While Peter Jackson The Lord of the Rings The trilogy remains a landmark cinematic achievement, a problem with the film series was resolved by an adaptation that preceded it by 20 years. In 1978, legendary animator Ralph Bakshi made a film adapting most of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towersand the books' subsequent surge in popularity led the BBC to produce SDA as a radio play, a popular format at the time. Little did the BBC know that its 1981 production would remain one of the best adaptations of the books 40 years later. With 26 episodes…
Author: Zahra Huselid
Paramount announced that it will not follow Honor among thieves with any type of Dungeons and Dragons TV show, which is pretty disappointing, but I'm surprised none of the other studios took the opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity. Dungeons and Dragons-inspired movies and shows have proven to be successful. Honor among thieves is clearly a streaming hit, while The Legend of Vox Machina continues its 100% Rotten Tomatoes streak with its final season, so you'd think at least someone would recognize how hungry fans are for more D&D media. Even just fifteen years ago, D&D was still mostly…
The coronation scene at the end of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King it's a powerful moment of emotional payoff for the entire trilogy. The One Ring has been destroyed, Sauron and his armies have been defeated, and Isildur's heir Aragorn is finally returning to the throne of Gondor. Everything the heroes of the Brotherhood and their friends have worked and sacrificed for is finally coming to fruition. As Aragorn, son of Arathorn, stands before his assembled friends, allies, and subjects, with the Silver Crown on his forehead, he gives a short speech: "This day does…
Warning: This article contains spoilers for Season 3 of The Legend of Vox Machina.The Legend of Vox Machina It changed the story of the ragtag adventuring group a bit compared to the original flow of Critical Role, but the third season introduced some major twists with ramifications that haven't yet been made clear. Some of these changes The Legend of Vox Machina the third season had more emotional impact and some helped the flow of the story, but anyway, The Legend of Vox MachinaThe 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes makes it clear that these were changes for the better. So…
Warning: This article contains spoilers for season 3 of The Legend of Vox Machina.While the season 3 finale of The Legend of Vox Machina ended on a perfect high note that brought the Vox Machina team together, the final scene showed that an even bigger threat than the Chroma Conclave is on the horizon. Perhaps more importantly, it's a threat that's been in the making since the season one finale, when Sylas (Matthew Mercer) and Delilah Briarwood (Grey Griffin) died trying to summon it. Although season three answered many burning questions left by The Legend of Vox Machina Season 2…
There is still no information whether the live-action Dungeons and Dragons show is still going on. Paramount moved away from D&D series, although he seems willing to buy it. But if and when that happens, production could learn a lot from Amazon's experience. The Legend of Vox Machinawhich has just launched its third season maintaining an incredible 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. There have been several attempts at live action in Dungeons and Dragons over the years, and although it is the most recent film, Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among thievesproved to be a cult hit, the other D&D films…
Warning: This article contains spoilers for season 3 of The Legend of Vox Machina. The final episodes of season 3 on Amazon The Legend of Vox Machina have profound implications for the future of the program - not least because they introduce some hitherto unprecedented elements of Dungeons and Dragons tradition. Although a great villain has been defeated, the intrepid heroes have an even greater fight ahead of them as the story's stakes continue to rise. But while this season ended with some major mysteries solved and unsolved, it also answered some minor questions that were on the audience's mind.…