Warning: Spoilers for Batman and Robin #13one of Batman Best villains is not the Joker - it is Train. The man broke the bat more than a few times and in more ways than one. They have a different history, which is getting darker and darker; Finally, one of them is putting a stop to their rivalry, and it's not Batman. Bane stops all the violence and admits defeat, agreeing that Batman should drag him back to Gotham in chains for all the terrible things he's done over the years.
In a preview for Batman and Robin #13 By Joshua Williamson, Juan Ferreyra and Steve Wands, Batman, Robin and Bone are all trapped on Dinosaur Island and need to work together to find a way to escape. But tensions are high, and it doesn't look like there will ever be an end to their rivalry - until Ban steps in, that is.
In one of his character's more surprising moments, Ban decided to stop fighting. He admits defeat by Batman not after being pummeled into submission as time passed, but in full autonomy of body and mind. Bane decides that the only way to pay for his sins is to do penance for all the wrongs he has done against the Dark Knight and his family.
Batman was the first villain to break the bat
Batman's rivalry with Bone goes back for years
Batman and Bone have a very serious history. The character was first introduced in the Nightfall storyline, which was a defining moment for the Dark Knight. While every other Gotham villain was focused on tricking Batman or outsmarting him, Bane barreled into Gotham and Broke Batman's back in a way he almost didn't recover from. Since then, Bane has been a serious thorn in Bruce Wayne's side and the ever-present threat that he is the only person to ever defeat the Bat.
But Batman did not quit, and he got his rematch. Years down the road, in Tom King and Michael Janin Batman Running, Batman lifted the colossal figure of Bane in the same way once done to him and broke the man's back across his knee, nearly sending him spiraling into a frenzy into the depths of Arkham Asylum, a place a villain like Bane had never been. Heard. There are not only fists and the breaking of backs in their history, but - Bane did something to the daughter's family that even the Joker couldn't do.
Trains also broke the bat-family - psychologically
Robin was forced to watch Alfred's death
Batman isn't the only one with a major history with Bane. While Jason Todd has history with the Joker, Damian Wayne has more trauma induced by Bane. The villain didn't break Robin like he broke the bat, but instead decided to break him in a much more psychological way. In a moment that shocked fans like no other, Bane snapped Alfred's neck and permanently killed the beloved butler From Batman lore - right in front of a boy who loved him, Damian Wayne.
Bane broke the backbone of the bat family in a way from which they have never recovered.
Bane broke the backbone of the bat family In a way from which they have not yet recovered. While Batman bounces back from his own break stronger than before, the ripples of Alfred's death are still continuing to this day. Robin, personally, has never forgiven Bone. Alfred's death affected Batman more than he lets on, but Robin sat there, helpless, while it happened. It was worse than any physical trauma could have caused.
Train has been the train of the bat family long enough
Gotham's biggest villains seek redemption
With these acts, it's no wonder Bane seeks absolution and forgiveness. He is not a mentally-helpless character like the other villains in Arkham Asylum. He is fully aware of his actions and their consequences, And it seems that the blood on his hands cannot be washed away. It's time for Bane to face what he's done. Trains have been nightmare fuel for the Bath family for long enough. As his own daughter, Vengeance, points a gun at Batman's son, some sort of realization sets in.
The legacy of their children is the only thing that brings Batman and Bone together in peace.
The legacy of their children is the only thing that brings Batman and Bone together in peace. Bane hurt Batman's son, and Batman will hurt Bane's daughter. The only way to escape from this violence is to lay down their weapons. But Ban knows that this cannot happen without punishment. After all, it's not just a war between the two of them - He is the villain of the story, and he knows it. He has no delusions like the Joker. Ban seeks peace, and the only way to peace is through penance.
Bane's heart breaks in the latest surprise for his character
Will the bat family forgive him for all his wrongdoings?
In the end, Bane's back isn't broken, just softened. The great villain comes down to size and admits defeat, not after being bloodied and brutalized, but in the simplicity and calmness of his own ability. Ban did more than enough to terrorize Batman And Robin, and he knows he has to pay for it. Train Can't fix all the breaking, but he can start by fixing it.
Batman and Robin #13 Available September 11, 2024 from DC Comics!