Batman slaughters the Justice League in epic cosplay that every fan needs to see

Batman slaughters the Justice League in epic cosplay that every fan needs to see

THE Justice League is home to DC's most powerful heroes, which makes more than just the villains of the DC world nervous, especially if this new Batman cosplay is any indication. Batman has plenty of contingency plans to take down the Justice League, and a talented cosplayer has brought this conflict to life, as fans see what would happen if Batman finally decided to take down the Justice League once and for all.

Comic book fans are treated to a wonderfully dark Batman cosplay by an Instagram user gothambat_siwhich is edited by pixelens._. This twisted cosplay shows Batman sitting on a dark throne with the remains of several heroes around him. For one, he holds Aquaman's trident with Green Lantern's ring on his finger.

Wonder Woman's lasso is at her feet and Superman's cape adorns the back of her throne. It's an amazing cosplay and it shows a universe where Batman finally decides that justice is more important than anything elseand if the League doesn't help him enforce it, he'll just get rid of them.

Batman knows how dangerous the Justice League can be

His anti-Justice League contingencies are infamous

Comic panels: Superman talks to Batman without a mask.

Generally, the Justice League going rogue - or at least the fear of it - leads Batman to make contingencies to take them down. But there are many universes where Batman decides to destroy the Justice League for one reason or another, and This cosplay does an expert job of showing the consequences of a universe where Batman finally destroys everyone and manages to impose his own vision of justice on the world.

Batman is all about control and is famous for defeating characters who are significantly more powerful than him because of his ability to plan. If a character has a weakness, regardless of how powerful they are, Batman will be able to exploit this weakness to win. Batman's ability to identify weaknesses is the reason why Batman vs. Superman is such a popular debate among fans. Superman is undeniably more powerful than Batman, but he has a crucial weakness that Batman would be able to exploit in a number of ways. Batman's obsession with control has always conflicted with the existence of the Justice League.

For a man as paranoid as Batman, even the idea of ​​the Justice League turning evil is a nightmarish situation.

There's no denying that the Justice League is one of the most powerful forces for good in the DC Universebut there are so many different villains who have the power of mind control. It's hard to imagine that eventually there won't be a situation where a villain successfully takes over the minds of the Justice League. In this situation, the Earth would probably be doomed. For a man as paranoid as Batman, even the idea of ​​the Justice League turning evil is a nightmarish situation, so naturally he creates contingency plans to try and keep them under control. But if this paranoia becomes unbearable for Batman, it could lead to disaster.

Batman has so many plans to defeat the Justice League

Including during DC's New Age 52 continuity

Comic art: Batman's Justice Buster Armor in Endgame

The Justice League was already defeated by Batman during the events of Batman: Endgame by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. In this story, the Justice League is infected with a special version of Joker Venom, which drives them crazy and convinces them to kill Batman. With no other choice, Batman summons the Justice Buster, a giant mech suit he built for the sole purpose of defeating the League. While it's true that the League has been cast out of their own minds at this point, Justice Buster still lives up to his name, taking down every member, even managing to take on Superman in a fight.

There are dozens of other examples in the Multiverse as well. For example, the Batman Who Laughs is a version of Batman who easily massacred the Justice League using the destructive weapons the League has confiscated from criminals over the years. It was a brutal attack in which Batman quickly killed the entire League, including Superman. This cosplay is perhaps even scarier than that, as shown a Batman who is not infected by the Joker. This cosplay stars a Batman who was presumably still sane when he murdered the Justice League, all so he could impose his own idea of ​​justice on the world.

Batman's paranoia could be the end of the Justice League

It wouldn't be the first time

Comic book art: Batman standing over a defeated Justice League on the cover of the Tower of Babel

There's no doubt that Batman is a hero, but he's also a man with a lot of trauma. Batman started out as just a man on the streets of a corrupt city, doing what he could to keep people safe. Now, he stands shoulder to shoulder with literal gods who can look down on all of humanity. Understandably, he may become paranoid about their potential for evil. There are dozens of universes where Batman decided to take the Justice League for one reason or another, and this fantastic cosplayer just gave fans a glimpse into another dark universe where this happens.

Source: gothambat_si