Warning: contains spoilers for Star Trek: Defiant No. 19! Star Trek rewrote what fans thought they knew about the Romulan supernova, making it entirely the Romulans' fault. One of the most important events in Star Trek In the 24th century, the Romulan supernova forever changed the balance of power in the galaxy. Currently, Star Trek: Defiant is approaching this monumental event. Issue 19 throws the ball at the fans, demonstrating Romulan arrogance, leading to their downfall. The Romulans debuted in the first season Star Trekin the episode entitled "Balance of Terror". Star Trek: Defiant #19 is written by Christopher Cantwell…
Author: Shaun Corley
Doctor Strange's Debut in 1963s Funny tales #110 was, even by Marvel's own admission, a quiet one, especially when compared to other character launches. Yet from this modest beginning has grown the entire magical corner of the Marvel Universe. Doctor Strange's earliest adventures were unlike anything else Marvel was publishing at the time. Under the direction of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, Doctor Strange fights some of the most powerful and scary villains in the Marvel Universe. Here are the first ten villains Doctor Strange fought, in chronological order. 10 Nightmare Doctor Strange's first villain is still his most terrifying…
The popularity of peace maker The DC Universe continues to climb, and now the anti-hero made famous by John Cena is back with his best friends for a miniseries. The newly announced Peacemaker Presents: The Vigilante/Eagle Double Feature! Puts the title characters in a standalone adventure, taking place between season 1 and season 2 of the Max TV series. The publisher announced the new project during its "Jim Lee and Friends" panel at New York Comic Con, along with the first details, cover art and preview pages of the incoming story. As the name implies, The five-issue series stars Eagly,…
Ghost Rider's The most extreme redesign offers a surprisingly perfect method for reinventing the character for an MCU adaptation. Eventually, a future phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will see the spirit of vengeance brought back to the big screen, and when that happens, Ghost Rider's redesign from 1998s Timeslip Would the perfect way to pull it off. Ghost Rider's redesign was part of Marvel's Timeslip Publishing initiative that sought to provide readers with bold new takes on some of Marvel's biggest characters by the top talent of the day. For the reinvention of Ghost Rider, Marvel tapped artist Glenn…
Warning: Contains spoilers for Star Trek #24! Star Trek Just given Voyager S Emergency Medical Hologram A heartwarming new goal in Canon. The Emergency Medical Hologram, or EMH, was one of Star Trek: Voyager's Most popular characters, with one of the franchise's most memorable story arcs. The EMH is designed to be the vanguard of a wave of holographic officers, and in Star Trek #24, a new and healthy variant is introduced. Robert Picardo, the actor who played the EMH on Star Trek: VoyagerWill reprise his role in the upcoming Starfleet Academy. Star Trek #24 is written by Jackson Lanzing…
Warning: Contains spoilers for "Petsurrection," appearing in Batman: The Brave and the Bold #17!DC just turned a surprise member of the Superman Family in their resident expert on magic. After Kryptonite, magic is Superman's primary weakness, and it's one that extends to several other members of the family, such as Supergirl. Still in "Petsurrection," revealed in Batman: The Brave and the Bold #17, An obscure, but underrated Superman family member finds himself a crash course in magic courtesy of John Constantine. "Petsurrection," revealed in Batman: The Brave and the Bold #17, was written by Zippora Smith and drawn by Mike…
Warning: May contain spoilers for Blade #1! Blade Enters his new R-rated era by forging his bloodiest weapon yet. In the wake of the recently found Blood dogBlade retreated to an island to reassess his life. However, it was not long before that Blade begins to create a new weapon with which he will unleash his pent-up fury. Bloodshed is coming to the Marvel Universe, as seen in a preview for Blade #1. Blade first appeared in Tomb of Dracula #10, created by Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan. Blade #1 was written by Bryan Hill and drawn by CF Villa.…
Warning: Contains spoilers for Absolute power #4! I can't believe identity crisis, DC S Controversial 2004 blockbuster, makes a sneaky comeback in the modern DC Universe. 20 years ago, comic fans were engaged by Identity crisis As they tried to guess the killer's identity. Identity crisis was not without controversy on many levels, primarily among them the ethics of mind-wiping villains. Now, in Absolute power #4, The shadow of Identity crisis Raise your head again. Absolute power #4 is written by Mark Waid and drawn by Dan Mora. Amanda Waller, whose campaign to destroy Earth's heroes has been thwarted, wakes…
Warning: Contains spoilers for DC All-In Special #1!I can't believe that DC revealed one of its classic villains is actually more powerful than Darkseid. The Lord of Apokolips, Darkseid, is considered the ultimate evil in the DC Universe. His single-minded pursuit of the anti-life equation has led him to subjugate entire populations, but now he's dying, as seen in DC's All-in special. This One-shot also reveals that one villain, under the right circumstances, is more powerful. Darkseid was created by Jack "King" Kirby. DC S All-in special #1 consists of two parts: "alpha" and "theo." In "Omega," written by Scott…
Warning: Contains spoilers for Star Trek: Defiant #18! Whether they realize it or not, an underrated Star Trek: Voyager Species may have just saved the galaxy. While traveling the treacherous Delta Quadrant, Voyager Encounter a number of new species, both friendly and hostile - most falling into the latter category. The Hirogen were one such race, menacing Voyager Several times during their journey. Now, in Star Trek: Defiant #18, The Hirogen may have inadvertently saved the galaxy. Star Trek: Defiant #18 is written by Christopher Cantwell and drawn by Angel Unzueta. Worf, Ro Laren and B'Elanna Torres are on the…