All the best horror films have a keen understanding of emotions and the ways in which they can harness them to create fear in the viewer. It is not uncommon to find them using elements traditionally found in drama and fusing them with the less grounded approach that horror movies allow. This can lead to more metaphorical approaches to real human drama, sometimes leading to even more exposed portrayals of human issues that are more sad than scary. True horror can be found in human emotions, and the best of the genre are able to use them for more revealing…
Author: Lilo Navratil
The 1990s were a turbulent period for Sylvester Stallonecareer after the highly successful decade that was the 1980s. As the cinematic landscape changed and action films developed, he found himself choosing roles that were either very similar to those in previous films or very different. Whether it's his oft-maligned comedies or his attempts to recapture the success of Stallone's best films like First Blood or the previous one Rocky films. There are still plenty of gems to be found in his work throughout the decade, with some of his best performances on display. He has always had an inconsistent track…
Thanks to the work of creatives like Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, the 1980s were an immensely profitable time for adventure movies. Whether it was a pastiche genre like Indiana Jones or a time travel comedy like Back to the future, there was no denying the staying power that many of these 1980s adventure films had. As the decade progressed, however, its production would slow with a growing wave of action films and independent films taking up space. Adventure films of the 1990s, which were not big-budget spectacles, had to adjust their productionappealing to smaller demographics to achieve success. This…
The best vampire films have long been a reference the horror genre since Georges Méliès The Devil's House. For years, they have played an important role in the genre. Classics like Dracula (1931), Ganja and Hess (1973), and Nosferatu The Vampire (1979) proved the importance and versatility of the genre. Now it's easy to look at the vampire film as an oversaturated subgenre, but with the boom in horror films in the 1980s, something of a drought emerged. Accesses like Scary night (1985) and The lost boys (1987) proved to be few and far between, leading to a decade filled…
It's not often that the best B horror films are praised for their performances, despite them often being made or broken by them. An actor unable to fully commit to the project they are part of can leave an otherwise enjoyable film unremarkable. It doesn't even necessarily have to be a normally good performance, just one capable of selling the viewer on the atmosphere and tone of a film. horror movies in general, they struggle to attract enough attention for the hard work their performances require. Year after year, horror actors are passed over for greater recognition because of the…
It's not often that the best B-horror movies are complimented for their performances, despite the fact that they are often made or broken by them. An actor who is unable to fully commit to the project they are a part of can leave an otherwise enjoyable movie unremarkable. It does not even necessarily have to be a typical good performance, only one can sell the audience on the atmosphere and tone of a movie. Horror movies generally struggle to get enough attention for the hard work their performances require. year after year, Horror actors find themselves passed up for higher…
The best vampire movies have long been a staple of The horror genre Since Georges Méliès' The House of the Devil. For years, they played a huge role in this genre. Classics like Dracula (1931), Ganja & Hess (1973), and Nosferatu the vampire (1979) all proved the importance and versatility of the genre. It's easy now to look at the vampire film as an oversaturated sub-genre, but with the boom of slasher movies in the 1980s, there was something of a drought. Heat like Scary night (1985) and The Lost Boys (1987) proved few and far between, Leading to a…
Thanks to the work of creatives like Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, the 1980s were an immensely lucrative time for Adventure movies. Whether it was a genre pastiche like Indiana Jones Or a time travel comedy like back to the future, There was no denying the staying power that many of the 1980s adventure movies had. However, as the decade waned, their output would slow with an increasing tide of action movies and indie films filling space. Adventure films in the 1990s that were not big-budget spectacles had to adjust their productionAppealing to smaller demographics in order to achieve success.…
New styles, new technology and new voices have changed the film industry Over the 1960s and left the 1970s a brave new frontier for cinema. As on-location shooting and low-budget film grew in popularity, it allowed new kinds of stories to be told. Thriller films As we know they were born in this era, with many of the best coming from it. Smaller cameras and experimentation with editing expanded the realm of what was possible when creating these types of stories. Legendary directors of the 1970s like Steven Spielberg, Sidney Lumet and Francis Ford Coppola cut their teeth in the…
The threat of nuclear war has existed since the conception of the nuclear bombHis lingering presence remains a huge source of anxiety for people all over the world. There have been spikes in anxiety over various decades, whether it's the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Cold War tensions of the 1980s. Film has tried many times to understand how the experience of a nuclear war will feel like, the shared anxiety proved strong enough to spawn a whole sub-genre of nuclear war movies. Movies that address the topic of nuclear war have to deal with the real horrors that we…