Sailing yacht below deck season 5 had a rough initial run of episodes, proving it should have been scrapped entirely because Gary King screwed up for the series. All over Below Deck Sailing yachtThroughout the season, there were instances of drama with Gary at the center that gave viewers pause. Despite knowing that Gary was a difficult yacht to deal with, many were hopeful that Sailing yacht below deck season 5 was going to be a huge adventure before it was revealed that major allegations of sexual misconduct had been brought against Gary. Even though there was hope for the season, viewers doubted Gary.
Gary's behavior has worsened, especially when he is around the women in the series. Playboy by nature, Gary's disrespect for the women of Sailing yacht below deck hit a high note during season 4 when he had issues with Daisy Kelliher and Colin MacRae's relationship while antagonizing stew Mads Herrera. Gary's so-called charm made women uncomfortable, but it was difficult to get Gary out of any situation because of his charismatic nature. After the accusations were made public, Gary was left in the new season despite viewers begging for him to be removedand is suffering the consequences.
Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 was edited by Gary King
He shared that the show is being edited around him
Although Gary was part of the Sailing yacht below deck Cast from season 5, he was mainly edited out in the current season of the series, when he is not completely necessary to the plot. Gary has had some smaller moments on the show, but with the season mostly revolving around Daisy because of Gary's sexual misconduct allegations, things have been thin on the ground. While Bravo hasn't confirmed that this is what's happening, Gary himself confirmed it, sharing that it's being edited so they don't have to show him as much, insinuating that this is happening so they don't face backlash.
While GaryParsifal III's presence couldn't be completely removed, the fact that he's being edited out isn't exactly helping the show. Instead of Gary not being a problem by removing him from the series early and editing out his previous appearances, or Gary confessing to the accusations and explaining them in the series, it's just hovering in the background without much to do. Sailing yacht below deck Choosing to edit around Gary made viewers question his presence and dragged down the rest of the show.
Without Gary, the Sailing Yacht Below Deck is Suffering
Their stories were the basis of the drama
Although Gary is still part Sailing yacht below deck 5th season, its presence is so minimal that audiences without knowledge of why are confused, while those who understand are irritated that he is on the show. Without Gary's presence, Sailing yacht below deck is suffering doubly. First, because Gary is still on the show in a minimal capacity, which is disturbing for anyone who knows what he allegedly did. Second, because he was supposed to be part of this season's drama, but in the editing around him, the story that took his place is less dramatic and disjointed.
Below Deck Sailing Yacht Should Have Scrapped Entire Season
It's not working for them without real drama
While the rest of the cast of Sailing yacht below deck season 5 is giving the series its best shot, it is suffering without Gary and should have been scrapped entirely. Instead of trying to cobble together drama out of thin air, focus on stories that didn't necessarily happen and erase Gary from the show's narrative, the show simply should have scrapped the pre-filmed version of the season and filmed it again. Although this would have been a lot of work, Sailing yacht below deck The season would have done much better if it had been made up of new footage without Gary.
Sailing yacht below deck airs Mondays at 9pm EDT on Bravo.
Source: Gary King/Instagram