Sailing yacht below deck season 6 could be a success in the future, even after the current season was a huge failure if the show makes some major changes as it continues. While Sailing yacht below deck season 5 was one of the most anticipated premieres of Bravo's fall lineup, it was disappointing for viewers who were ready to see more drama. Despite knowing that things would likely be a little different for the series after the Gary King drama derailed the series for nearly a year, viewers were hopeful that the new season would bring back the same energy.
Instead of, Sailing yacht below deck season 5 has been a disappointment so far. Instead of removing Gary from the show following his major allegations of sexual misconduct, Gary was written out of the show as much as possible, but remains an important part of the series. This limitation made it difficult Sailing yacht below deck Season 5 to tell a complete story and encouraged them to put their drama into other departments rather than just sharing what was happening on the sailing yacht. If Sailing yacht below deck season 6 has resumed, things have to change.
Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 Is Struggling
The season doesn't have much drama
Although Sailing yacht below deck Season 5 was one of the most anticipated shows of the season, it hasn't made the kind of impact viewers were hoping for. Although there are still devoted viewers of Sailing yacht below deck, many have struggled with the current season's lack of dramaespecially knowing what was going on with Gary during the show's filming schedule. While there should be more happening the rest of the season, it's been hard to watch.
Although there was a lot going on between Daisy Kelliher and Gary, who exchanged some heated words during the Sailing yacht below deck season 4 reunion, their energy has been overwhelming to deal with. Daisy, who tried to clear things up with Gary before they started filming Sailing yacht below deck 5th season, has was hurt because her old friend spoke to her in a difficult way and then refused to apologizeBut otherwise, crew drama has been sparse. Viewers are simply looking for something with more drama.
Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 6 Needs a Crew Overhaul
Gary and Daisy need to take a break
If Sailing yacht below deck season 6 will become a reality, the season will need a total overhaul of the team. Although Captain Glenn Shephard can likely remain as leader of the sailing yacht, the rest of the crew needs to be renewed from top to bottom. Although Daisy is a good leader, her time on the series appears to be over as she moves forward in her drama with her former boatman, Colin MacRae, and her potentially problematic friend Gary. As for Gary himself, if he's going to be excluded from the show so gratuitously, he shouldn't be on it.
Will Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 6 become a reality?
The program has not been confirmed for another season
Although Bravo rarely announces the renewal of its shows, it is possible that Below Deck Sailing yacht will be announced as a renewal or a network cancellation. While many enjoy the series, it has been a problem over the past year and may be causing the network more pain than it's worth. It's possible that the series won't return, but if it does, there are some steps that can be taken to ensure things are more on track during the next season of Sailing yacht below deck.
Sailing yacht below deck airs Mondays at 9pm EST on Bravo.
Source: Below Deck/Instagram