Below Deck Sailing Yacht star finally reveals if storylines are fake

Below Deck Sailing Yacht star finally reveals if storylines are fake

Among producer factory charges, Below deck sailing yacht Star Gary King reveals whether the storylines on the show are all fake. A long-time crew member of the franchise, Gary King joined Below deck sailing yacht Season 2 as First Officer. Although he has worked well with others during his long tenure on the show, Gary's conduct has been questioned over the past year and a half. Considered a womanizer for how he treated his female crew, Gary found himself in trouble on and off below deck.

Below deck sailing yacht Star Gary King revealed the authenticity of the show's storylines.

In a post on Garys Instagram Stories, he allowed viewers to ask him questions about below deck. One question asked if the producers influenced the drama Generally. Answered quite a joke, "Yes they asked us to crash the boat ... jokes, they have nothing to do with the drama that goes on. This is an unscripted show."

Although some of the stories are far-fetched, Gary confirmed that the drama is real. This somewhat debunked speculation that producers have been interfering in the drama on below deckAnd he confirmed that they just let it all play out.

Gary King reveals if charter guests were told to 'crazy'

Gary will bring viewers for the Sailing Yacht season 5

Gary opened up his Instagram for more questions, and some fans wanted to know about the guests who chartered the yacht. One fan wanted to know if the producers were telling the guests to act crazy Or if they are just crazy. In his response, Gary said, "No, they're all just crazy." After the sexual misconduct claims levied against Gary still Below deck sailing yacht Season 4, he continued to be very vocal about below deck And his time on the show. However, he denied the allegations of sexual misconduct against him, which may disturb viewers Below deck sailing yacht Season 5.

Even though many fans made it clear they won't tune in for Below deck sailing yacht Season 5, it seemed like some fans didn't get the memo. Gary has maintained high interaction with fans of the franchise through his InstagramWith many interested in what's coming next in the series. Although Gary's accusations and lack of accountability have been a major setback, it is clear that the scandal has attracted new attention and interest, which makes Below deck sailing yacht Season 5 highly anticipated before its premiere.


As many fans of reality TV shows know, even unscripted drama can be manipulated by producers. Although Gary clarified the rumors of producer interference allegations by stating that the drama and storylines are all real, It will be interesting to see how they deal with the allegations of him in this upcoming season of Below deck sailing yacht. It will be interesting to see if producers manipulate or avoid certain themes. either way, Below deck sailing yacht Season 5 will be an interesting watch from Gary's appearance alone.

Sources: Gary King/ Instagram, Bravo/ YouTube