Batman + Deathstroke finally gives the Dark Knight an equal partner

Batman + Deathstroke finally gives the Dark Knight an equal partner

Warning: Contains potential spoilers for DARK KNIGHTS OF STEEL: ALLWINTER #3!Batman And Deathstroke Sharply contrasting views on killing and morality have caused conflict throughout their comic history, with only a handful of rare and typically forced team-ups. However, their latest collaboration is unlike any other, as they start with a completely fresh slate that eases the bad blood between them.

The sequel to the fan-favorite Other worlds series, Dark Knights of SteelHold on Dark Knights of Steel: Alwinter #3 by Jay Kristoff, Tom Taylor, Riccardo Federici and Tirso Cons.

The issue picks up where the last one left off, with Deathstroke escorting a young Alk Holland - who is the country's last hope to save a world drained of color by an eternal winter - across treacherous terrain after the death of his previous companion, Slade's ex-wife Adeline Kane. however, Their journey is suddenly interrupted when Prince Bruce Wayne of the Kingdom of Elms literally crashes in their path.

Batman and Deathstroke become the new dynamic duo in the fan-favorite Elseworlds series

Bruce and Slade join forces Dark Knights of Steel (But not before they have an epic fight)


Fans of the Dark Knights of Steel Series will recall that Tom Taylor reimagined the parents of Bruce Wayne, making Jor-El his father after an affair with Martha Wayne. therefore, Superman and Batman share a fatherMaking Bruce half Kryptonian. As a half-Kryptonian, Bruce is a late bloomer with his powers and is still learning to control them. This leads to an incident where Bruce, struggling with his newfound abilities, crashes into the bridge slide and Alec crosses, Send them to the ground.

Although Slade and Alec survive the fall, Deathstroke mistakes Bruce's accidental collision as a deliberate attack and starts attacking the disoriented Prince. This sparks an epic battle between the two, with Bruce using his developing powers against Slade, who counters with his formidable combat skills. Alec, realizing the misunderstanding, intervenes with his powers, stopping the conflict long enough for Slade and Bruce to discuss their situation and understand that they mean each other no harm. After some much-needed discussion, Slade and Bruce agree to work together to get Alec to those who can help him save the worldMarking the beginning of their new partnership.


ALLWINTER gives fans a Deathstroke & Batman team-up unlike any other before

Bruce and Slade get a completely fresh slate Dark Knights of Steel: Alwinter #3


All winter #3 ends with the trio embarking on their quest, leaving fans eager to see how Slade and Bruce's partnership will evolve. The new alliance promises to be unlike any previous between the two characters, thanks to the high-fantasy setting that offers a fresh start. in Dark Knights of SteelBruce and Slade have the opportunity to build their relationship free from the weight of past conflicts that plague their mainstream continuity relationship. Without the bad blood between them, Batman And death stroke Can develop a genuine and agreeable friendship, offering a completely unexplored dimension of their dynamic for future stories.

DARK KNIGHTS OF STEEL: ALLWINTER #3 is now available from DC Comics!