Author: Kurtis Seid

Quick Links How to Make a Cemetery Plot Going beyond mandatory objects Cemeteries are a new lot type added The Sims 4: Life and Death. They are important for when a Sim dies, whether unexpectedly or planned through their own story. However, cemeteries are also public land that the living can travel to at any time. They can even be assigned as club hangouts and celebrity hangouts from previous expansions. This means that a cemetery must be well maintained to make it a place worth visiting. Otherwise, the dead may soon be forgotten. The cemetery grounds are most often used…

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Quick links Easy access to secret letters Unique and clone characters Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics Has a lot of hidden letters. The collection includes six beloved fighting games, along with a beat 'em up based on The Punisher. For all fighting games, you can quickly switch to quick access to the special characters. This allows access to some powerful bosses, along with guest characters from other franchises. This includes Anita, the future vampire hunter of the Darkstalkers Series. Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics is a celebration of the cross-over franchise. Marvel even included Bengus Marvel…

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The first section of the Echoes of Vana'diel raid was released with patch 7.1 of Final Fantasy 14. The plot is an incredible love letter to Square Enix's original MMORPG, Final Fantasy 11. Players of the game over 20 will find lots of Easter Eggs and nostalgia at every step, but casually FFXIV Players may find themselves a little lost, as rapid-fire story beats and references are quickly presented without context. Similar to previous Final Fantasy Tactics and Nier themed attacks, Echoes of Vana'diel is not a 100% recreation of FF11. Squire Enix Creative Business Unit 3 took several liberties…

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A will allows you to pass on belongings and wealth in The Sims 4: Life and Death. During adulthood, a Sim can decide who inherits what items, how much money goes to charity, and what they want for funeral arrangements. Most of the will is automatically executed upon death, although living relatives may waive some details. Still, a will is a great way to ensure a Sim's legacy lives on. Creating a Will is entirely for play beyond the first generation of Sims. This makes it ideal for legacy challenges where starting Sims will age and eventually die. Using inheritance…

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Rebirth allows Sims to be resurrected The Sims 4: Life and Death. Some may go silently to the afterlife, while others will remain in worlds like restless ghosts. Sims who achieve the most in life will have the option to join a new family and return to a new form. This can resemble your previous existence or allow full customization to make any desired changes. This reincarnation is not simply a cloned Sim. Once they reach adulthood, they can regain many of their former abilities, and if they encounter someone from their past, they can recall lost memories. However, their…

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Quick Links How the Inquisitor impacts Veilguard's story The Inquisitor returns as an important NPC in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard. They were the main characters of Dragon Age: Inquisition, and your previous choices impacted the narrative. This could help boost Rook, Harding, and Varric's motivations as they begin their quest. It may even change some aspects of the ending, especially with regard to the Inquisitor's relationship with the main antagonist, Solas. Did they part as enemies, friends or even lovers? Although the Inquisitor's story has some impact on the story, Rook is still the star of Dragon Age: The…

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Wagnas is one of the seven main antagonists of the Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven. Due to the game being non-linear, who could be one of the first or last bosses you encounter? However, Wagnas only has two power levels: normal and hard, which makes him quite strong if you run into him very early. Still, you probably won't want to leave Wagnas until the last encounter, as they'll have even more hit points, defenses, and sudden tricks. Wagnas himself is the final boss of Flying Castle in SaGa 2 Romance. However, gaining access to this location takes…

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The Warrior class returns in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard. On the contrary, previous Dragon Age games, it's much easier to switch weapons on the fly. These result in any warrior being a sturdy tank and a powerful damage dealerdepending on the weapon wielded. However, most of its damage output is focused on hitting large crowds. To defeat tougher bosses, you'll still need to rely on Rogues to produce more attacks on a single target. This Warrior build was designed with Rook in mindwhich has more customization. There are two fellow warriors, Taash and Davrin, but their skill trees are…

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There are six factions to join Dragon Age: The Veil Guardand the choice is made during character creation, making it part of Rook's overall story. Some of these include long-standing organizations in the Dragon Age franchise, such as Gray Wardens and Antivan Crows. Others are from expanded media, like books and comics, and are debuting in a full game. This gives Rook an expanded perspective that may have been absent from past heroes like the Herald of Andraste and the Champion of Kirkwall. Choosing a faction changes the starting segments of the Dragon Age: The Veil Guard. This gives you…

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Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven includes more than 30 lessons. The remake uses the same systems as the 1993 original. This includes a generational timeline that sees characters retire, age, and die as the years pass. This results in many different party members coming and going as you go. This makes it important to replace departing characters and hire new ones. You also shouldn't get attached to anyone's name as they might die or give up. Apart from the first emperor, Gerard, all other classes consist of eight listed characters. During the history of SaGa 2 Romance, you…

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