Author: Solveig Herzum

Downton Abby's timeline follows the life of the Crowley family from 1912-1928. The series spans from 1912 to 1925, and the two movies from 1927 to 1928, which is when Downton Abbey: A New Era is determined. In England, these decades were a time of rapid change in social structures, with the rise of the working class, decline of the aristocracy and WWI. Over the course of six seasons and two films, Downton Abbey Connect the stories of the fictional characters with the real historical events happening around them both in the UK and in the wider world. The Downton…

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Downton Abby's timeline follows the life of the Crowley family from 1912-1928. The series spans from 1912 to 1925, and the two movies from 1927 to 1928, which is when Downton Abbey: A New Era is determined. In England, these decades were a time of rapid change in social structures, with the rise of the working class, decline of the aristocracy and WWI. Over the course of six seasons and two films, Downton Abbey Connect the stories of the fictional characters with the real historical events happening around them both in the UK and in the wider world. The Downton…

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