Batman's New Vehicle Shows Just How Obscenely Rich Bruce Wayne Really Is

Batman's New Vehicle Shows Just How Obscenely Rich Bruce Wayne Really Is

Warning: Spoilers for Batman: Gaslight Gotham – The Kryptonian Age #5!Batman may have just taken its coolest form of transportation yet on its maiden voyage: THE BAT-ZEPPELIN. In addition to its undeniable aesthetic appeal, this mode of transport says a lot about how immensely rich the world is. Gotham by Gaslight Batman is. It also injects some subtle humor into the story, highlighting Bruce Wayne's theatrical talent and the ridiculousness of his "secret" identity.

In Batman: Gaslight Gotham – The Kryptonian Age #5, Andy Diggle, Leandro Fernández and Matt Hollingsworth debut the Dark Knight's Bat-Zeppelin. Although fans know that Brian Augustyn's original Gotham by Gaslight story was set in 1889, this Zeppelin introduction places The Kryptonian Era in the early 1900s - lining up with the first flight of a Zeppelin in 1900.

Batman Gotham from Gaslight the Kryptonian Age #5 Zeppelin part 1

This timeline assumes that historical accuracy applies to the narrative, as liberties are sometimes taken in DC's alternate timelines. Without considering, It's exciting to see this version of Batman with a ride that is unique and sets him apart from his peers across the DC Universe.

Gotham by Gaslight's Batman is as rich as his Prime Earth counterpart

Batman Gotham from Gaslight the Kryptonian Age #5 Zeppelin part 2

Before his debut in issue #5, there was no indication that Bruce was working on a Zeppelin for his heroic adventures. Although it was already clear that he belonged to Gotham's wealthy elite, Zeppelin highlights just how rich he is. Assuming Bruce's Zeppelin is top of the line, it's comparable to the LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin—one of the most advanced of its time due to its size, capabilities and reach. LZ 127 cost about $11-12 million dollars today to build, after accounting for inflation and other economic differences.

In addition to highlighting the richness of this Victorian Batman, Zeppelin also humorously highlights how fragile his secret identity as Bruce Wayne is. The aircraft sports enormous bat wings and flies out of a factory emblazoned with "Wayne Industrial Company" in the heart of Gotham. With such an open brand, it's almost ridiculous to think that someone wouldn't be able to connect the dots between Bat-Zeppelin and Bruce Wayne. Whether the humor is intentional or not, it only adds to the irony of Bruce's so-called secret identity.

No matter the alternate universe, Batman takes his bat theme to hilarious levels

“Bat wings are totally necessary.” –Bruce Wayne on Batman: Gaslight Gotham – The Kryptonian Age #5

Batman Gotham from Gaslight the Kryptonian Age #5 Zeppelin part 3

Adding to the humor of Zeppelin's debut, Bruce's wife, Julie Madison, comments that the aircraft's enormous bat wings might be a little "outré" – meaning unusual, eccentric and perhaps unnecessary. Bruce's deadpan response? “Bat wings are totally necessary.” This amusing exchange underscores that, no matter the universe, Bruce Wayne's dedication to the Bat theme is unwaveringly dramatic. As the narrative progresses, it will be interesting to see if Batman has more bat-themed surprises up its sleeve, further showcasing its commitment to its unique brand of heroism.

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #5 is now available from DC Comics.