Author: Shaun Corley

Warning: contains spoilers Star Trek: Lower Decks #2! Move Star Wars! Finally, Star Trek has its own version of the iconic lightsaber – but which version is the best? Both Star Trek and Star Wars feature a series of cool weapons, be they phasers, blasters, photon torpedoes – or lightsabers. The lightsaber is unique in science fiction, but now they have reached the Star Trek universe – more or less, in Star Trek: Lower Decks #2. Star Trek: Lower Decks #2 was written by Ryan North and drawn by Derek Charm. The “Lower Deckers” are at the mercy of the…

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Warning: contains spoilers The question: throughout the entire Watchtower #2! DC is wasting one of Superman better villains – and it's time they took him more seriously. The Man of Steel's rogues gallery is deep, but apparently only a small handful of villains rise to prominence: Lex Luthor, Metallo, Parasite, etc.leaves a number of equally deserving villains wanting, and in The question: throughout the entire Watchtower #2, one of them advocates for more time in the spotlight. The question: throughout the entire Watchtower #2 was written by Alex Segura and drawn by Cian Tormey. While the Question investigates a murder…

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Warning: contains spoilers Star Trek #27! Star Trek The best new character in years may not be seen on TV, but the shows need to be watched ASAP. Two years ago, IDW Publishing rejuvenated its Star Trek line of comics with a bold new approach: mix characters from across the franchise and send them against a galactic threat. The books also introduced exciting new characters and one, Descheeni, it could be the best new addition to the franchise. Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly know each other well Star Trek comics, having written the acclaimed Fifth yearalso from IDW. In Star…

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Warning: contains spoilers Star Trek #27! Star Trek I just made a bold plea against the plethora of Spock variants. Mister Spock was one of the most popular characters in the franchise throughout its duration and, in the process, became a pop culture icon. As such, three different people have played the adult Spock over the years, and this awkwardness of Spocks is criticized Star Trek #27. Star Trek #27 was written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly and drawn by Mike Feehan and Tess Fowler. To lighten the mood on board the TheseusSisko hosts a dinner and invites his…

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Warning: contains spoilers West Coast Avengers #1! Iron Man has worn a variety of armor over the years, but now he's named his all-time favorite. Iron Man's armor represents the pinnacle of technological advancement in the Marvel Universe, constantly changing over time. An armor that Iron Man briefly wore in the 1980s remains near and dear to his heart, as seen in West Coast Avengers #1. West Coast Avengers #1 was written by Gerry Duggan and drawn by Danny Kim. Tony Stark, now part of the reformed West Coast Avengers team, is searching for a specific armor in an old…

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Warning: contains spoilers West Coast Avengers #1! Iron Man has worn a variety of armor over the years, but now he's named his all-time favorite. Iron Man's armor represents the pinnacle of technological advancement in the Marvel Universe, constantly changing over time. An armor that Iron Man briefly wore in the 1980s remains near and dear to his heart, as seen in West Coast Avengers #1. West Coast Avengers #1 was written by Gerry Duggan and drawn by Danny Kim. Tony Stark, now part of the reformed West Coast Avengers team, is searching for a specific armor in an old…

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Warning: contains possible spoilers for recent editions of Thundercats, like this ThunderCats: Summit! The “lost” ThunderCats are getting their own series that promises to expand the franchise even further. Earlier this year, Dynamite Entertainment revived the ThunderCats to critical and fan acclaim. The publisher promised even bigger and better things for the book's second year, and today the publisher announced the next title in the line: ThunderCats: Lostwhich highlights some of the franchise's most obscure characters. Dynamite Entertainment announced ThunderCats: Lost today, and the book will be the next entry in a line consisting of the main line ThunderCats book,…

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Warning: Contains spoilers for "Living Doll," which appears in DC Horror Gifts #2! One of from Batman The scariest villains have been reborn and are ready to make their presence known. Gotham City is home to some of the worst criminals in the DC Universe, such as the Joker, the Penguin and Black Mask. There are also a number of second-tier villains, all lurking just below the surface, waiting for their moment to come – and it does for one thing. in DC Horror Gifts #2. DC Horror Gifts #2 features two stories, and the first, “Living Doll,” by LaToya…

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Warning: contains spoilers Werewolf at night #4! Marvel just made a surprise UCM star in your new version of Hulkand now all he has to do is kill the original. The Hulk, fueled by rage and rage, left a trail of destruction across the Marvel Universe. He's in a class of his own, but as seen in Werewolf at night #4, the titular character received a rage-induced upgrade. Werewolf at night #4 was written by Jason Loo and drawn by Sergio Davila. The Werewolf, along with Elsa Bloodstone, is being held prisoner by Ka-Zar in the Savage Land. Suddenly, a…

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Warning: contains spoilers Black Canary: the best of the best #1! After 30 years, Batman finally acknowledged the help of an unlikely character at his lowest point. Bane breaks Batman's back during the Knight's Fall event, taking Bruce Wayne off the table. While Azrael defended Gotham in Batman's absence, Bruce traveled the world seeking to regain focus, and one hero in particular helped him, and they received a message in Black Canary: the best of the best #1. Black Canary: the best of the best #1 was written by Tom King and drawn by Ryan Sook. The issue is set…

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