Newer: Automata ver1.1a Stuck with largely original content in episode #21, there was a lot to be excited for Episode #22 And further. The series is slowly winding down to its finale, and with everything that happened in episode #21, there are still plenty of surprises for people to look forward to.
Newer: Automata ver1.1a Episode #21 was once again focused primarily on A2's storyline, this time with the conclusion of the sudden assault on Pascal's village by rampaging machine lifeforms. While initially seemingly straightforward in its approach to the point of being anticlimactic, Newer: Automata ver1.1a Episode #21 was quick to turn into the anime's darkest storyline yetAnd it made things even darker than the equivalent story in the original game, and Episode #22 is sure to be an even bigger follow-up.
What time Nier: Automata Ver1.1a Episode 22 releases
As with previous episodes, Newer: Automata ver1.1a Streams exclusively on Crunchyroll, accessed through their app, website and third-party streaming services like Amazon Prime. Although there are no further delays, Newer: Automata ver1.1a Episode #22 will premiere on Friday, September 13 at 9:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST), 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) and 5:00 PM British Standard Time (BST).
What happened in Nier: Automata Ver1.1a Episode 21?
Produced by A-1 Pictures; Directed by Satoshi Saga
in Newer: Automata ver1.1a Episode #21, "[N]O people's village", 9S made it to the last sub-unit, and calling itself the God Box, it hid its core in 2B's damaged flight unit. As 9S moved to destroy it, The God Box played 2B's last message about why someone should take care of 9S and how much she loved being with himAll of which only scared him. 9S destroyed the core in another storm, and with all three sub-units destroyed, the AI for the Tower cheerfully announced that it was now officially open.
Meanwhile, Pascal made quick work of the Goliath class machine lifeform, but another problem quickly arose: the children of Pascal's village infected the androids of the resistance with the logic virus, forcing Lily to lead the few people who avoided infection into a fight against their former allies. Unfortunately, when A2 arrived at their camp, everyone except Lily had been killed, and with no other choice, A2 killed Lily before she could be corrupted by the logic virusAll while revealing how Rose gave her the name Freesia before she died.
While A2 attended to Lily, Pascal went to look for the children, only to discover that one of them was so struck with fear by the current situation that he ate the other children alive. Pascal blamed himself for teaching them about fear, but not how to deal with it properly, and when the kid tried to infect Pascal with the logic virus, Pascal destroyed himself and took the child with him. Before A2 even had time to grieve, she heard the message that the tower was open, and she went to it at the same time as 9S.
Nier: Automata's Anime Drops Another Major Drakengard Reference
Amidst all the chaos of Newer: Automata ver1.1a Episode #21, the anime notably dropped a big reference to DrakengardThe larger franchise the new Video game franchise exists within. As the Resistance discusses how to handle the outbreak of the Logic Virus, they offhandedly mention how the situation reminds them of the conflict they had with an arms dealer named Accord a century ago.
Accord is an android from Drakengard 3 who observe events on behalf of the mysterious watchers, and so, Newer: Automata ver1.1a Directly referencing Accord is a blatant reference to the Drakengard Franchise. This is not the first notable reference to Drakengard The anime has made.
Newer: Automata ver1.1a Season 1, for example, showed a news broadcast of a dead dragon in Shinjuku, which was the end of the first Drakengard What caused everything in the new franchise, and the ending theme of season 2 references zero from Drakengard 3 By having one of 2B's eyes covered by a flower. Newer: Automata ver1.1a Has continued to show a lot of fear for the greater Drakengard FranchiseAnd with any luck, it will amount to something big for the franchise as a whole.
Nier: Automata shows the strength of its writing with a largely original episode
Newer: Automata ver1.1a Episode #21's story was a brand new take on the late-game events of the original story, and the changes are great to see. The conclusion to Pascal's arc is already dark in the game, however Newer: Automata ver1.1a Changing Pascal's arc Having him kill himself to put one of his children out of their misery was a much darker take on his original arc, and it worked to be just as emotionally poignant, if not more so.
The biggest standout of the episode, of course, was how it closed out Lily's story. The anime has done a lot to develop someone who is essentially an original character, and because of all that work, Lily's death in Newer: Automata ver1.1a Episode #21 had an incredible amount ofdramatic weight to it and was One of the most heartbreaking moments of the anime. generally, Newer: Automata ver1.1a Episode #21 did a great job with its original content, and it's sure to lead to even bigger events in the episodes to follow.
Be sure to watch Kidney: Automata Who 1.1a Episode #22 when it releases on Friday, September 13th.