Author: Taylor Mills

WARNING: CONTAINS POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR BATMAN: GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT - THE KRYPTONIAN AGE #5! Batman And Catwoman are iconic, but after countless break-ups and even wedding-day cold feet, it's clear that Selina Kyle is not Bruce Wayne's ultimate love. The true romance of the endgame belongs to another DC heroine - one with a deeper, longer history with the Dark Knight, and who proved Selina completely wrong about one crucial thing about Batman. Julie Madison is ready to become the Batwoman of the Gotham by Gaslight Series. Andy Diggle, Leandro Fernández and Matt Hollingsworth's Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The…

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WARNING: CONTAINS POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR BATMAN: GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT - THE KRYPTONIAN AGE #5!The Green Lantern Core is famous for its members from all over the world, creating an extraordinarily visually diverse group. However, some of ​​the most unique Emerald Knights go beyond simply being unusual alien species, falling into a subcategory that is difficult to define but best described as 'other.' Recently, DC introduced the latest Green Lantern to fit the 'other' category, showing the most drastic design change in any continuity. It's no surprise that DC's latest Green Lantern redesign is making its debut at the publisher Other…

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Warning: Contains potential spoilers for Absolute Batman #1! After reading the first issue of Absolutely BatmanOne thing is crystal clear: Bruce Wayne has a serious violence problem, and I'm here for every brutal moment. No disrespect to its mainstream counterpart, but this is by far the most thrilling and intense version of Batman DC has delivered in years. I'm hooked - and already counting down the days until the next issue is released. Absolute Batman is the perfect balance between the normal Batman and Red Hood. DC recently launched their ALL IN initiative, shaking up the DC Universe with major…

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WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR BATMAN: GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT - THE KRYPTONIAN AGE #5!One of my favorite things about DC's Other worlds Imprint is the opportunity to see different versions of favorite characters like Superman Reimagined across various alternate universes. While the main continuity man of style will always have a special place in my heart, his Gotham by Gaslight Opponent has officially taken the crown as my favorite Clark Kent. Superman makes his 19th-century debut in Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #5, the fifth installment to the sequel of the classic Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (1989) by…

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Warning: Contains potential spoilers for TITANS #16!The current Titans The list has been strengthened by a major shake-up, with a shift in leadership, and two key members stepping away to focus on other responsibilities. But the most impressive change is The arrival of the team's newest member: Roy Harper. A hero whose complicated past with the new leader of the Titans is already igniting tension and disrupting team dynamics. The fan favorite Titans Run, now under the fresh direction of John Layman and Pete Woods, begins with issue #16 - a game-changing installment that reshapes the team in profound ways.…

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Warning: Contains potential spoilers for TITANS #16!The conclusion of the Amanda Waller-orchestrated crisis event, Absolute powerHas brought about significant changes across the DC Universe, especially for the newly reformed Justice League And TitansWho feel the impact of the changes the most. Among the most notable shifts for the Titans is the official resignation of a core member, who has now ascended to a full-time role in the Justice League, stepping into a critical vacancy. After the conclusion of Absolute power And the events of the DC all in specialJohn Layman and Pete Woods' Titans #16 dives right into the major…

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WARNING: CONTAINS POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR BATMAN: GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT - THE KRYPTONIAN AGE #5!A long-standing fan criticism is the sheer absurdity that no one, not even close acquaintances, can recognize Clark Kent as SupermanDespite his white appearance of glasses, a different hairstyle, and a gentle attitude. And with the last civilian identity of the Man of Steel, this criticism becomes even more equal, which makes it almost laughable that Clark is still trying to keep a secret identity at all. Superman officially makes his debut in Andy Diggle, Leandro Fernández and Matt Hollingsworth's Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian…

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Warning: Contains potential spoilers for TITANS #16!Nightwing has officially stepped down as leader of the TitansNominating a classic hero to take his place. However, before the transition is finalized, Dick Grayson opens it up for a vote, allowing the team to decide if they agree with his choice. Would you have voted for the nominated Nightwing, or go a different direction? Dick reveals that he needs a break and feels the Titans deserve more dedicated leadership. in Titans #16, Tom Taylor, Lucas Meyer and Adriano Lucas have officially handed the reins to John Layman and Pete Woods, and with this…

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Warning: Contains potential spoilers for TITANS #16! An honest mistake that escalates into a conflict between the Justice League And these Titans Ends with a liger making it clear that they have lost all trust and respect for one of the titans. This revelation raises the question of whether the hero can ever regain their standing with DC's greatest or if they are now blacklisted for good. "You don't have the best track record with foreign forms. Haven't you learned your lesson?" - The question The lasting impacts of the events of Absolute power And these DC all in special…

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Aquaman has officially joined the ranks of the few Justice Leaguers To get a compelling 'science-based' explanation for his powers, especially his super strength. Previously, Arthur Curry's incredible strength was only attributed to his Atlantean heritage. While this new development is undeniably cool, the more I scrutinize the statement, the more flaws I uncovered. So, where do you stand on this debate: Is DC's science fiction grounded or is it as porous as a sea sponge? To clarify, the statement about Aquaman's super strength was revealed indirectly by Aqualad. Aqualad, also known as Garth, is famously recognized as Aquaman's Atlantean…

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