Batman fully unleashes his new heat vision thanks to a 'no killing' rule loop

Batman fully unleashes his new heat vision thanks to a 'no killing' rule loop

Warning: Spoilers ahead Dark Knights of Steel: Alwinter #4!The world of DC Dark Knights of Steel officially allowed Batman to Let his Kryptonian power loose, with creatures he is technically allowed to kill on the way to save the world. Elseworld's Prince Bruce of the Kingdom of El joins Slade Wilson and a young Alk Holland on their journey to stop Alwinter. Like Superman's brother, this version of Batman gets to use his new heat vision.

In a preview for Dark Knights of Steel: Alwinter #4 by Jay Kristoff and Tirso, the trio enters Deathstroke's Slane Rastlos Game of Thrones-Adventure style. Go up against a horde of ice zombies, Batman slices and heat vision blasts the frozen walking dead Along with Slade and Alc.

The Earth Batman, Deathstroke and a child version of Swamp Thing enter is filled with what Slade calls "drug,"An Old Norse term for ghosts or the reanimated dead. Although Batman maintains strict rules against killing in the world where he has Superman's powersHe can be completely unleashed on the zombies.

Batman's Kryptonian power can be fully realized against ice zombies

His "no killing" rule doesn't count when they're already dead

Comic Book Panels: Batman uses heatvision on Deathstroke in the Dark Knights of Steel universe.

As the son of Jor-El and Martha Wayne, Dark Knights of SteelBruce Wayne is also powered by the sun like his Kryptonian family and half-brother Kal-El. The classic Superman powers of flight, superhuman strength, invulnerability, heat vision, and more mean he has to work harder to uphold his "no killing" rule with his inherited alien abilities. He previously used heat vision as a scare tactic in Dark Knights of Steel: Alwinter #3, hitting Deathstroke's Viking shield. finally, Bruce's heat vision can be fully turned on and used against the already dead frozen creatures.

All winter Adds Batman back to the mix of these Dark Knights of Steel universe to explore a version of Bruce Wayne with amazing Kryptonian abilities.

The preview for Dark Knights of Steel: Alwinter #4 Points Batman and Deathstroke brutally eliminating the zombiesWith both the powerful knight and the tactical killer cold down the icy undead. Although their first meeting in All winter Beginning with a violent battle that the young Alec had to break away with his power connected to the green, the belligerent Bruce and Slade make a great team as they slice, punch and blast through the zombie horde. However, since Deathstroke does not follow the same "no killing" rule, their partnership may become more complicated as they face living threats.

Batman and Viking Deathstroke team up for a harrowing journey

Batman has never been more powerful

Comic Book Art: A shirtless Viking Deathstroke leaps into battle, roaring.

On a grand quest to deliver the powerful young Alec to Gyllenhjem and retain the title Alwinter, the truly dynamic duo of Batman and Deathstroke must work together through treacherous lands. The frozen wasteland with the undead beings in the preview was once a lush and colorful land ruled by King Maxwell I of the Clan Lord, with More details about his rule seem to be revealed in this issue. There is also something called a "Everstorm"They will have to travel through, with dark and dirty storms everywhere over the land, as its name implies.


The All winter series and its "Heir to the Sea" backup story by Tom Taylor and Riccardo Federici continue to produce the medieval fantasy DC Elseworld, and both feature iconic DC characters with Superman twists to their origins. Along with an Aquaman raised by the Kents, All winter Adds Batman back to the mix of these Dark Knights of Steel universe to explore a version of Bruce Wayne with amazing Kryptonian abilities. With more extreme power than most incarnations of the classic character and unbridled by his rule to never kill, all winters zombies Leave Batman To be more brutal than ever.

Dark Knights of Steel: Alwinter #4 Is available October 16, 2024 from DC Comics.