Whether players are looking to get the Platinum Trophy Astro Bot Or just looking for extra things to do, finding and catching the Golden Butterfly is a fun way to stretch your gameplay and unlock the Net Profit trophy. Since the golden butterfly is hidden around the apes on the loose level, finding it will be your first objective. Unfortunately, after you have tracked the golden butterfly, catching it with your net is not as simple as it sounds. As you might expect, The golden butterfly is fast and seemingly deliberately trying to avoid you. Therefore, you must chase it…
Author: Kaitlyn Peterson
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Allows Potter fans to participate in one of the biggest sports in the Wizarding World in the Quidditch World Cup as one of 16 National Teams. Unfortunately, to have the opportunity to play in one of these teams, players will first need to work their way into some lower-tiered competitions. To participate in the Quidditch World Cup, players will first need to win the Hogwarts House Cup and then the Triwizard School Quidditch Cup. Once you have successfully conquered the Triwizard School Cup, you are ready to start the last section of the campaign and choose…
While playing through Persona 3 ReloadYou will eventually unlock the ability to use the shared computer in the dorm and even unlock secret URLs for it. All Secret URL's must be purchased from the person behind Club EscapadeAnd each one will unlock a different game mechanic or item that can be used to assist you in your game. Not all of his URLs will be available right away, but his inventory will grow as you progress. To enter Club Escapade at the Paulownia Mall, You must first reach level 2 of the Courage Social Stat. Once you can go inside,…
Quick links Where to find all black and white island items The end of Disney's Dreamlight Valley's A Rift in Time DLC With the latest update from Dapper Delights Disney Dreamlight ValleyThe third and last act of the A Rift in Time DLC Has arrived, and with it, a unique and complex search, the now and then search. After returning to where you left off in the DLC storyline, you'll eventually find yourself on a black-and-white island reminiscent of the past. Landing on this retro island is what will officially start the beginning of the Now and Then quest. Your…
Now that the conclusion of Disney Dreamlight Valley's A rift in time The expansion was delivered, players are finally free to offer a second chance to Jafar, who will first need help to retrieve some tools from the cave of wonders. To help Jafar find the tools he needs, you will first need to start his first friendship quests. Jafar's first friendship quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley is known as "The optics of a second chunke." To begin this quest, you will first need to unlock Jafar as a villager by completing the main story plot for A rift in…
Once players have formally unleashed Jafar in Disney Dreamlight ValleyThey will be able to start building his friendship, which includes helping him with some essence combinations during his alchemy studies. To have access to Jafar's friendship quests, players will first need to complete all three acts of the A rift in time The main story of DLC. After completing Jafar's first friendship quest and lowering him to friendship level 4, you will unlock the Alchemical Revolution quest. Throughout this quest, Jafar will need your help to work on some new experiments, which includes you and the other villagers helping him…
In Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3, Your party of misfit adventurers enters the Shadow-cursed landsA small area with many of the game's most important quests, which is why an Act 2 checklist is recommended to avoid missing any of the key moments. Since the land is cursed with lingering darkness, exploring and discovering the secrets on your own can be challenging. [Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3.] After completing everything in Baldur's Gate 3s Massive First Act, you will enter the shadow-cursed lands of the Mountain Pass or the Grimforge and the Underdark. The route…
Quick links Wyrm's Crossing and Wyrm's Rock Fortress In Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3You and your ragtag band of adventurers finally arrive in the big city with a truly overwhelming number of things to do, and so it's recommended to use an Act 3 checklist to avoid missing any of it. No matter which area of Baldur's Gate you explore first, this checklist will help you keep track of everything you can do before the grand finale. [Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3] If you've done everything in Act 2 and left the shadow-cursed lands…
By comes Emerald Grove in Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3You will encounter a political drama involving druids under an impending goblin raid while the Tiefling refugees face eviction. In between, you may have noticed the glowing idol resting on the pedestal in the Sacred Pool, surrounded by chanting druids. The idol of Silvanus is essential for the ritual of Thorns, which Permanently seals the player's Emerald Grove and expels all Tiefling refugeesexpose them to goblin attacks. Although the urge to take it may bite you, you should not be too hasty. Attempting to steal the idol during the ritual…
One of the key parts of Astrion's companion questline is reaching the ritual palace chamber where the ancient vampire Cazador plans to sacrifice victims of the city in Baldur's Gate 3Which requires you to unlock the evil door. Only by collecting two other items in the palace can you reach the boss found deep in the dungeon. Cazador's Palace, also known as The Szarr Palace, Is found in the main wall section of the Lower City once you reach Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3. This information is provided by finding and confronting vampire spawn outside the Outer City. Remember…