Based on a true story, Liana Liberato and Tom Bateman talk Tory and Matt’s relationship in season two and breaking free from death

Based on a true story, Liana Liberato and Tom Bateman talk Tory and Matt’s relationship in season two and breaking free from death

Matt and Tory’s relationship has finally been revealed, but not everyone is happy about it, in Based on a true story season 2. Played by HandleIt’s Tom Bateman and Scream VILiana Liberato, Matt is introduced in the first season of the dark comedy thriller as a plumber for the true crime-obsessed couple, Ava and Nathan, who they quickly determine to be the local serial killer known as The Westside Ripper and convince to do a podcast together . Tory is Ava’s younger sister who lives with her, with the Based on a true story The season 1 finale reveals that the two are sleeping together.

Starting three months after the end of the cliffhanger, Based on a true story season two finds Ava and Nathan surprised to learn that not only have Tory and Matt been dating behind their backs for some time, but that they are getting married. This comes at the time of a new murder in the area, seemingly pointing to the resurgence of the Westside Ripper, thus breaking the deal the trio made in the first season. However, with Tory ensuring that Matt is working to rid himself of his serial killer tendencies, Ava and Nathan must overcome their suspicions and decide whether to support the new couple or part ways.

Alongside Bateman and Liberato, the group Based on a true story The Season 2 cast includes Kaley Cuoco and Chris Messina as Ava and Nathan, as well as recurring appearances from Priscilla Quintana as Ruby, Annabelle Dexter-Jones, Aisha Alfa, June Diane Raphael, Jessica St. Brooklyn Nine-Nine former student Melissa Fumero as Drew. Expanding Matt’s story while delivering chilling new deaths and twists and keeping the stakes high, Season 2 proves to be even better than an already great first season.

Anticipating the return of the show, Screen speech interviewed Liana Liberato and Tom Bateman to discuss Based on a true story Season 2, as both were surprised by the direction their characters are taking, particularly their relationship after the Season 1 finale, as well as the gory death scenes this season, and Matt’s manipulation of Nathan.

Liberato found Matt and Tory’s new relationship “Challenging“In season 2

…I had a hard time at first trying to justify how Tory got there…

Liana Liberato's Tory looking disdainfully in conversation in Season 2 of Based on a True Story

Screen Rant: It’s great to see you two back in the chat about Based on a true story Season 2, I’m really excited about what happens this season. Liana, I’d love to start with you because the first season ended on a cliffhanger as we see you’re with Tom here. But as we discovered, in Season 2 you learned a lot between the two seasons. What was it like to take that journey and step forward with it, and really expand that side of things?

Liana Liberato: Challenging. When I read the first episode, I thought, “Wow, I could have thought of a lot of different directions that Tory would go in,” and this wasn’t one of them, which I think will be exciting for the audience. And it was emotional for me to read, and I think I had a hard time at first trying to justify how Tory got there, and ultimately what I found is that she loves him.

Plus, you know, this is a comedy and it’s supposed to be fun, and I think it wasn’t really until we got to the set, and I was working in front of Tom, and we got to play, and we were in our really fun retreat outfits, and talking about being zen, and meditation and all the things I really started to install into Tory, and it was really fun. It was really fun. It wasn’t what I expected, and I’m excited for the audience to see where we take Tory.

Bateman was “Played“When he first saw the direction, the second season would take Matt

…also offers a whole range of comic possibilities…

Tom Bateman's Matt with his hands on his chest as he speaks in Season 2 of Based on a True Story

I’m also excited for them to see where they took, where you took Matt, because Tom, I’ll talk to you next. It’s so funny to see that you have to balance your instincts, let’s say, with your desire to grow. What does that look like, from a performance side, capturing that mental struggle that he has?

Tom Bateman: It was super interesting. I was very, well, shocked when I first read the first few episodes. But when I heard their general idea of ​​where this takes us, I thought, “That’s a super interesting path to take,” so I just kind of lent myself to it. But that tug of, “I’m trying to be, or at least present myself as, this better person who’s trying to control this side of him, and then everything gets triggered by that, and I have to really fight it.” It was super interesting and it’s something we covered in the first season.

You know, “You’re not allowed to do this anymore and you really struggle with it,” but we really lean into that. And I think it was super clever, and it’s really funny, but also a pretty clever direction to go in, that he tries to apply the rules of an alcoholic from AA to his own recovery. “How am I going to live without this huge thing in my life? What am I going to replace it with?” It was very interesting and also offers a whole range of comedic possibilities.

Bloodiest Sequences of Season 2″I feel at home“To Liberato and Bateman

…but I won’t go into details.

Tom Bateman's Matt looking angry in a hallway in Season 2 of Based on a True Story

It’s true, and some bloody ones at the same time, which I’d love to hear from you two about, because, without necessarily any spoilers, you two get involved in some bloodier sequences this season. Liana, you obviously come from Scream VIFor the cast, what was it like getting into that side of things, rather than just playing the comedy or intense character work?

Liana Liberato: I feel at home. [Laughs] I love that. I was definitely hoping to see Tory, you know, if we wanted Tory to come on board with Matt, I was like, “I kind of want to see her in action a little more, and I want her to be fully aware of the levity of what’s going on.” And I’m glad we explored that, but I’m not going to go into detail.

And so Tom, what was it like for you, as you have some bloodier sequences this season than last season?

Tom Bateman: Yes, yes. What I kind of loved was this, I’m not going to say a series of episodes because I don’t want to ruin it for anyone, but working our way through, when it came to the first one where I killed someone, I thought, “Oh, it’s been a while. I don’t do that.” I thought, “Oh my God, let’s remember how,” because we did that a lot in the first season. I wanted to go home. I thought, “Yeah, that’s who this character is.”

In a way, without getting too meta, this is the journey he’s been on, denying himself this thing, and giving in to it felt like, “Oh, man, it’s inevitable. This is who this character is. A leopard can don’t change your points. And it kind of reminded me of the parable of the bird and the scorpion across the river, and the scorpion stings the bird. He says, “I’m a scorpion, that’s what I do.” I thought: “What did you expect? This guy would never just show up and eat a bowl of pasta at your house and talk about the weather.” [Chuckles]

Nathan is like Matt”Puppet“Throughout season 2

…he’s a real psychopath because he knows the right buttons to push.

Tom Bateman's Matt looking intently at a tennis court in Season 2 of Based on a True Story

I think I have enough time for one more quick question, so I’d also love to hear, Tom, about you and Chris playing together this season, since this season, it feels a lot more like Matt is really pushing Nathan to do it. push him towards the darker side of things.

Tom Bateman: It’s super fun. I love Chris as a person, as do we all, so working with him is always a joy. But it was really another interesting [layer]because Matt is trying to fix himself in one way, and in another, Nathan is like his puppet, and he’s just making him dance. He’s like, “Let’s see how far I can push this guy.” And he’s a real psychopath because he knows the right buttons to push. One of my favorite moments is when he loses the tennis match and Kayley’s character manages to calm him down and he says, “See? She loves me, she forgives me.”

I’m like, “No, she doesn’t. She’s telling you what you want to hear to stop embarrassing her.” It’s a great knife spin and was super fun to play. But Chris is so many beautiful things, and he’s just this heart that you just watch this evil — I felt like the dentist from Little Shop of Horrors, just playing with him, and seeing how far I could push him, the which is super fun. I love this whole story arc because they are best friends, in a way. They need each other, but he ends up hating him. It was beautiful.

On Based on a true story Season 2

Season 2 finds new parents Ava and Nathan Bartlett three months into parenthood. Focused on taking care of her family, Ava is determined to resist her true crime obsession and return to work as a real estate agent while Nathan coaches private tennis clients. But a series of new murders draws her back – is Matt behind the murders? Is Tory, now involved in a relationship with Matt, in danger? For a while, life is good – Ava’s TikTok habit and her new friend Drew provide a welcome distraction, and Nathan is committed to reigniting his tennis career as well as his friendship with Matt – until danger strikes. at your doorstep, literally.

Stay tuned for our others Based on a true story Season 2 interviews with:

  • Chris Messina

  • Annie Weisman

Source: Screen Rant Plus

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