Author: Justin Epps

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Multiversus: Collision Detected #2!I have seen Superman Going up against a lot of strange enemies in the past, but I didn't count on ever seeing him take on Rick and Morty! Many Warner Bros. franchises are colliding thanks to a tie-in comic for the fighting game MultiversusAnd this includes the protagonists of the incredibly popular animated series. Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman are used to discovering new worlds, but after shared hallucinations brought them to the door of Mr. Miracle and Big Barda, they discovered the beloved cartoon character Bugs Bunny. But the arrival of Bugs…

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Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern Civil Corps Special #1!A powerful new Red Lantern is about to make things very difficult for the already struggling members of the Green Lantern Corps. Things have gone to hell under the leadership of Lord Premier Thaaros, but a furious new Lantern is about to kick things up a notch. Lord Premier Thaaros had spent the last several months fighting the emotional spectrum and had even discovered a way for his lanterns to use other parts of the spectrum. But now that the heroes have survived Absolute powerHal Jordan and his friends are out…

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Anyone who knows anything about Superman knows that the greatest icon in the DC Universe gains his powers from Earth's Sun. Thanks to his Kryptonian physiology, the Man of Steel can fly, blast heat vision, and use freeze breath as long as he's exposed to the familiar radiation. Fans may also be aware that when Clark is exposed to red sun rays (mimicking Krypton's Rao sun), his powers diminish. But how many know that Superman actually earnings powers when exposed to suns of different colors? From blue, white, and even purple, read on to discover the impressive abilities the Last…

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Notice! Spoilers ahead for Action Comics #1070!The green kryptonite angered Superman for years, but it's nothing compared to a hue that has a much more dire effect on Kryptonians. As bad as classic irradiated rock is, its variants are capable of causing much more serious damage. Kryptonite is, of course, the fragments of Clark Kent's home planet of Krypton, which ended up becoming the Man of Steel's greatest weakness. Several villains have used the iconic green stones to harm Clark and his fellow Kryptonians. But when a powerful threat from the Phantom Zone arrives in Metropolis, Superman must turn to…

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Notice! Spoilers ahead for Absolute Batman #1!The youngest Batman on the block comes face to face with its first real supervillains, and they reveal the dark depths of Darkseid New World. The Absolute Universe has finally debuted and it has a Gotham that makes the DC Prime Universe look like Metropolis in comparison. In his attempt to gain more power than ever before, Darkseid teamed up with the Spectre. However, his power grab was thwarted and his physical body was destroyed. But his energy was dispersed and imprinted on a young, alternate Earth, creating a world that reflected Darkseid's oppressive…

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Notice! Spoilers ahead for Absolute Batman #1!As the Absolute Universe begins in earnest, DC Comics reveals its newest from Batman shocking origins. While most stories about the Dark Knight usually start with a tragedy, a change is made to the Absolute Universe that is sure to have fans talking for months. The Absolut Universe is a new world created by Darkseid who, after trying to steal the Spectre's power, lost his physical body. But his energy was transferred to a young universe and altered it, creating a variant of the DC Universe where turmoil reigned supreme. This new world gives…

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Warning! Spoilers ahead for Batman #149!Having gone through hell Batman is finally ready to bring the former member of the Bat Family back into the fold. Bruce Wayne's life has had a lot of ups and downs lately, and he now looks back on his life with a much-needed sense of clarity. In the chaos of traveling the multiverse and battling his deranged backup personality, Batman turned against his loved ones in "Gotham War." The event drove a wedge through the crime-fighting team and nearly destroyed one of the Dark Knight's closest bonds. But now that everything has finally been…

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Summary Titans are reuniting after a betrayal in the DC Universe - Arsenal is leaving Green Arrow's team to return to his old friends. Green Arrow's actions with Amanda Waller have pushed Arsenal back to their old friends, the Teen Titans. Arsenal are struggling with Green Arrow's betrayal, but will find support among his old Teen Titans teammates. Thanks to a betrayal that's rocking the DC Universe, the original five members of the Teen Titans are finally coming back together. The Titans have led the DC Universe as its biggest superhero team for the past few months, but a key…

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There's no doubt that Batman is one of the most complex heroes ever created. Night after night, the Caped Crusader stalks the streets and rooftops of Gotham to protect the innocent from the many evils that lurk around. In many of the hero's stories, Batman has found some great lines, many of which perfectly encapsulate what makes the Dark Knight such a powerful fighter for justice. Whether talking about his tenacity or showing off to the villains he fights, Batman has many iconic quotes that demonstrate his determined spirit. Read on to find out the 25 best Batman quotes that…

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It may have come at the worst possible time, but the most humorous incarnation Justice League finally together again. After months of planning, Amanda Waller finally begins hunting down the world's metahuman population. Heroes from around the world unite to resist the onslaught, including the beloved Justice League International. IN Absolute Power #1 Mark Waid and Dan Mora, Amanda Waller whips the crowd into a frenzy. She seizes control of all media and broadcasts AI-generated videos showing superheroes going crazy and attacking innocent civilians. All over the world, people fear for their lives and respond by attacking any superhuman they…

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