Author: Staci Miller

THE Harry Potter Hogwarts house features are a staple of the series - and every fan, from the most casual to the most hardcore, knows which house they belong to based on them, but the best and worst features of the Hogwarts house are often oversimplified . Gryffindor is often considered the best house, as it is the focus of Harry's time at Hogwarts. Hufflepuff is stereotyped as a house for simple people and Ravenclaw for bookworms. Finally, Slytherin is considered the house of “evil”. These stereotypes are found throughout Harry Potterwith Harry himself refusing to be sorted into Slytherin…

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THE Harry Potter Hogwarts house features are a staple of the series - and every fan, from the most casual to the most hardcore, knows which house they belong to based on them, but the best and worst features of the Hogwarts house are often oversimplified . Gryffindor is often considered the best house, as it is the focus of Harry's time at Hogwarts. Hufflepuff is stereotyped as a house for simple people and Ravenclaw for bookworms. Finally, Slytherin is considered the house of “evil”. These stereotypes are found throughout Harry Potterwith Harry himself refusing to be sorted into Slytherin…

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THE Harry Potter Hogwarts house features are a staple of the series - and every fan, from the most casual to the most hardcore, knows which house they belong to based on them, but the best and worst features of the Hogwarts house are often oversimplified . Gryffindor is often considered the best house, as it is the focus of Harry's time at Hogwarts. Hufflepuff is stereotyped as a house for simple people and Ravenclaw for bookworms. Finally, Slytherin is considered the house of “evil”. These stereotypes are found throughout Harry Potterwith Harry himself refusing to be sorted into Slytherin…

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All professors in Harry Potter Were once Hogwarts students, however Which house is Dumbledore in and which houses were the Hogwarts teachers? The Harry Potter The series establishes that Harry's magical boarding school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, separates its students into four different houses based on its founders: Godric Griffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin. Each Hogwarts house has different traits that the students predominantly possess, with, in the simplest terms, Gryffindor favored the brave, Ravenclaw favored the intelligent, Hufflepuff preferred the fair, and Slytherin coveted the ambitious. While the kids are the central focus of…

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