Author: Kurtis Seid

The center is one of the most important positions in NBA 2K25. They are typically the tallest players on a team, allowing them to defend their basket more easily. Alternatively, they can also reliably dunk and rebound, allowing for a stream of two-pointers when on offense. However, centers may be slow on their feet or poor at dribbling, making it very important to pass the ball quickly, move into position, and then catch for a big play. Keep in mind that while centers are versatile, they are not a catch-all solution against every opponent. A large part of their game…

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There are 45 unique classes in Visions of ManaThat can make it difficult to select the best. Each of the five main characters has nine class options, each divided into the corresponding Elemental ship. These are earned at specific story points, but once unlocked can be used freely. While there are good classes in their own right, you need to be mindful of team synergy. It can be overkill if you make a full team of healers or have no one that deals high damage. It is also important to know which playable characters you have access to during the…

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Quick links How to start the Man-in-Stone quest How to defeat the Mother of Stones Steiner's mother is a minibus in Black Myth: Wukong Which is not as powerful as the full Yaoguai leader but can still be a challenge if faced unprepared. This is an optional action and mission, so you first have to track down the Mother of Stones. Even after the objective, there is no rush to defeat your query. You can take the time to get better abilities and items, making the fight easier. There are two ways to get stronger Black Myth: Wukong - Gaining…

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Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw is an optional host of Black Myth: Wukong. They are found early in the first chapter but should not be trifled with too soon. Since there is no obligation to defeat the frog Yaogai, you can collect strength and equipment before defeating it. Still, you should get to them at some point in chapter one; Otherwise, you will miss a fun fight and a fairly good crafting recipe. There are various means of preparing for unexpected boss fights in Black Myth: Wukong. You should always use the best staff available at the time. You can also have healing and…

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The First Prince of the Flowing Sands is a powerful boss in Black Myth: Wukong. You cannot challenge him directly but you need to best his father and brother. They also have royal titles of King And Second Princerespectively. However, despite being part of a family, each yaogai fights differently. This means you may need to change your pace and strategy once you meet the first Prince of the Flowing Sands. The boss is extremely difficult, which makes it important to come in with some new crafted armor Black Myth: Wukong. Some good choices include Bronze brocade battlerobe , Ebongold…

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The Chu Bai Spear is a powerful weapon forged during the third chapter of Black Myth: Wukong. It begins in the Pagoda RealmA prison-like zone found part-way through chapter three. You will need to rescue a fellow captive, simply known as Dee Prisoner. Getting to him will not be direct, as a magical barrier protects his cell further. Even after finally being released, the prisoner has a complete side quest that will bring you to different areas to fight several bosses. Although the Chu Bai Spear is a great weapon, it is not the only option. You should decide early…

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The Guardian Statues protect the Emerald Grove in Baldur's Gate 3. They are a fire elemental trap situated along the grove's Underground passage. Going to this location is not required to complete the main scenario. However, if you want to explore everywhere, it can be very useful to disable the guardians. So, they will no longer attack and leave you an additional means of going in and out of the zone. It is much easier to disable any form of trap by using Turn-based mode in Baldur's Gate 3. This stops time and allows each character to more precisely move…

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The Guardian Statues protect the Emerald Grove in Baldur's Gate 3. They are a fire elemental trap situated along the grove's Underground passage. Going to this location is not required to complete the main scenario. However, if you want to explore everywhere, it can be very useful to disable the guardians. So, they will no longer attack and leave you an additional means of going in and out of the zone. It is much easier to disable any form of trap by using Turn-based mode in Baldur's Gate 3. This stops time and allows each character to more precisely move…

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Crackling Energy is a Sorcerer status effect in Diablo 4. It is generated by certain skills and discharges automatically when foes approach. It gives extra reactive damage and can even give other benefits. It is an excellent means of improving your Lightning Elemental Damage. However, it will likely be impractical if you focus mostly on fire, ice, or even mixing multiple elements. This makes it important to stack up a lot of crackling energy benefits, or ignore it entirely. As mentioned, Crackling Energy should only be for a Lightning-based Sorcerer. You will also need to use the specific magic that…

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The Piano Room is an optional venue in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. As the name suggests, the room is filled with grand piano keys on the floor. The piano room seems mysterious, intriguing many players since its release on Nintendo DS. However, after nearly two decades of inspection, it's simply a fun area to play music. Still, with most of its keys functioning as accurate tones, you can use the site to recreate your favorite songs or compose original tracks. Castlevania: Dominus Collection Has released the classic games as faithfully as possible. This means that there are no new secrets…

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