Author: Quinn Levandoski

Marvel's mutants are once again dominating animation, and it's the perfect time to revisit an underappreciated theme. X-Men cartoon that ended in 2003. X-Men: The Animated Series is back in the public discourse, and for good reason. Although expectations were high for X-Men '97few predicted it would be one of the best Marvel projects of all time – animated or otherwise. However, while X-Men: The Animated Series is legitimately iconic, it's far from the team's only show worth watching. X-Men:TAS defined Xavier's team of heroes for a generation in the '90s, but it's far from the only show to prove…

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Although Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witchwasn't introduced into the MCU until Avengers: Age of Ultronshe had one of the most interesting character arcs in the franchise. In Marvel Comics, Wanda has fluctuated between hero and villain, though she's generally a force for good with terrifyingly unstable abilities. His involvement with chaos magic is unpredictable, and the MCU has captured this wonderfully. The MCU films introduced Wanda as a villain for the first time, although her motivations were later revealed to explain her tragic past and how HYDRA's awakening of her powers was simply an attempt to protect those she loves.…

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