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Earning gold and XP in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord Can be time-consuming unless you unlock certain cheats to prioritize fun in all your battles instead of focusing on a tedious grind. You can also use these exploits to directly win war efforts or make the challenges of the daunting world easier. Building your kingdom can be much easier if certain cheats give you an almost divine right.
Anyone looking to Skip the long-winded climb to build their nation from scratch May want to use cheats to earn more money in Mount and blade 2 Quick. New characters will have the hardest time ranking from a lowly warrior to a rich lord, but even current campaigns can struggle at times. Make sure to Pick and choose which cheats might work best depending on your circumstances as you play.
How to unlock cheat mode
Changing the game file
The first step to unlocking cheat mode is to Give cheats Inside Mount and blade 2 Settings as you play. The console itself Cannot activate thisMeaning you have to manually set the system. Thankfully, TaleWorlds was clear about that What console command cheats work And some hotkey cheats that may be accessed faster than other exploits.
Go to yours File Explorer and open the folder with all the files named "Mount and Blade II Bannerlord." There should be four other folders in the leading game directory, but some players have reported seeing fewer as of this writing. If this happens, try Reinstall the game Or Verify the integrity of the game cache by steam for Mount and blade 2.
select the "config"File and find the document called "engine_config," which can be opened with most Word programs or other default text reading apps on a Windows computer. As you explore, you should see a large list of options ready to change the properties of Mount and blade 2. Search for the option named "cheat_mode = 0" And replace the "0" with a "1" To activate cheats for the game.
If you have trouble opening the text document, you must change it to enable cheats; Consider using the Notepad application which is accessible by default on a Windows device.
Your changes will likely carry over the next time you boot the game. However, you have to Exit and save the configuration document Before you do this, be careful not to change anything else. Those looking to install mods in Mount and blade 2 will also have to use the process, Making the steps to give cheats a good stepping stone.
Every hotkey cheat in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord
Quick combat cheats
You can Continue with an existing character Or create a new one once you activate cheat mode Mount and blade 2. An easy way to check if cheats work is by opening your inventory on a previous save or your current character. You will know if cheats are running if you can Select any item in the game And Add it to your supplies without any consequences.
Although anyone with cheats on does not have to take any number, it signifies that Your exploits run correctly after the changes in the configuration document. Most options now available in Mount and blade 2 are Optional and presented through various menus/interfaces. The following hotkey cheats are all tested on an ongoing character:
Hotkey |
Deceptive effect |
Ctrl + F4 |
While in combat, knock out a single enemy. |
Ctrl + Alt + F4 |
While in combat, knock out the entire enemy army at once. |
Ctrl + left click |
While on the map screen, will teleport the party to the location of the click. |
Ctrl + H |
While in combat or walking around, it heals the player's character to full. |
Ctrl + Shift + H |
While in combat, it heals the player's horse to full. |
Ctrl + F2 |
While in combat, knock out a single friendly soldier. |
Ctrl + F3 |
While in combat, knock out the player. |
Ctrl + Shift + F3 |
While riding, knock out the player's horse. |
Ctrl + F6 |
Knocks out one of the player's troops. |
Ctrl + Shift + F6 |
Knocks out all the player's troops. |
Some of these Cheats are much more useful than others. For example, you probably don't want to beat yourself or your allies. However, being able to teleport around the map or healing up your horse are Great quality-of-life cheats That can speed up movement and save you from seeing your faithful horse die.
Console Command Cheats in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord
Best command cheats to use
Console commands in Mount and blade 2 are also turned on with the cheat mode and used to modify specific aspects of the game. with these "campaign" Command, single-player cheats are easily found in a drop-down menu that you can scroll through. Feel free to enter "Help" in the console to bring a larger list of cheats offered.
console command |
Deceptive effect |
Add gold |
campaign.add_gold_to_hero [Amount] |
Add Focus Points |
campaign.add_focus_points_to_hero [Amount] |
Add Skill XP |
campaign.add_skill_xp_to_hero [Skill Name] [Amount] [Hero Name] |
Add Renoven |
camp.add_renown_to_clan [Amount] |
Level up main party |
campaign.give_xp_to_main_party [Amount] |
Add influence |
campaign.add_influence [Amount] |
Set all the skills of the characters to a specific value |
campaign.set_all_skills_main_hero [Value] |
The above cheats are all useful for Getting to later game stages faster. For those who don't want to worry about paying costs or want a level 100 character right out of the gate, this will help you Skip the mall And get better statistics sooner.
console command |
Deceptive effect |
Add certain troops to party |
campaign.give_troops [Troop ID] [Amount] |
List all troop IDs |
campaign.give_troops_help |
Full current search |
campaign.complete_active_quest |
Cancel active quest |
campaign.cancel_active_quest |
Get a child |
campaign. conceive_child |
Adopt AI character as a child player |
campaign. adopt_hero [HeroName] |
Give a specific number |
campaign.give_item_to_main_party [Item Name] [Amount] |
Give settlement to player |
campaign.give_settlement_to_player [SettlementName] |
These cheats are about more than you Respond to the world around you. If you want to ensure that your player character has an heir or progresses on a quest faster, you can. Additionally, if you would like to cancel a quest because you feel like you could do better, that is also possible with the cheats. And if It's a settlement you really want But don't want to take the trouble to get it through normal means, you can just say it's yours now.
console command |
Deceptive effect |
Set all the skills of a specific character to a specified level |
campaign.set_skills_of_hero [Level] [Hero Name] |
Add Skill XP to troops |
campaign.give_troops_xp [Amount] |
Set a companion's stats to 0 |
campaign.add_companion |
Grants 100 of each crafting material to all party members |
campaign.add_crafting_materials |
Force AI to attack a particular settlement |
campaign.ai_siege_settlement [Hero Name] [Settlement Name] |
Start world war |
campaign.start_world_war |
Factions declare war on each other |
campaign. declare_war [Faction1] [Faction2] |
Make peace between all major factions |
campaign.start_player_vs_world_truce |
Give everyone an amount of gold |
campaign.add_gold_to_all_heroes [Amount] |
Set the progress of building project in settlement |
campaign.add_progress_to_current_building [SettlementName] [0-100] |
The last set of cheats are more general but can still be useful when you want. Or you can just Start a chaos mode and tell everyone to make war on each other. Sometimes, this is the most fun part of cheats, as when you see what happens, you can always Make them feel peace whether they want it or not.
There are a lot of other console commands in the game, which you can see in the Command Console drop-down menuThat allows you to tailor your game to what you want. However, these tend to be the most used.
As of this writing, all of the above cheats have been tested on characters that are already part of an adventure or previous save file Mount and blade 2. You may want to experiment with these exploits on a brand new character to see if it negatively impacts the performance of your game. The clarity of the development team with the codes makes it unlikely that any of them would fail unexpectedly.
An excellent way to prevent your adventure from being disrupted by any alterations would be to Have a backup save file just in case. Returning to the configuration document and changing the cheat mode value to "0" will turn off cheats and return your game to what it was. All the cheats in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord Might add a new layer of fun to your adventure, but it shouldn't come at the expense of your system.