was being followed, he agreed to drive her everywhere. In one scene, he waited outside her apartment and flashed his light to let her know he was there.. This became an iconic scene because it helped establish their relationship.
Stabler makes it clear that he is aware of everything that goes on with Benson
Season 1, Episode 10
During the first season, Benson tried to date Brian Cassidy (Dean Winters). The two kept their relationship private, but Stabler knew all about it after it ended. Benson was surprised, but Stabler explained that he "knew everything about her" because he was her partner. Although this was meant in a platonic sense, it also suggested a deeper connection between the two of them.
Stabler takes it out on Benson when he and Cathy separate
Season 6, Episode 8
Stabler was devoted to Kathy as long as she was alive, but his relationship with Benson contributed to his marital problems, as Kathy was jealous of all the time he spent with Benson. In this season 6 episode, Stabler lashed out at Benson when they disagreed about a rape case, but later admitted that he was upset about the potential end of his marriage. Benson comforted Stabler as he mourned his potential divorce; She was trying to be there for him as a close friend, but it was clear that their feelings for each other were deeper than that.
Stabler supports Benson as she tells him about her childhood
Season 6, Episode 13
Although a Benson/Stabler romance on Law & Order: SVU Seems like a bad idea, there's no question that Stabler can be as emotionally supportive as Benson needs. In this season 6 episode, he listens non-judgmentally to Benson's childhood trauma and helps Benson understand that her father's heinous crime against her mother did not make her prone to violence or a bad person. Benson had never trusted anyone with the truth about her childhood before, so sharing this with Stabler took courage and made them closer than ever.
Benson and Stabler wonder if they are too close to work together
Season 7, Episode 19 - Season 7, Episode 21
The three-episode arc established that Stabler and Benson's relationship was much closer than police partners are supposed to be. When both Benson and Stabler let a suspect slip through their fingers because they wanted to save the other from possibly getting shot, they realized that their friendship was interfering with their ability to work together. However, Stabler was hurt when Benson asked to switch partners without talking to him. After a short time apart, the two realized that no other partnership works as well as the two united.
An injured Benson says Stabler's name in her sleep
Season 8, Episode 6
The episode was a pivotal moment in Benson and Stabler's relationship. Although Benson didn't know what she was doing, she said Stabler's name in her sleep after she was hospitalized following an injury in the line of duty. Her sleep talking surprised a nurse, who believed it meant Benson had deeper feelings for Stabler than she admitted, and Benson wasn't really in a position to deny it. The scenes were the first sign that Law & Order: SVU's Benson and Stabler had a romantic future.
Benson and Stabler joke about giving each other a kidney
Season 8, Episode 9
In this now-iconic scene, Benson and Stabler joke about how close they are while sharing an elevator, with Stabler saying he'd give Benson a kidney if she needed one and Benson responding, "Not if I give you mine first." Although the exchange was not an important plot point, it was a strong sign that the couple had become closer than they had been, even though Stabler would never act on romantic feelings for Benson while his wife was alive.
Benson is there for stable when he is temporarily blind
Season 9, Episode 7
Stabler was usually the one who protected Benson, but in this episode, the roles were reversed. A suspect slammed Stabler's head into a car door, which left Stabler with a temporary brain injury that obscured his vision. Benson did her best to help Stabler, but he was too proud to accept help. She also tried to dissuade him from testifying against his attacker while he recovered, but her concern was misplaced. however, She proved that she was just as willing to protect and care for him as he was for her.
Stabler is grateful after Benson helps Cathy free his son on the side of the road
Season 9, Episode 9
This episode is known as the first time Benson and Stabler huggedBut the circumstances are also worth noting. Benson helped Cathy deliver her son, Eli, on the side of the road after a serious car accident, saving both Cathy's life and that of the baby. The story foreshadowed the way Benson would be there for Stabler and his family after Cathy's death.
Benson and Stabler pretend to connect during an undercover assignment
Season 10, Episode 7
The scene is played for laughs, however This was the first time the series suggested Benson and Stabler were a viable romantic couple. While on an undercover assignment, Stabler's cover is nearly blown; Thus, he and Benson pretend that they are hacking themselves so that the objects of their investigation do not find out what they are really doing. This circumstance allowed them to experiment with getting physical without admitting they wanted to be with each other in this way.
Stabler leaves the unit without saying goodbye
Season 13, Episode 1
Law & Order: SVUThe season 12 finale included intense scenes where Stabler was forced to shoot and kill a victim's daughter when she brought a gun into the squad room and started shooting. So, it was not surprising that Stabler decided to leave his job afterwards. However, Benson is understandably disappointed and hurt that Stabler did not tell her that he was planning to go to Europe, instead leaving it to Captain Cragen to deliver the news that he had delivered his papers.
Benson has mixed feelings when Stabler returns after a decade
Season 22, Episode 9
10 years after leaving without warning, Stabler returned to New York, intending to surprise Benson by attending a ceremony where she received an award. But his plan was literally blown up, when someone planted a bomb in his car, and fatally wounded his wife. Although Benson wanted to be there for Stabler after Cathy's death, she also resented that he ghosted her for so long and wasn't sure if she could forgive him.
Benson and Stabler's relationship progresses on Law and Order: Organized Crime
Law & Order: Organized Crime Seasons 1 through 3 address their relationship
Benson tried to pick up the pieces as best she could after Stabler's return. However, it is difficult to repair their friendship when they both have feelings for each other that they are fighting. Stabler gave Benson a letter explaining everything that was later written by Cathy in an effort to keep Stabler and Benson apart. Stabler let it slip that he loved Benson when she attended intervention after his PTSD began to affect his life, and repeatedly pushed for Benson to let him meet her son and spend time with both of them.
Each time Stabler and Benson's relationship was addressed Law & Order: Organized Crime |
Event |
episode |
Stabler gives Benson a letter explaining everything |
Season 1, Episode 1 |
Stabler lets slip that he loves Benson |
Season 1, Episode 4 |
Richard Wheatley torments Stabler by referring to Stabler's love for Benson |
Season 1, Episode 7 |
Stabler reveals that Cathy wrote the letter, suggesting that he and Benson go their separate ways |
Season 2, Episode 3 |
Benson turns down Stabler's invitation to spend Christmas together |
Season 2, Episode 9 |
Benson tells Stabler that it's too soon for him to meet Noah |
Season 2, Episode 15 |
Stabler tells Benson that he is moving back to New York permanently |
Season 2, Episode 16 |
A drunken stabler says he's in love with a mysterious woman |
Season 3, Episode 1 |
Stabler finally meets Noah
Law and Order: SVU Season 20, Episode 23
When Stabler and Noah meet, it's an iconic moment that cements the fact that the two belong together. Although Benson tried to protect Noah from getting attached to any of the men in her life, it was clear that she had told Noah about her "old friend," as Noah greeted Stabler with a smile and said he had heard all about him. . . Noah's luck in meeting Stabler proved that Benson was worried about nothing and that her son could see that they were a perfect match.
Benson told Rollins that she once loved Stabler but no longer trusted him
Law and Order: SVU Season 24, Episode 9
Benson and Rollins caught up and had a heart-to-heart while investigating a case at a motel shortly before Rollins left. Law & Order: SVU. Benson admitted that she had deep feelings for Stabler. However, she felt she couldn't trust him because he had been ghosting her for a decade before suddenly reappearing in her life. This was the first time that Benson had confided in anyone about her true feelings for StabileR, even if there is still work to be done before they can be together.
Stabler and Benson almost kiss
Law and Order: SVU Season 24, Episode 12
This iconic moment is one of the strongest in Law & Order: SVU History. Noah stayed with his half-brother's family because Benson had a target on her back courtesy of a gang that didn't like one of her investigations. After Benson's safety was ensured, Stabler drove upstate to bring Noah back to Benson's apartment. Benson's gratitude almost turned into something else after Noah was in bed, however She pulled away at the last second, breaking the kiss that was bound to happen.And later told Stabler she didn't think she was ready to take that step.
Stabler realized how much Benson meant to him after she was shot
Law & Order: SVU Season 24, Episode 22/Law & Order Organized Crime Season 3, Episode 22
Benson and Stabler worked together during a Law & Order Crossover. At the end of the three-hour story, Benson was shot while in a diner with Stabler, and he carried her to safety, determined not to let her die. After Benson recovered, Stabler made the most romantic gesture he had yet, giving Benson a gold compass necklace so that she would always find her way while he was away on an undercover assignment.
Stabler admired Benson's big heart after she lent his necklace to Eileen Flynn
Law and Order: SVU Season 25, Episode 13
Benson and Stabler did not cross paths at all Law & Order: SVU Season 25. However, they spoke on the phone after Benson lent the compass necklace to Eileen Flynn. Although it seemed like an insult to Stabler's thoughtfulness that Benson gave away his talent, he didn't hold back. His admiration of Benson and appreciation of the reasons she made this decision suggested a bright future for the couple.