Author: Marcelo Leite

each Batman Animated series explores a different side of the character, and some of the best Batman stories have been told in animation form. Over the years, Batman has been front and center in ten solo animated series from 1968 to 2014. This does not include other DC animated shows Batman has been a part of, such as Justice League Or Young justice. With the release of a new Batman series in 2024, animated productions still represent a huge part of the Dark Knight's legacy. Batman has been DC Comics' flagship character for a while, which is why the Caped…

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This article mentions suicide and self-harm. If Mr. Monk's Last Case: A Monk Movie 2 happens, the sequel can do many things that the first Monk the film was not delivered. Despite the title, Mr. Monk's Last Case it wasn't a definitive ending for Adrian Monk's character. In fact, the reunion created a Monk sequel to the film in many ways. It should be noted that Monk 2 has not yet been confirmedbut there are enough stories and characters that a sequel could revisit. MonkThe procedural nature of means it shouldn't be difficult to bring Adrian back for another adventure…

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Chase became the “new House” at the end of Season 8, but his fate had been foreshadowed five years earlier in Homeseason 3 finale. Given that House faked his death in “Everybody Dies,” the Princeton-Plainsboro Diagnostic Medicine department needed a new head. The fact that Chase got the job wasn't a surpriseeven more so because Home had been teasing for years that he would become Gregory House's successor. Throughout all eight seasons of Home, the show often raised the question of which of House's students was most like Hugh Laurie's character. House was the sun around which all the other…

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If Gabriel Macht returns to Suits: LA Even if it's a cameo, the next Suits the spinoff will finally tell the story of Harvey Specter that the original show couldn't. From the moment we met Macht's character in the pilot until SuitsBy the end of the series, Harvey Specter was always at the top of his game and bragging about how he only plays in the “major leagues.” One of Harvey Specter's defining characteristics was experiencing life at the highest level possible, particularly when it came to his work. Harvey's world changed a lot during Suits'Streak of nine seasons, especially…

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One pieceanimated film Alabasta Episode: The Desert Princess and the Pirates covered the Alabasta arc in 90 minutes, but the Netflix show will take a very different approach when adapting Luffy's next adventure. After One piece Season 1 covered the anime's first saga in eight episodesMany assumed that Season 2 would do the same with Alabasta, the second saga in the story. However, it has since been confirmed that One piece season 2 will only include Loguetown, Reverse Mountain, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden and Drum Island. In other words, the actual battle for Alabasta won't happen in Season 2 and…

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The cast of Fight for my way been in some of the best and most popular K-dramas 2024, and this is a perfect reminder to revisit the 2017 show. Starring Park Seo-joon, Kim Ji-won, Ahn Jae-hong, and Song Ha-yoon, Fight for my way tells the story of four young people trying to navigate life and love. Despite its simple premise, Fight for my way has become a fan favorite and is often listed as one of the best slice-of-life K-dramas. Not only did it have a fun story, but it also featured a promising cast of emerging stars. The fact…

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Zack Taylor, the original Black Ranger, left the team during Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2 and would only interact with his on-screen replacement 29 years later. The original Power Rangers the team went through some big changes over its three seasons, one of which was the departure of Austin St. John, Thuy Trang and Walter Emanuel Jones. At the end of MMPR Season 3, David Yost's Billy was the only one of the first five Rangers still on the show. Replacing four team members was no easy task, but Power Rangers surprisingly I found great new characters which were…

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Succession There are 39 episodes, and while it's hard to pick the best when there are so many great moments in the series, a few stand out. One of the best HBO shows of all time, Succession premiered on June 3, 2018, and ran for four seasons until May 28, 2023. Often blurring the line between comedy and drama, Succession turned three billionaire brothers fighting for their father's empire into relatable characters without ever ignoring how absurd their lives and everything around them were. Succession would dominate awards season during its time on airhaving won 19 Primetime Emmys. While Succession…

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Cheong-san becoming the villain in We are all dead Season 2 would be a heartbreaking twist for the K-drama zombie following her sacrifice in the Season 1 finale. We are all dead has four main characters – Cheong-san, On-jo, Nam-ra and Su-hyeok – three of whom are safe and sound ahead of the second season. We are all deadhowever, it remains a mystery. Although it would be difficult for a person to survive a falling building while the entire area was being bombed, there are enough clues that suggest that Cheong-san is alive. Firstly, Cheong-san was bitten by Gwi-na, a…

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A new Regular Program is officially happening, and the fact that the beloved cartoon will return in some form seven years after its final season makes the finale's meta jokes even better. Regular Program was one of Cartoon Network's wildest and most creative series in eight years. From the great characters to the bizarre plots, Regular Program didn't fit into a specific genre and always delivered something unique every week. This includes the Regular Program series finale, which was as smart and self-aware as you'd expect. Regular Program Season 8, Episode 27, “A Regular Epic Final Battle” was a three-part…

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