Batman officially becomes a "grandfather," in the creepiest way imaginable

Batman officially becomes a


  • Batman officially becomes a grandfather in main continuity, but does it really count?

  • Batman firmly rejects the idea of ​​being a grandfather.

  • Batman battles his 'grandson' in a brutal battle that shows off his new armor.

Warning: Contains potential spoilers for Absolute Power #2!Most fans probably accepted Nightwing would be the first of Batman Children to make the Dark Knight a "grandfather" In main continuity. However, expectations were shattered with the arrival of Bruce's first 'grandchild', who couldn't be creepier if they tried. Spoiler alert: Batman quickly rejects the idea of ​​being the 'kid's' grandfather, and fans are likely to quickly join him in that sentiment.

Batman's 'grandson' makes an unforgettable entrance by taking down the Titans' three strongest members - Starfire, Dana Troy and Raven - in mere seconds.

Mark Waid and Dan Mora Absolute power #2 continues the gripping storyline of DC's blockbuster summer event. This issue focuses on DC's heroes using Superman's Fortress of Solitude as a sanctuary for those who have managed to avoid capture by Waller and her task force of power-stealing Amazo robots.

Absolute Power #2 Batman and Global Guardian

However, their refuge quickly becomes endangered when Waller deploys the Brainiac Queen, a mind-controlled Jon Kent, and the Martian Manhunter-inspired Amazo, Global Guardian, to lay siege to the fortress. This escalation leads to a tension One-on-one battle between Batman and Global Guardian, during which the Amazo promptly turns the Dark Knight as - Grandfather.

GLOBAL GUARDIAN: Amanda Waller's Martian Manhunter-inspired Amazo claims Batman as his grandfather

Absolute Power Task Force VII #7 Martian Manhunter Amazo

The debut of Global Guardian in Absolute power #2 is nothing short of unforgettable. The Amazo makes a dramatic entrance by taking down the Titans' three strongest members - Starfire, Dana Troy, and Raven - in mere seconds. Global Guardian's impact grows even more profound during his confrontation with Batman when he ironically refers to the Dark Knight as "Grandfather." In their battle, the Martian Manhunter-inspired Amazo explains, "Batman. You gave birth to Failsafe, who gave birth to me. Hello, Grandpa." The strange family connection is based on the idea that since Bruce created Failsafe and Failsafe created Global Guardian, Batman is thus Amazo's grandfather.— A remarkably strange family tree.

Global Guardian is one of six Amazons that comprise Waller's Task Force VII, each modeled after one of the core seven Justice League members. The exception is Batman, whose character is embodied by Failsafe. Waller sold these Amazons through a partnership with Feilsape, who, under the influence of Zur-en-Arrah, collected a variety of Amazons of unknown origin. Along with the power-stealing robots, Failsafe also gathered many Zur-N-Arrah Batmans from across the multiverse and merged their personalities into the Amazons. Therefore, each member of Task Force VII is piloted by a version of Bruce Wayne.

Batman rejects his newborn grandfather by zapping his grandson's head

Absolute Power #2 Batman and Global Guardian Part 2

After addressing Batman as his grandfather, Global Guardian enquires, "What fancy toys are hiding the charm?" Bruce responds briefly, revealing his feelings about these "grandfather" Label and answer the question: "Ultrasonics. And never call me that." He then delivers an ultrasonic blast to Global Guardian's head, making it clear that he firmly rejects the idea of ​​being the robot's grandfather and reserves such a title for a true grandchild. The interaction is also notable for Global Guardian's somewhat childish attitude - referring to the bathsuit's upgrades as "Yiddish" And watching Bruce as a grandfather - raises the intriguing question of what multiverse Batman is piloting the amazo.


Absolute power #2 Available now from DC Comics!

Absolute Power #2 (2024)

Absolute Power 2 Main Cover Solicitations: Superman is slaying with the Justice League in the background.

  • Writer: Mark Waid

  • Artist: Dan Mora

  • Colorist: Alejandro Sánchez

  • writer: Ariana Maher

  • Cover artist: Dan Mora