Author: Taylor Mills

WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter #6! While D.C. Other worlds are famous for offering bold reinterpretations of iconic heroes, the Black Knights of Steel universe takes it a step further, completely flipping the script in a Justice League the hero's powers - granting them an ability that is the exact opposite of their typical canon representation. This isn't just a radical change for the hero; it also marks his most powerful upgrade in any continuity. By intertwining his powers and motives with humanity, the series shifts the character's focus away from plants - an especially…

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WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for Batman / Superman: the best in the world #34!In the last The best in the world launch, with Batman, Supermanand robin missing, the focus shifts to Batgirl and Jimmy Olsen. However, it wasn't this unlikely duo that caught my attention - it was who from The Bat Family accompanies Barbara Gordon that really caught my attention. This is the Dynamic Duo I never knew I needed, but now that I've tried it, I'm absolutely obsessed. ...if I had to pick any member of the Bat-Family to partner with the Bat-Hound in a miniseries, it would…

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WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter #6!Despite being one of the most talented mercenaries in the DC Universe, Deathblow consistently failed as a parent, possibly even rivaling Batman for the title of 'Worst Father' within the DCU. However, a Other worlds The story offers Slade Wilson a second chance at fatherhood, providing him with the happy ending that mainstream continuity has always denied him. ...the rebirth of his children allows Deathstroke to approach his relationship with Rose with greater emotional stability... Deathstroke fans know that his relationship with his family – especially his children, Grant, Joey…

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WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for Absolute Wonder Woman #3!After 84 years, DC has finally revealed the true meaning behind the 'Wonder Woman'surname. To say she's nothing short of badass would be an understatement, making the iconic name even more fitting for the Amazonian warrior princess. With this new meaning established, it's also the perfect time to look back and examine the Golden Age origins of the name Wonder Woman. ...the explanation of Wonder Woman's nickname also ties into the ongoing subplot of Diana's quest to discover more about her heritage... Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman, Jordie Bellaire and Becca Carey Absolute…

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WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter #6!While Batman may harbor a soft spot for iconic villains like Catwoman and Talia al Ghul, occasionally blurring the lines between enemies and lovers, an epic Other worlds reimagining presents a surprising twist. The Dark Knight forms an unlikely friendship with a villain previously considered an irreconcilable enemy. This unexpected alliance not only redefines their relationship, but also sets the stage for one of the most unconventional Justice League lineups ever assembled. ...under different circumstances, a path to friendship between Batman and Deathstroke might have been possible even within the…

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WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter #6!Mister Frozen has always been one of from Batman most iconic enemies, but he is often overshadowed by Joker chaotic reign of carnage, leaving him lower on the villain ladder than the Clown Prince of Crime. Now, however, Gotham's stone-cold rogue has revealed a chilling feat so brutal that it officially surpasses the Joker's body count, cementing his place in infamy. Jay Kristoff, Tirso Cons, and Wes Abbott's Deathstroke-Centered High Fantasy Dark Knights Steel: All Winter the series comes to an end in issue #6, ending with an epic confrontation…

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WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for Absolute Superman #2! DC gave Absolute Superman his official threat rating, but does it really capture the full extent of his power? Furthermore, with this new classification, comparison with the original Superman becomes inevitable – especially when considering who would emerge victorious in a battle between these two sons of Krypton. If the two Supermans met now, there's no doubt that the OG Superman would win in a landslide... Jason Aaron, Rafa Sandoval and Ulises Arreola Absolute Superman #2 picks up right where the previous issue left off, with Agent Lazarus Lois Lane handcuffing herself…

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The James Gunn trailer Superman was met with a wave of positive feedback, with fans praising everything from the film's overall aesthetic to the brief glimpses of other Justice League heroes. However, it's the humorous scene between the Man of Steel and his loyal companion, Krypto the Superdog, that really captured fans' hearts, sparking widespread discussion and a wave of fan art. The trailer scene between Superman and Krypto shows a bloodied and bruised Man of Steel landing face-first in an Arctic snowpack, before letting out a high-pitched whistle. Moments later, a cloud of snow reveals his ever-loyal companion, Krypto,…

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Harley Quinn Fans are officially divided, with some celebrating and others recoiling at the details of the announcement of the new DC series starring the Gotham City siren. Although the series is still months away from its release, it may have already earned the title of the most controversial comic book of 2025. ...'Harley Quinn Fartacular: Silent Butt Deadly' is the perfect series to debut a line of “scratch and sniff” copper... As part of DC's latest batch of solicitations, the publisher has announced a new series starring everyone's favorite Gotham City siren. But before fans start celebrating, they might…

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WARNING: Contains potential spoilers for Plastic Man No More #4! Batman is known for the contingency plans it has drawn up over the years to neutralize Justice League members if they become dishonest. While some of these plans are more elaborate than others, DC has just revealed a ridiculously simple weakness for one of the League's most invulnerable members - a vulnerability that the Dark Knight could easily exploit with nothing more than a quick visit to the supermarket. Given that science supports this non-lethal method of neutralization, it's safe to say that Batman would eagerly add it to his…

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