Xenomorph iconic monster Stranger franchise, but chronologically it was not the first, since Prometheus introduced a creature incredibly reminiscent of the classic Xenomorph before quickly forgetting about it. But Prometheus actually quietly explained what happened to his "first xenomorph", commonly known as Deacon. Deacon, also known as the "Proto-Xenomorph", made his debut in the 2012 film. Prometheusand its origins are more than complicated. When the Prometheus lands on LV-223 (in search of the Engineers), the crew discovers an ancient temple filled with canisters of the mysterious Black Goo. PrometheusBlack Goo is a mutagen designed to destroy life on a planetary…
Author: Spencer Connolly
Snoopy has several siblings who randomly appeared throughout Peanut comic. From Belle to Marbles, Charlie Brown's iconic dog has no shortage of family members who would love to stop by for a special evening. And one of his siblings particularly stands out, not only as perhaps the most recognizable of Snoopy's siblings, but also because he has a shockingly tragic backstory. IN Peanut In the comic by Charles M. Schulz, published on September 18, 1994, readers are transported to the desert where Snoopy's brother, Spike, wanders all alone. Spike talks to himself, breaking the fourth wall by addressing the reader.…
Godzilla is one of the most popular film franchises in history and has stood the test of time since its inception in the 1950s, meaning it's more than likely that Godzilla will not come to a definitive end any time soon. However, there is one particular comic book story that truly concludes Godzilla's story, and it is as perfect as it is dark. IN Godzilla: Oblivion #1-5 by Joshua Fialkov and Brian Churilla, scientists from an Earth without kaiju (World A) open a multiverse portal to a version of Earth infested with giant monsters (World B). The scientists of World…
Calvin and Hobbes is considered one of the greatest comics of all time not because it lasted the longest or because it continues to proliferate in other media (indeed, Calvin and Hobbes never received such treatment), but because this is sincere in every sense of the word. Calvin and Hobbes perfectly reflects the world through the eyes of a child, with all the ups and downs that happen in childhood. From struggling in class and troubles at home to epic snowball fights and games with friends (imaginary or not), Calvin and Hobbes nothing holds back when it comes to depicting…
Garfield is easily one of the most recognizable pop culture icons in history, and the reason for that is crystal clear: he's absolutely hilarious. Although there is no shortage of Garfield media in the form of live-action films, animated films and television series, the iconic orange cat began his career in Garfield comic book series created by Jim Davis in 1978, and the strip is still popular today. Davis made people laugh with his Garfield strips for almost half a century, and this is a mountain of comics that need to be read. How can you truly appreciate Garfield when…
Snoopy perhaps the most iconic character in everything Peanut catalog (even including Charlie Brown), and the main reason is that he is not one character, but several. Snoopy has no shortage of alter egos. Peanut canon, which allows him to participate in a number of adventures throughout the series, each reflecting a unique personality. From "Joe Cool" Snoopy to "World War I Flying Ace", Snoopy wears many "hats" in Peanutincluding "World Famous Tennis Player". The world famous tennis player is the alter ego of Snoopy, who first appeared in Peanut comic published June 11, 1970. In the comic's debut, a…
WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR FINAL SPIDER-MAN #13! "Kraven's Last Hunt" is one of the most iconic Spider-Man Storylines to date. It's hard-hitting, has heavy action, and is incredibly dramatic, not to mention shockingly dark. As the name suggests, 1987's "Kraven's Last Hunt" features Kraven the HunterWho decided to stop at nothing to prove that he is superior to Spider-Man. And now, history is repeating itself in the Ultimate Universe, as Marvel is remaking the iconic "Kraven's Last Hunt" for a new generation. In Marvel Comics' solicitation for Ultimate Spider-Man #13 by Jonathan Hickman and Marco Chechhetto, fans are given a…
Warning: Contains spoilers for Final X-Men #11! The X-Men Have had no shortage of costume changes over the years. From the classic black and yellow, to the iconic blue and yellow, to even individualized suits highlighting each member. And now, Marvel's team of mutant heroes is getting yet another costume change, and it's like nothing fans have ever seen from the X-Men before. In Marvel Comics' solicitation for Ultimate X-Men #11 by Peach Momoko, fans were given a sneak peek at the upcoming issue, including the cover art and official description. Who are the X-Men? Rise of the Masked Mutants!…
Far side is one of the most popular comic books in history, known for its surreal humor that satirizes all aspects of life from a variety of different and often bizarre perspectives. Unlike other famous comics, Far side uses a single-panel format in which there is no single main character.. Sometimes comics feature humans, sometimes they feature anthropomorphic animals, and occasionally dinosaurs take center stage. Far side. Created by Gary Larson in 1979 (which still creates new ones), Far side it's a masterclass in satirical comedy with an increased focus on the jokes themselves, replacing the agenda of the marketable…
Warning: Contains spoilers for Deadpool #7! Marvel Comics recently did the unthinkable: killed Wade Wilson aka Deadpool. Luckily, the Merc with a Mouth has a daughter named Ellie, who inherits his healing factor, and evidently, his bloodlust, as Marvel's new Deadpool just showcases her healing factor with an extreme kill worth of her father's iconic (and cruelly violent) legacy. In a preview for Deadpool #7 by Cody Ziglar, Alexis Quasarano and Andrea Di Vito, readers are taken on a mission with the new Deadpool, witnessing her being chopped by a gang of low-level criminals like it's nothing. During the violent…