Star Trek: The Next Generation Vito What could have been a fascinating story of Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) android daughter, Lal (Holly Todd), who was stolen by his evil brother, Lore (Brent Spiner). As the only android in Starfleet, Data initially believed himself to be one of a kind, Until he met Lore in TNG Season 1, Episode 13, "Datalore." At first, Data was happy to discover that he had a brother, and he believed the best of Lore. Unfortunately, Lore quickly betrayed Data, attempting to feed the entire USS Enterprise-D crew to the dangerous crystalline entity. like Star…
Author: Rachel Hulshult
One particularly progressive episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation addressed a hot-button topic in 1990. Since Star Trek: The Original Series Premiering in 1966, the franchise has always been ahead of its time. With his optimistic view of the future, Gene Roddenberry created a universe where the Earth has achieved peace and used its resources to explore the galaxy. TNG Expanded on this vision, picking up a century after TOS And then Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the crew of the USS Enterprise-D. Since its inception, Star Trek Held a mirror to society, addressing controversial topics, many of…
Dennis Crosby's friend Tasha Yar was a part of that Star Trek: The Next Generation Cast from the beginning, but I hate the way the show handled her story. Tasha Yar served as the Chief of Security on the USS Enterprise-D under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), but She doesn't get much to do during these TNGs first season. A few early episodes fill in elements about Yar's backstory, but it never really goes anywhere. Not only was Yar's backstory incredibly dark and traumatic, but it was even worse considering Tasha's ultimate fate. Dennis Crosby is gone…
Some modern Star Trek The show went back and explained things that were first aired Star Trek: The Original Series, But this mystery should remain unexplained. Following the adventures of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the U.S.S. enterprise, TOS Is the show that started it all. each Star Trek Series since has built on the ideas and story elements introduced on TOS. Captain Kirk and Spock (Leonard Nimoy) have become ingrained in popular culture and remain two of the most famous science fiction characters of all time. Modern shows like Star Trek: Discovery And Star Trek: Strange New…
Star Treks Lt. Montgomery Scott (James Doohan) made a long-awaited confession about his engineering prowess in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Over the three seasons of Star Trek: The Original Series, Scotty earned a reputation as a "miracle worker" For its ability to fix almost any engineering-related problem. As chief engineer on the USS. Enterprise of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner), Scotty maintained the ship's engines, as well as the transporter. Scotty was more familiar with the Enterprise's engines than anyone else, and he was responsible for saving the ship and its crew on many occasions. As…
As kind as you Star Trek: The Next Generation Death was, I am happy Star Trek: Lower Decks chose not to resurrect the character. throughout Star Trek: The Original Series, Unnamed crew members were regularly killed on off missions to illustrate how dangerous the situation was for the main character. This happened so often with red-shirted security officers that it became a trope referenced throughout popular culture. I appreciate that Star Trek: The Next Generation Started to make Star Trek Dead matter. Like many science fiction and fantasy properties, Star Trek has developed a habit of bringing characters back from…
Several Star Trek aliens made their debut on Star Trek: The Next Generation Before playing more significant roles on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, And a couple were even portrayed by the same actors. TNG Set the stage for a new golden era of Star Trek, influencing almost everything that came after. some of Star Trek Most famous aliens - like the Vulcans, Klingons and Romulans - are introduced on Star Trek: The Original Series, But others have not come out yet TNG. Some actors have portrayed multiple roles in the Star Trek franchise, and some have even played different…
The city has become one of Star Treks most famous and terrifying villains, but the cybernetic drones could have been very different. Introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 2, Episode 16, "Q Who," The Borg became an immediate threat to the crew of the USS Enterprise-D. When Q (John de Lancie) flies the starship Enterprise across the galaxy in Borg space, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) tries to deal with the drones that attacked his ship. Not only did the Borg completely ignore Picard, but they also proved incredibly adaptable, thwarting every attack the Enterprise had against them.…
Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) proved to be just as badass as Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn) in this classic Klingon episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. After initially relegated to the background in TNG Season 1, Worf soon started getting more and more substantial storylines. by Star Trek: The Next Generation In season 3, several Warf story arcs were introduced that would continue to affect the characters throughout TNG And Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Worf's complicated relationship with his Klingon heritage became a major aspect of the character How he struggled to reconcile being a Klingon warrior with…
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3, Episode 17, "Sins of the Father" introduces several Klingon storylines that will continue to affect Lt. Worf (Michael Don) for the rest of his life. Although Worf is largely relegated to the background in TNG Season 1, he eventually became one of the show's most popular and enduring characters. As the only Klingon in Starfleet, Worf often felt torn between two cultures. While Worf could have fully embraced his life as a Starfleet officer and abandoned his Klingon roots, he instead chose the hard path of claiming both. in Star Trek: The Generations…