Akira Toriyama’s most beloved creation is undoubtedly the iconic one Dragon Ball Franchise. The thrilling adventures of Goku and his friends have been a part of many anime fans’ lives for more than two decades. From amazing fights, hilarious comedic moments and moving scenes, this series has something for everyone. While the Dragon Ball Franchise has plenty of content for fans to enjoy, with more adventures coming in the highly anticipated AlwaysIt is always important to keep an open mind. There are some other incredible anime that Dragon Ball Fans are sure to love once they give them a chance.…
Author: Rodrigo Sandoval Lahut
On September 7 and 8, 2024, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Community celebrated the annual World Championship in Seattle, Washington, USA during this weekend, the world’s best duelists fought hard to be crowned as the indisputable champion. In the end, an American player named Ruben Penaranda rose to the top thanks to the deck of a favorite GX Character, Jubilee. Thanks to the new support released in the same year, the strategy used by Jaden’s partner and guardian was a completely unreliable deck against the best in the world. After more than two decades, one of the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Anime series characters have…
The Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime series is one of the most beloved franchises, thanks to the entertaining game it created, memorable characters and the intriguing plot of all its seasons. Although the main focus of all shows in the franchise is the card game itself, all seasons have an overarching story that keeps viewers invested. Due to the complex storylines and the understandable focus on the game, Some details in the franchise are never given a proper ending or explanation. The unresolved plot lines have become mysteries that Yu-Gi-Oh! Fans have wondered for decades. The franchise is certainly not lacking in the…
The Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel monsters Anime series has an abundance of cute and terrifying villains for the heroes to duel against. From a heartbroken CEO trying to bring his late wife back to life to ancient spirits looking to destroy the world, Yugi and his friends fought valiantly against some of anime’s most dangerous criminals. Yet, among the many antagonists in the series, One imagines how violent and terrible his acts were: Marika Ishtar. The heir of the Greeper family is best known for becoming possessed by his dark side during the exciting and sometimes infuriating final duels of the Battle…
throughout Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel monstersMany talented duelists were introduced to audiences. However, few of them were as strong and dedicated as Yugi’s main rival, Seto Kaiba. Kaiba, who loves to become the best player in the world, has spent years acquiring a variety of powerful and unique cards, as well as honing his skills as a Duel Monsters player. At the end of the seriesKaiba demonstrated time and time again that he was among the few duelists capable of playing against Yugi himself. His success as a player relied on his high intelligence and the outstanding monsters, spells and traps found…
For more than two decades, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime franchise has given fans a plethora of amazing shows to enjoy. Each entry in the series has distinguished itself by introducing unique characters, mechanics and stories. Although some themes are indeed shared, they often do not prevent the plot of a new show from Shining, which has kept the franchise engaging since the beginning. Still, it’s a trope utilized by almost every anime, one that could be considered the darkest of them all. Excluding Yu-Gi-Oh! SevenA series made primarily for a new younger audience, all the shows in the franchise have included…